The Tumbleweed

True story! Here are more Savage Family Moments. And more Christmas comics.

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4 Responses to The Tumbleweed

  1. Bill Dodd says:

    Thanks for this— I’ve been remembering the “tumbleweeds” of past Christmases a lot this year.

  2. Sam says:

    I remember 2 trees. First Christmas on my own, tried a fake tree but the Maine Coon Cat killed it. Last Christmas in an apartment with 11′ ceilings, we went HUGE. 10′ tall, 8′ around, tied to 2 heavy bookcases and all the ornaments I had and all the ones Sister #2 had. Took 6 hours to decorate.

  3. Sam Jordan says:

    My birthplace/hometown, Chandler, AZ builds an actual Tumbleweed Christmas Treeā€¦ yes, out of tumbleweeds, wrapped with baling wire & Christmas lights in the downtown square.

    No kidding.
    It has been this way since 1956/57.

  4. Mike Coultas says:

    I think we are all a little like that tree, We might not be perfect but we are still loveable šŸ™‚

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