Savage Chickens - Beyond Texting

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17 Responses to Beyond Texting

  1. grampa says:

    For me, texting was always just email without the convenience of a thread to tell what the heck you just replied to.

    I’m waiting for voicemail to come back around and become the primary communication method. Forget answering in real time, just send voice messages as if they were texts.

  2. Chris says:

    I could actually see this becoming a reality in the not too distant future.

  3. Traci Perg says:

    Dude, how is there no “share” button on your page? This is awesome and I wanted to put it on facebook!

  4. Greg says:

    –. — — -.. — -. . -.. — ..- –.

  5. Blizno says:

    …. ._ …. ._ …. ._!

  6. R says:


  7. Randall says:

    How about binary code? Or smoke signals? 🙂

  8. Dave D from WV says:

    “Western Union! Dit-dit-dit-dit-dit, dit-dit-dit-dit-dit, dit-dit-dit-dit-dit, dit-dit-dit-dit-dit….”

  9. mcb says:

    The morse code chicken’s phone only has one button!

  10. Lol, thats just pure awesome.

  11. willwot says:

    Xclnt b abl 2 no wot s riten

  12. willwot says:

    oops… -..- -.-. .-.. -. – / -… / .- -… .-.. / ..— / -. — / .– — – / … / .-. .. – . -.

  13. willwot says:

    @mcb telegraph only had one button

  14. Rohin says:

    Great concept! Loved it and shared it with everyone I knew. Makes you wonder about the human need to “express” ideas and opinions at all…no matter how they are expressed. Savage Chickens is officially one of my new favorite cartoons.

  15. Francie says:

    Actually, it looks like the chicken on the left has a Motorola Krave, which is a touchscreen with a clear flip cover. I only know because that’s what I have, and it rocks. 🙂

  16. LaraKimbo says:

    Yeah, I totally want to request this for a mug. I want to get it for my dad for christmas!!!!

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