Savage Chickens - Fun With Genetics 6

More genetics.

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18 Responses to Fun With Genetics 6

  1. Clairedete says:

    Very good! Would look awesome on my lawn!

  2. steve says:


    i think The Adventures of Gazebra would make a good running thread.

    Nice one.

    : )

  3. Kim Ayres says:

    OK, you got me. I’ve been lurking for months and chuckling quietly. This time I had to acknowledge your genius 🙂

  4. Cheryl says:

    hahaha…I love the look of consternation on the second chicken’s face.

  5. Mike T says:

    A new challenge for the all mighty crabbit !! ha ha

  6. domesticated chicken says:

    Um, I have to say I would be a little nervous sitting under that….at least the back half.

  7. Gretchen says:

    I have always wanted a house with a gazebra in the backyard! Connected to a platyporch of course.

  8. Scott Parker says:

    Cool but I want a Gazopard for my lawn!

  9. DoubleD says:

    Love the science ones this week

  10. Tina says:

    So… what happens when nature calls? 🙂

  11. Seraphine says:

    what’s next? a gazellezier?

  12. Zork says:

    You can put me down as a third person concerned about the digestive process…or is that a selling point? Perfect for roses or climbing plants, cos it produces it’s own fertilizer?

  13. Aud says:

    OH MY GOD…poor thing! (what will *they* think of next..??)

  14. sharilyn says:

    Dear Doug,
    I really like your comics! I think this is hilarious! Please send more.
    Love, Tia
    (my 7yr old niece who lives in the republic of Georgia)

  15. Deep inside i saw that coming =)

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