Savage Chickens - Moustache Sexiness Timeline

Dedicated to Claire in Canberra!

And here’s hoping some of you Movember participants decide to keep the ‘stache.

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14 Responses to Moustache Sexiness Timeline

  1. joris says:

    Moustache In November (
    No Shaving In December (

    are there other charity things for the rest of the year?

  2. Claire says:

    Ha ha, classic. Thanks Doug!

  3. George says:

    I think Richard Nixon was the last president to have a moustache. It consisted almost entirely of sweat, and with the distraction of his perpetual five o’clock shadow, it became virtually invisible.

  4. Pnoy says:

    Bwahahaha so Hitler really started a new era..
    One of moustache-suckyness 😀

  5. danineteen says:

    Yay! Australia’s known!

  6. Seraphine says:

    i’m not *touching* no moustache on timmy tofu.
    however, a moustache would look sexy on mr. potatohead.

  7. willwot says:

    I knew there was a legitimate entrant missing in the the ultimate mustachio tournament. Howard Taft and I wanted David Crosby, silly me.

  8. Randall says:

    There should be a peak right before Hitler…

    1936- Burt Reynolds was born

  9. Eric says:

    In the Air Force, we have March Mustache Madness (a mustache is the only facial hair we’re allowed to have, and even it has to be within certain regulations).

    Anyway, it becomes a contest, and I can’t wait!

  10. Kim Ayres says:

    I have ironic sideburns

  11. James says:

    As good as this is, I still think this only just makes up for awarding the title of ‘Awesomest Moustache’ to Sam Elliott. Yes, awesome moustache and awesome ‘Chickens’ – but over Magnum? Why, Doug?

    Eric, this being a rather international fan base, which Air Force?

  12. Eric says:

    @James: That would be the U.S. Air Force. Sorry for the omission.

  13. Chris Holmes says:

    As a born and bred Canberra boy and Movember afficianado, it does my hirsute heart proud to see both mentioned in a Chickens post. Ave, Doug…ave!

  14. haha comedy – agreed it definitely peaked with Magnum PI but the upwards trend now is promising!

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