Cat By Northwest

This Saturday, April 2, at 8 PM, I’ll be at the opening of the Vancouver Comic Jam Art Show at the Wallflower Modern Diner, 2404 Main St, Vancouver. If you’re in Vancouver, come on out to see (and buy!) some great art from the talented artists of the Vancouver Comic Jam. Here are the details on the Comic Jam’s site.

I contributed the above watercolour painting, “Cat By Northwest”, based on one of the panels from this Savage Chickens cartoon. Stop by for the opening on Saturday night, or any time in April – the show will be at the Wallflower all month.

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10 Responses to Vancouver Comic Jam Art Show

  1. Ada says:

    I unfortunately can’t make your book signing next week, so this is great! Will you have some copies of your book with you, or should I buy one before the show and bring it with me to get it signed? ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Doug says:

      Hi Ada! I won’t have any books with me, but if you bring a copy, I’ll be happy to sign it for you! I’ll probably be at the show between 8 and 10ish

    • Doug says:

      Great to meet you and Steven last night, Ada! Hope you had a good time! ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Ada says:

        Hey Doug,

        It was great meeting you too! Steven and I both had a great time, and we wanted to say thanks for signing our books. Maybe I’ll see you at Comicon later this year! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. steve says:

    Doug, could you link that to a wallpaper sized image? I’d love that on my desktop

    : )

  3. Alex says:

    Very nice painting ๐Ÿ˜€

    Can you post a higher resolution version? I’d sure like a wallpaper like this.

  4. Carrie M. says:

    hey Doug! I love your chicken comics and had no idea you were local; I’ve got my own piece in the Jam show, so hope to see you there! I don’t know what you look like but i have bright pink hair ๐Ÿ™‚

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