Adorable Hedgehog

Dedicated to reader Mary D. and her kids. Here’s more Chuck Norris.

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24 Responses to Adorable Hedgehog

  1. Petros_Morf says:

    I love it!

  2. Assaf says:

    It’s kind of insulting, actually. It’s hard enough being a hedgehog in our world, without having to deal with such biases and bigotry.
    What do we need to do in order to see the true version of what REALLY happened there? Everybody knows Chuck couldn’t have had a chance.

  3. Kate from Scotland says:

    Boo to Chuck Norris! The hedgehogs must have their revenge!

  4. Sam Juan says:

    Hmm. For a second there, I thought Chuck Norris was going to crack. He actually had compassion in his eyes.
    Crisis averted.

  5. steve says:

    lol, awesome. I like the Roundhouse kicked hedgehog!


  6. Erin says:

    For a second there I thought the hedgehog might win!

  7. Sara J. says:

    Who ~hasn’t~ wanted to roundhouse kick an adorable hedgehog?

  8. George says:

    I full on belly laughed at this. Doug, I think I love you.

  9. willwot says:

    Mr. Badass able to roundhouse kick the cuteness out of a hedgehog. PETA Ninjas maybe next.

  10. Tony Bond says:

    Chuck is so thoughtful with his Gift of Pain, he shares it with cute little fuzzy critters.

  11. Ian says:

    Next round, Chuck Norris vs. Platypus 2.0?

  12. TheLoneIguana says:

    Makes sense that Chuckles would kick an animal. He appears to have gone totally insane in the last few years, judging by the crap he writes for that uber-right wing WND website.

  13. Iago says:

    It’s just because IT’S NOT A CAT.

  14. Becky says:

    The Hedgehog won. This was an Adorable-off & Chuck caved.

    Go Hedgehog! 🙂

  15. mike t says:

    hmmmm, maybe he needs to kick the crap out of theloneiguana next!

  16. Blizno says:

    Wait…it’s not over yet.

    We haven’t seen Chuck sitting in his apartment later that night rehashing his brutal attack against a cuddly fuzzy.

    I predict that Chuck will shed a couple of tears of regret before the night is over.

    Those tears will be made from flint and kidney-stones, of course, but, for Chuck, they will be tears.

  17. Stace says:

    Most guys his age couldn’t get a leg up that high little alone round house kick a Hedgehog. But then again, we’re talking CHUCK NORRIS.

  18. Meli says:

    I second the comment that asks for a sequel ‘Revenge of the hedgehog’. There’s too much animal brutality in the world, so why shouldn’t cartoonists bring some balance back into the equation?!

  19. Nikita says:

    Hold on, i have a hdgehog and i am proud if it.

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