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Looks like the airport in Rome…
not realistic enough, it needs lots of luggage that kind of looks a lot like yours rotating through the conveyor endlessly whilst you slowly become more and more tired and start mistaking some bags for your own and you are continuously re-checking yourself, fighting off sleep and misery until every other piece of luggage has embraced it’s loving owner and left. then 30mins after the conveyor is deserted of all people, in the most joyous moment of reconnecting with a lost brother, your sole bag pops up and lands in your arms and hugs you.
except this is hell and that never happens.
Amazing! This is so good in so many levels!
I first laughed, specially because I travel a lot…
Think about it… Heaven can be just after the next door, and you will stay in hell as long as you are attached to your earth luggage!
10++ Superb!
@Nathalie that was my first thought also!
@Estonian good to see fellow countrymen reading this amazing comic:)
Yes – interesting view. I always thougt it was your luggage that dragged you into hell…now I can see there is actually a disconnection..Maybe this guy was unlucky – It was only his luggage that went to heaven. Maybe he said something VERY STUPID on his death bed ?
That’s why I’m so happy when I travel with hand luggage only.
You know, I always thought that Hell would resemble the baggage hall at Calgary’s airport… turns out I was right! Thanks, Doug!
Lol, beautiful!!
Very Funny & Interesting. So if you go there, “you CAN take it with you”. You just can’t retrieve it. Got it.
Mexico City airport got to have one of the worst delays in baggage claim around.
HA! I can relate (except I think it takes only 398.9 years for my baggage to turn up…BEAT THAT, CHICKEN HELL!). X-)
I bet his luggage went to heaven. My luggage always ends up going somewhere I wish I could go but somehow I end up in Kansas or Iowa.