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But Chickens fly, right?
Not with a spare tire, they don’t
No, no it’s not!
ROFL. Did you know that 100% of tire swing accidents involve tires? It’s true!
I just spewed coffee all over my pc.
Thanks, Doug!
This should be retitled: EXTREME Tireswinging!
(Hopefully it was one of those Mountain-Dew commericial jerks who exited stage right.)
Sadly, most other birds could fly back up.
Oh, this is the highlight of my day! This is awesome!
As god is my witness, I thought chickens could fly
ok, i’m late with this one, but..
Is that an ACME tire swing. The cliff looks a little familiar, like you could expect a road runner (another non-flyer)and a coyote next.
The domesticated chicken is too breast-heavy to do more than ‘fly-hop’ from one low perch to another. Generally, those that show flight-tendancies have their wings clipped to keep them from ‘flying the coop’.
The wild jungle fowl (precursor to the chicken), has been known to fly short distances to reach their nocturnal roosts up in the trees. So yeah, a jungle fowl would have made it.
My brother broke his ankle falling off a tire swming.
Never laughed so hard in my life. He is a grown man and had too many beers and thought it would hold him. Alas he was wrong.