Savage Chickens - Volcanology

Dedicated to all you badass volcanologists out there.

Here’s more science.

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13 Responses to Volcanology

  1. Mike T says:

    That looks just like a spicy chili Volcano and marshmallows … mmmm. chili-marshmellicious !!
    is that aquachicken by any chance ?, ha ha.

  2. Maria E. says:

    As opposed to Vulcanology, which is the science of studying Vulcans. =)

  3. Zork says:

    Doug, 2 reasons why I love this:
    1) my buddy just got engaged to a volcanologist
    2) Stay-Puft!!!

  4. Miranda says:

    I bet he is too busy involved with his “work” to notice the giant crashing wall of lava coming towards him out of our view. Those marshmallows better be good. 😀

  5. Chris says:

    That comic strip is the epitomy of awesomeness.

  6. Seraphine says:

    oh nooo. roasted chicken!

  7. OttawaRiver says:

    I was LOL reading the caption, then I saw the marshmallow – that did me in!!!

  8. Heeheehee…
    I call for a Useless Mutant that can work with lava or extremely hot items. Of course, with something that makes it useless. ^_^

  9. People says:

    Oh teeheehee omigosh roflcopter guys!

  10. Zork says:

    Just occurred to me that eating a marshmallow would be kinda tough with the face shield and breathing gear in the way…

  11. You mean it doesn’t make you look like a badass!

  12. Maui Mike says:

    Oooo! Ya got me dead on! Geologist from Hawaii, I am. I DO, in fact, have way too many pix of myself wrangling molten lava on a stick. However, the marshmallows gimmick is pretty cool; I’ll try it down at the “pool” next time! Thanks!

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