The Unwanted

Happy Pi Day! (And happy birthday to everybody born on Pi Day!)

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8 Responses to The Unwanted

  1. Sams says:

    My brother-in-law upset his mom on the wedding day. When there were 23 pies and no cake (he hates cake).

  2. Ant says:

    “The cake is a lie.” –?

  3. chemgal says:

    My brother has frequently had birthday pie, because blueberries are his favorite and my family is willing to ignore tradition. Pro-tip: if it’s a warm pie, candles may not work so well, as they’ll melt inside the pie.

  4. Rusty says:

    Counterpoint: Does cake get its very own special day on the calendar?

  5. RAMPAGE says:

    If you don’t cut the cake or the pie it will only count as one piece.

  6. Leak says:

    To quote Scott Manley from earlier today: “Why do people like pie so much? It’s irrational…”

  7. Ann S. says:

    Lots of love for birthday pie! My husband loves a good strawberry pie for his birthday instead of any cake – and that’s been for as long as I’ve known him (32+ years and counting)

  8. BrianB says:

    There was a great deal of noise and activity but I wrote down the first 150 digits today. Yes from memory. Sadly I goofed the 141st digit. Conveniently no one cares.

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