Savage Chickens - Fun With Genetics 3

More genetics: 12.

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12 Responses to Fun With Genetics 3

  1. Jen says:

    Poor Snailigator. If he’d gotten the mouth of a snail he’d be fat & happy eating vegetation (which tends to stand still).

  2. Anonymous says:

    We were recently in the south, and looking at the amount of kudzu growing all over everything.

    Someone needs to combine goats with monkies. Those gonkies would clean it right up.


  3. Jackie says:

    Hi Doug: I love Snailagator. Isn’t he just the rest of us with our big plans and less-than quick follow-thru! Keep um coming.


  4. Anonymous says:

    So much for getting fast food…

  5. Kevin says:

    What a great mental image! It’s like the steamroller sceen from Austin Powers!
    How silly would you feel if you got bitten by the Snailigator?

  6. Anonymous says:

    I love it, I love it I love it. Almost as cool as the Crabbit. Who would win in a duel between Crabbit & Snailigator? This I need to see.

  7. Anonymous says:

    As anonymouse said the snailigator would win.

  8. newsong says:

    Ah ha ha, wow. That’s awesome. I’m finding a bunch I haven’t seen before…

  9. hey!this time the genetics has proven to be a curse….pity SNAILGATOR.

  10. edjusted says:


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