People I Hate
[Technorati tags: Cartoons, Chickens, Noise Pollution, Hate]
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- 1. The Internet
- 2. Faux Pas
- 3. Direction
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- 6. Bad First Date #65
- 7. Awake in the Dark
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Thanks for this!
In my neighborhood, apparently it’s also required that 2 a.m. riders never shift out of first gear while revving the engine to red line, for maximum ear-splitting whinnnnnnnnnnnne.
Only 427?
I like this. This is very good. Quite funny and I enjoy it alot. I hope you keep doing this. This is a good thing, this thing that you do. Yes.
Mm. Yes.
See! I TOLD you it was a chicken riding that motorcycle last night!
People I Hate #2: The “I told you so” fanatic–especially when they’re right!
I have to control myself from printing this out, cutting it out and taping it to my neighbors door… Bravo!
This is so true! May I ask, was this drawn at 2 a.m.?
So true!! From personal experience with inconsiderate neighbors I would make an addendum: “Ah, 2 a.m.! Time to tromp home, laugh insanely in the parking lot for all to hear, slam doors and move heavy equipment!”
Any chance of getting your sticky note to replace the Family Circle in my funny papers?
As I read this, it is 3:22 AM and I can hear engines revving outside. Heh.
Please please let’s have the next 427 sequellites…
this cartoon has inspired me to wear little wing-shaped gloves to bed so I can smack my alarm off instead of merely clicking the button
I love riding my motorcycle early in the morning or late at night, no cars around to get in my way. and its so much quieter, so i can hear my engine that much better.
keep the bike ,put the chicken on the bbq
Aren’t BBQ references forboden on this site? We need a BBQ comic…
yay quiet residential areas will feel my pain of being woken up early and forever being tired… and homicidal >:D
OMG! this is so true and so what if you like hearing ur engine? CONSIDER THE REST OF US WHO HAVE JOBS OR THINGS PLANNED AND STOP DOING THIS!
Move to the country you haters…then the Chickens will wake you up…seriously!