Adorable Hedgehog: Round Two
A sequel to yesterday’s cartoon. Dedicated to Assaf, Kate from Scotland, Blizno, Meli, and all of the other readers who were rooting for Adorable Hedgehog.
Drawn on three 3″ x 5″ sticky notes and pasted together to make a big 3″ x 15″ cartoon!
Tagged with: 3x15 • Battle • Chuck Norris • Competitive • Dreams • Forgiveness • Guilt • Hedgehog • Hospital • Regret • Remorse
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lol awesome!
haha…yey for the adorable hedgehog!!!!:)
This whole cartoon is just CN’s nightmare!
Go adorable hedgehog! Thanks so much Doug, you’ve made my day!
Ah, I’m *so* relieved! 😀
I love you Mr. Savage.
Best of three?
I love his little feet under the covers!
Never trust a Hedgehog…
Run from the cute ones
Chuck Norris cracked? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! My world is shattered!
Very funny, but I am cracking up about the hedgehog’s feet poking up through the sheets!
Mr. Badass got a big dollop of adorable cuteness and got whip creamed.
I love the wink and sly grin from Adorable Hedgehog, haha.
Adorable Hedgehog is actually quite evil, then?
So I showed my guy yesterday’s comic, and he felt really bad for adorable hedgehog. I told him it’s ok, he’s a cartoon and they never really get hurt. So I got to show him this to prove it. Thanks, Doug. 😉
Norris sleeps with his hat on? I love it.
Nice! but adorable hedgehog vs Mr. T., we’ll see who wins then.
Pity the fool for taking on such adorable cuteness. Maybe the entire A-Team, but even then Pity the Fools.
Adorable Hedgehogs are so adorable.
A hedgehog in the hospital…love it.
“You lose *again*”??
How many times has the Adorable Hedgehog defeated Mr. Norris? Will we ever be able to watch those epic matches?
Doesn’t the hedgehog lose too? I mean, he’s not so adorable when he’s gloating.
I was hoping for this type of outcome. Thanks Doug! 🙂
Chuck has a heart…..I knew it! :):)
What if adorable hedgehog fought Chuck Norris AND mr. T?
I looked this up after meeting you at VANCAF, and I’m pretty sure Adorable Hedgehog is my spirit animal. XD I even have a hedgehog face painted on my fencing mask because cuteness is the best defense!