Savage Chickens - Text Messaging

And there’ll be more pirate chickens next week leading up to International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

More pirate chickens: NemesisMessage In A BottlePirate PsychologyTalk Like A Pirate 2007

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14 Responses to Text Messaging

  1. Eileen says:

    Mr. Savage-you make me giggle daily!

  2. tazcat says:

    Damn, I got sucked into that Pirate website all day yesterday. Gah! I now even have a Pirate name! I blame you, Doug!

  3. Allen says:

    Of course, a pirate’s REAL favorite letter is actually “P,” which is “R” with a leg missing!

  4. aly says:

    YHH and a BOR!

  5. SteveO says:


  6. OD says:

    This made me giggle soooo much…

  7. Anonymous says:

    i love pirate shorthand!

  8. Seraphine says:

    Do chickens have to
    hunt and peck
    when they text message
    like I do?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Savage you make me smile!

  10. minijonb says:

    if i had read this earlier, i would have been laughing all day. can i go back in time and correct the situation?

  11. Gerald Ford says:

    I B pirate, Har Har!

  12. carol c [disenchanted] says:

    yo ho a pir8s life 4 me! X]

  13. Granny Annie says:

    Just found you. This site is more fun than a barrel of chickens!

  14. TextRar says:

    Ashamed to admit it actually took me a moment to get this. In my defense it is 3am!

    Annual talk like a pirate day is coming around. I think this is what my SMS inbox is going to look like.

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