My Only Hope
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Help me, chuck norris, you’re my only hope.
: )
@steve I can just imagine Luke Skywalker roundhouse kicking some stormtroopers… 😀
Had this vision of Chuck Norris weilding a light sabre… So funny it hurts.
Shouldn’t Chuck Norris be top of the list?
It’s best to keep your options open. However, why wasn’t Chuck Norris on the top of the list? I mean, didn’t the Star Wars start because they couldn’t find a light saber that could shave off Chuck Norris’ beard? 😀
They couldn’t have had either Yoda or Chuck Norris because they would have destroyed the Death Star an hour into the first movie. 🙂
I detest this panel!
You don’t call Chuck Norris for help: Chuck Norris knows why you need him.
If Leia really had Chuck Norris on her list, he would already have been there the moment she had conceived of needing his help.
This is major slight of what Chuck Norris stands for!
Help me, Chuck Norris – You’re the only one who can roundhouse kick the Death Star into the sun.
I think you got Wedge’s last name wrong.
Wow, I never realized before this moment how much of a nerd I am. DFTBA!
Also chickenless! Please add the tag.
Maybe she should have started with Chuck Norris.
No Jack Bauer? 😛
lmao… Chuck Norris with a light sabre, in his black ninja suit 😀
@sachmet: “Chickenless” is one of my categories (not a tag), so it appears above the cartoon. See it up there? next to the “Special Guests” category?
@Stephanie: I’m pretty sure it’s “Antilles”… but perhaps the more important question is how could somebody name their kid “Wedge”? that’s just crazy
@Ant: Leia’s looking at page 2. Jack Bauer is on page 1, along with Jek “Red Six” Porkins and Max Rebo. 😉
Thanks for all the great comments, everybody!
Well if you’re going to ask Chuck for help, you’d best ask Steven Segal and Jean Claude Van Dam…
I’d be worn out from all that recording. Jar Jar shouldn’t be on there…*shrug*
In another galaxy a long long time ago… Chuck Norris could bend the edges of time and space itself with a roundhouse kick. Probably bring Obi Wan Caruso with him. YEEEAAAAHHHH
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