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9 Responses to FARQ

  1. steve says:

    thanks Doug, been a hard few days, but (as always) your cartoons brighten my day.


  2. Ant says:

    Yes, we’re all insane/crazy.

    NBA, CBS, Care Bears, etc., and I care!

    Chicken/You should know everything!

    Yes! Oink!

    Stop FARQing! 😛

  3. haha That’s a great one!

  4. Nicola says:

    Your humour helps to prevent some days from being a total farqing waste of time. 🙂 I feel less farqed up when I look at your post-it notes.

  5. berdario says:

    Is the pope catholic?

  6. InvisiTech says:

    How about “You’re not going out dressed like that! Are you?”

  7. infrapinklizzard says:

    So, basically what you’re saying is, “FARQ you”?

  8. Aud says:

    *I wonder if this cartoon makes me look fat…*

    My dad used to FADRQ(Frequently Asked Direct Rhetorical Questions). UUUGH.

    @Chris: “Ask your mother/father.” XD

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