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10 Responses to Read My Blog

  1. Connor says:

    Hehe! It’s what we all want to say but can’t.

  2. Mommmeeeee! says:

    D’oh! I get it now, we’re only supposed to have a “blog” so we can post comments to Savage Chickens. Excuse me while I go delete some things…

  3. jkirlin says:

    Oooh, this hurts! Heh heh

  4. Karikatur says:

    Ohh, this is mean 🙂

  5. human hyena says:

    But sometimes people are interesting on their blogs even though in person they are not.

  6. bobbie says:

    A big YES to that last comment.

  7. Lee Milthorpe says:

    That is so cruel but very true!

  8. stephanie says:

    Yea blogs, oh boy. Its really the hipsters that think people read their blogs.

  9. I guess it makes sense someone might be more interesting on their blog than in person. They’re less afraid to say things online, less shy, whatever. Thanks for the pic, I’m definitely going to use this on some of my friends.

  10. Squirrel TV says:

    Ouch, but true and funny.

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