Hello! I hope everyone out there in chicken land likes this new website. It took a while, so thanks for bearing with me if you’ve seen any weird stuff on the site lately. Here are some of the new changes:

1.  Better navigation including a fancy calendar and post views by theme/character. For example, check out all the PROD posts or view cartoons only.

2.  Better search so it’s easier to find posts by character or theme.

3.  Category posts which means, besides posting chickens it’s easy for me to write up posts recommending other fun stuff.

4.  Easier posting for me which means it’s easier for me to talk to you, which I really like.

5. A contact form….so it’s easier to fire off a quick message to me if you want.

6. A fancy new server from the great folks at LiquidWeb, so the site isn’t running out of space any more and should be more reliable.

I’ve spent a lot of time testing the site but hey, mistakes happen. If you have any problems with the site, the feed, or your email subscription, please let me know. The new site may be a bit wonky for the next little while while we iron out the bugs.

I hope you know how much I appreciate everyone who reads the chickens. Thanks for reading and sticking with me for the last 3.5 years. Enjoy the new site!

Best wishes,

Doug 🙂

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14 Responses to Welcome to the New Site!

  1. No. 6 says:

    AMAZING! Congratulations! This is the best news for chickens since, well… ¡The egg!

  2. lisa says:

    The new site looks great! I can’t imagine how long it must’ve taken you.

  3. Mike says:

    Looks nice, but to tell you the truth, I only see your comics in my news reader.

    But I’ll buy a shirt!


  4. Mike says:


    you should give the .postmeta css class a clear: left or clear: both style so the dotted line does not appear ‘under’ floated images in short posts.


  5. Robin Capper says:

    Looks great, love the chick’toons

  6. Jiffy Burke says:

    Lovin’ the new site! Raising a chicken-mug full to the brim with an unidentified (but delicious) beverage and shouting out a hearty “cheers!”

    Wishing you all the best,

  7. Aud says:

    I like how the comics are filed under one page now, instead of having to hit the ‘back’ button everytime like it used to be.

  8. Heather says:

    I wondered why my RSS feed had been dead for a few days. Congrats on the new site, by the way, and while I don’t want to be a grump, any chance the chickens may actually appear in the RSS feed like they used to?

    Either that, or it’s back to Savage Chickens as my default home page in my browser. =o/

  9. Jesi says:

    I also don’t see the cartoons in my RSS reader, which means…no chickens for me.

  10. mlc says:

    and no images in the RSS feed???? sniff sniff

  11. Doug says:

    Hi! I’m looking into these feed problems so hopefully I’ll get them all sorted out soon! thanks for letting me know!

    There are still a few bugs to work out here and there, but a bunch of the big site-crashing ones have been taken care of already. Phew!

    Glad to hear everybody’s enjoying the new site – thanks for all the great emails I’ve been getting about it!

  12. Thanks again for all the fantastic cartoons!

  13. A little behind the times here — just now seeing the new site. Overall a tremendous improvement, but I find it harder for my eye to catch the title of each post. Perhaps it’s because of the light blue or the fact that the “Buy This Cartoon” graphic bumps over the title in each post below it.

  14. Woah, I had actually thought you stopped posting about a month ago because I haven’t had anything new in my rss feeds… Today I got curious and discover the site is still going strong. Your feed must have changed when you switched to the new site, if it all possible, you should post something on the old feed alerting all us aggregators out there about the change. Glad to see the site is still alive and kicking and I’ve updated my feed reader with this address. BTW, I’d highly recommend using Feedburner for distributing your feed. It’s really useful because readers can always use the same feed url, but you can update the url when you move sites without readers needing to change anything. I hope that made sense.

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