How To Cure Your Arachnophobia
This cartoon is dedicated to Ashley B., who asked for more cartoons about spiders (and to her sister, who doesn’t like spiders).
Today’s cartoon is drawn on four 3″ x 5″ sticky notes and pasted together to create a 3″ x 20″ cartoon.
Tagged with: 3x20 • Arachnophobia • Behavioral Psychology • Costumes • Culture • Cure • Fear • Flies • How-to • Phobia • Psychology • Spiders • Systematic Desensitization • Trust
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lol, fantastic. reminds me of the woman in Fallout 3 who has joined the ants
nice one Doug : )
Nice one! Love it! 🙂
Funny as hell! Great job!
reminds me of the dude who tries to pay his bill with a pic of a spider 🙂
LOL Excellent!!! One of the best!
that’s awesome… I just loved. laughted a lot here. hahahahahhaha
Great one, thanks Doug!
Totally love the spider costume!!! LOL I need one of those!
I absolutely love this comic Doug! Great job. My favorite part is probably the timid chicken moving closer to the spiders. Priceless
But all those pests are rent free slacker bums that feed off of anything they can get a hold of, they suck in the warmth of winter heat and cool air conditioning, never once offering to help pay a utility bill, die vermin die!
But there’s one flaw. What if the spiders want you to tap dance?
Then you calls Harry Potter.
hey man. plz… how to cure my Coulrophobia ? 🙂
Brilliant! 🙂
My spiders left me alone ))
Dont be afraid of the spider on the log AAAAIIIEEE
Hahaha omg this is great!! My favorite so far, thanks for dedicating it to me an my Sis lol. Love it
hmmm…wonder if this would work on my aunt who is petrified of cats 🙂
this is a lifetime work, not a treatment. :))
That silly spider costume has worsened my Arachnophobia. XD
I foresee a terrible free-riding problem here, Doug… XDDD
Watch the 50s sci fi movie TARANTULA read of how PTER PARKER became SPIDERMAN, watch ACRANAPHOBIA,recite LITTLE MISS MUFFET
Lol. Let me share it on my tumblr.
Can’t I just call Billy The Exterminator and ask for some Pyrethrin? After all, according to Billy it’s the natural extract from chrysanthemum plants that will neutralize the spider and attack it’s immune system leaving them defenseless and unable to attack or bite, followed by certain death!
This is genius! I totally didn’t see that end coming.
Would have been a much better ending to the story if one night after living among them and gaining their trust, he massacres all of them in their sleep.
Lesson 12 – Become spiderman.
I know an old lady who swallowed a spider
That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
But I don’t know why she swallowed the fly
Perhaps she’ll die
But that’s a story for another time… 🙂
ohhh if only it was this easy…
Another writer’s take on mortal combat with the spiders in her home 😛
Excellent comic and so well executed
The sci fi movie TARATULA features CLINT EASTWOOD is a cameo role as a jet pilot draopping napalm on the big spider as the end
i ain’t trying this one haha!!
great one doug! one of my favorites!
Great. I will use this with my psychology students !
This makes me think Fable. Chickens in general.. All chickens.
But why does the chicken now look like Homer Simpson?
Live Among Spiders Got Me,I Love Reciet Lil Miss Muffet~ It Takes Someone Who cares To Change~It Was Clever Read Brick House Freakin Hilarious!
No way!!haha
So are you subtly suggesting Doug that I should do the same thing with Dentists???
Get away from my web !! ! 1 11
Even if you’re no flies !!!! 1111 !! 11 ! 1
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
But I don’t know why she swallowed the fly
Perhaps she’ll die..
Maybe this is revenge
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