Eight Steps
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Man, that’s depressing. He went the whole day on just one cup of coffee!
This disturbs me. Have you been watching me??
Life…in a nutshell. (from OR&A?)
As a good friend just said to me in IM: “Hilarious, and horribly depressing”
Doug, usually you make me laugh. Today, I think I will cry. You hit the nail on the head!
Wow…reminds me of the original Life In Hell strip (Matt Groening) – and I mean that in a very, very, good way!
Depicts my life too closely… my sad life… 🙁
Good news! If you work from home it’s six easy steps.
Thanks for the laughs Doug.
swap out the car for a BART train and you have my life, that is so incredibly sad on soo many levels.
Rofl! So sad and so true….
Now this one DESERVES to be on a coffee mug
did one also on pretty much the same idea six months ago:
heheh ya this is a pretty depressing one, eh?
Thanks Alyxx for the Life In Hell comparison – I think that’s one of the best compliments a cartoonist can get!
Great Time-Waster, you are so right.
There is a horrible screaming metal band out there called “Bludge” and they do a song that is like the soundtrack to this cartoon. My friend loves that song, so I HAD to email him this cartoon. He has it pinned up in his cage. Funny!
That truly is sad that your friend in this band is “caged”, while the Savage Chickens roam freely (even if it is just to a dreary work cubicle and back to his lonely home).
Nobody said life was easy and then along come chickens !!!!!
That is harsh. Those poor poor chickens.
Does your life not involve toilet breaks and meals?
I think Faith No More said it best: “Birth, School, Work, Death”
Why do I feel so emo???
take 3,5 and 6 out and its my life! hah
I love it. That is my life (except I take the train) and I couldn’t be happier. I enjoy my job and I enjoy watching TV and I love a good coffee. I really appreciate that the chicken doesn’t need outside validation or alcohol-based escapism to fool himself that anything is better than watching TV and drinking coffee.
None shall pass
I hate working with people.
Chickens are much more friendly…….
Even better, Slipknot’s album titled “Mate, Feed, Kill, Repeat.”
This is basically why I just sit at my mom’s house and play video games all day. Why even bother with real life when it’s actually just a tremendous chore?
Seconding the “take out 3,5, and 6” bit.
that chicken should be so lucky as to have a secure lifestyle…i mean in the end isn’t that all you want out of a work week. that is just his typical day…i am sure he gets out on the weekend and ruffles a few feathers. life could be a lot worse.
if only he grew up on an organic farm……………..
Sorry, but this only applies to boring people. You deserve this fate if you can’t think of anything better to do.
This may be reality for a lot of people, but it’s more by choice than by circumstance.
this is called Capitalism
That really is life, maybe throw some general and pointless conversations with people.
Where’s the sex?
now thats depressing!
Where do I purchase a shirt with this philosophy emblazoned upon it? Black imprinted on white cotton would be fine.
It sums up my existence.
Thanks for nothing.
Yes it is sad but this refers only to his work day. Please show him trying to make an egg with a “fowl other” and show him happy! Even if its depicted in only 2 panes of sketches. Thank you, it will make this seem bearable.
A cute bit of fatalistic cartooning, but I challenge this on philosophical grounds. Life is what takes between the frames of this story.
We call that “metro, boulot, dodo” in french
Whoa… I’m a chicken!? We didn’t anyone tell me this!
… Damn.
The trick is to tweak 4 + 6, do your own stuff as well at the work computer and turn off the tv at home, then you may stand a chance of breaking the cycle =]
I shouldn’t have looked at this. Now I’m depressed -_
Sad that most people live as if there’s some rule that says they must live this way. There isn’t and you don’t have to.
wtf… what I’m doing whit my life!!?? =(
That’s so cynical I want it on my wall! Would it be possible to post a higher-resolution version?
This is wrong… so wrong… makes me want to go join the Peace Corps or something.,
depressing and funny at the same time. i also would like a higher resolution of this if possible 😐
:-} jaja veo que la forma de vivir es universal.En el otro lado del mundo pasa lo mismo.
I see that the way of living is universal. In another side of the world the same thing happens(passes).
jesuschrist, this one got me so depressed i had to make all of my friends watch it in order to feel a little better.
everybody seems to share this APOCAPYPTIC vision of life.
Soooooooooooooooooo not true… well, xept for you lame asses!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha ahahahaa ahahahahahahaha (mad scientist laugh).
[…] Eight Steps […]
What, no cigarette break? Damn Smokers…
Every day above ground it s good day. . . when you consider the alternative
I replace Step 6 with an additional Step 4, but Yep…pretty much that!
Simply genius!! That’s summed up perfectly! Love it 🙂
Brilliant! But I think eyes at step 4 should be more like eyes at step 1 & 2.
Love Savage Chickens!
Ahaa so true! It’s a bit depressing but FISH!!
I really appreciate that the chicken doesn’t need outside validation or alcohol-based escapism to fool himself…
por fin! alguien que piensa como yo!
[…] Bonus: Doug’s Pick #1 and Doug’s Pick #2! […]
Is it possible to have a mug with the cartoon life in 8 easy steps?
Here it is, Laura!
2021 update
After a year and a half: skipping steps 3 and 5 doesn’t make it any better.
Fall 2021 update: going back to 3 & 5 is far worse when you didn’t do them for the last 17+ months (even if technically I did them for about 3-4 hours/week as one task required physical presence, but there were hardly any cars on the road, almost no annoying co-workers in the office, and for much of that time, where else interesting was I going to go, anyway?), and 4 is the same but with 8+ hours of oxygen deprivation.
[…] 2007 – Eight Steps […]