Savage Chickens - Blogging

More blogging.

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13 Responses to Blogging

  1. Pablo Bleyer Kocik says:

    It is quite incredible to see how the chicken drawings have evolved since the last blogging comic… Perhaps this is the symptom of a reverse Parkinson syndrome? 😉

  2. Anonymous says:

    wahahahaha 😀

  3. Anonymous says:

    THE best one from you I’ve seen so far.

  4. Chris says:

    I love the look of glee on the face of the blogging chicken.

  5. Alice says:

    HA! I love it.Though it resembles more than blogging, but love it.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I’ve seen most of yours Doug, but this is one of the best!

  7. BarefootMedia says:

    I’ve been wondering how to spell being swallowed. If only I’d used a keyboard instead of that podcasting microphone, I’d still have a working microphone. And I would have gotten the correct spelling (it was hard picking out the microphone noises from all the gagging, by the way don’t try this with someone you like, I’m just saying.) But to think all I’d needed was a keyboard & a chicken, I am so embarrassed.

  8. Seraphine says:

    chickens still use
    the ‘hunt and peck’
    typing technique.

  9. Ms Hairy says:

    It would be ironic if someone twittered that they were reading this cartoon.

  10. Anonymous says:

    HA!This is SO true. XD

  11. Anonymous says:

    No, no, no, the syllables are all wrong. That should be…

    Most chickens still use
    A basic typing technique
    They just ‘hunt and peck’.

  12. mmhan says:


    The funniest ever!

  13. Gavin says:

    This is probably my favorite. So amazingly clever.

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