Savage Chickens - Poet-Bot

And that has made all the difference.

More Poet-Bot: 1 – 23456

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12 Responses to Poet-Bot

  1. Radioactive Jam says:

    Less than 30 seconds after I finished reading this cartoon, I slipped into “how might I ‘improve’ i.e. hack this code” mode.

    Clearly I have no life.

    (But it’s still a great cartoon)

  2. Anonymous says:

    try deciphering what came first– the chicken or the egg, poet-bot.

  3. kthompsn says:

    Profound. Verily.

  4. Elizabeth says:

    The first time I read that poem (in high school), it sounded a lot like the Poet-Bot’s version! Gotta love public school…haha!

  5. ZaidaZadkiel says:

    road_taken = (road1_traffic < road2_traffic ? 1 : 2)
    output = diff(road1, road2)

    “Set the value for road_taken to one,
    if road1_traffic is less than road2_traffic
    otherwise the value is two.
    Output is the difference between road one and two”


  6. Tim says:

    I, for one, enjoy the poetry written by our robot overlords!

  7. Anonymous says:

    if x > 1
    Then y = “to be
    else y = “not to be”
    output = y + “that is the question”

    Im so very ashamed

  8. Robert Johnson says:

    if (x=woodchuck::chuck(wood)) printf(“quantity=%d\n”,x);

  9. HappyCat says:

    I feel smarter! 😀

  10. Lester Smith says:

    question = (2b || !2b)

  11. Anonymous says:

    The function for choosing the road to take is deficient, as a matter of logic and of fidelity to the poem — because it ignores the trichotomy of conditions given as (1) A < B, (2) A = B, or (3) A > B.

    Namely, the poem offers the facts that the alternative roads seem to be equal, a priori. The poet then must have selected on other grounds, unmentioned here — leaving us with the impression of the Age of Uncertainty. There is no criterion score validating one’s choice — which then becomes essentially arbitrary, or random — a choice compelled only by the circumstances of having to make a choice.

    In the last stanza of the poem, the poet opines that he was unable, with foreknowledge, to determine that the road that he took was going to be the one less traveled by. He could have whined about his “mistake” at that point — but instead he simply observes, that’s the way life is, you must make choices among equally plausible alternatives — without any justification for the road you choose. And, he does not rationalize his choice, for its consequences to him, that the one he chose proved, after all, after the fact, and despite an initial apparent equality, to be less traveled. Sigh.

    Hence, the proper function coding for the choice procedure is missing the element of indeterminacy. I suggest this:

    Procedure Choose_Road(A,B)
    If A > B, Choice <- A
    Elseif B > A, Choice <- B,
    Else Choice <- Random(A,B)
    Return Choice

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