Day of the Ninja 2008
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Chuck Norris does not blink his eye… his eye blinks him! ! OMG, russian reversal.. kewl..
Chuck Norris doesn’t have staring contents. Chuck Norris only has staring/roundhouse-kick contests, and Chuck Norris never loses at staring/roundhouse-kick!
Doug, this is really funny…especially because the ninjas (plural) could switch places with each other every time (plural) Chuck would blink. So they would exhaust him, then skewer him with a sai.
You should introduce a new ninja character…Ninja Kitty 🙂
Ninjas Rock My SOCKS!!!!
Chuck Norris doesn’t blink. He simply wills the universe to go black for a moment to give his eyes a rest.
that wasn’t a blink,
that was a flicker.
Doug, this was perfect! Ninja chicken should be a permanent fixture.
Do chickens even have eyelids?
love the cartoons. Hillarious!
Dude! You have the Shogun Warrior Godzilla in your “Behind the Scenes!” Mad respect!
It’s simple: Chuck Norris wins every staring contest. Even if he blinks, sleeps or is absent. Actually, he even wins a staring contest against a pair of eyes, that is drawn on the wall.
@Gord: Chickens do have eyelids.
The funniest part is how much Chuck Norris looks like Kenny Rogers.
Love the strip.
Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open!
That’s cookie monster in a ninja disguise!