It's Academic

And, yes, philosopher chickens drink faster than physicist chickens. Here’s more physics and philosophy.

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17 Responses to It’s Academic

  1. steve says:

    i like to theorise about the relativity of study

    thanks Doug 🙂

  2. Antonio says:

    Oh how often have I been the one on the right… scientists are so confident of their, what do they call it? “Data”- but it’s all stories we make up about the world. 🙂

  3. Ben says:

    Sir, you are a genius.

    Also: What Steve said 🙂

  4. ant says:

    I wrote an essay about the theory of relativity for an exam just yesterday! My first are-you-stalking-me-Doug moment 😉 Great one, Doug!

  5. Ben says:

    I also like how the philosopher seems to be drinking his wine significantly more quickly.

    Not sure what that says, but I like it

  6. Ant says:

    What about mathematics/math and communications/comm.? 😉

  7. rbt says:

    But can they be friends after tonight.

  8. Cayo Candido says:

    Man, you’re great!

    I’ll pay you more and more visits!


  9. Sarah says:

    I’ve studied both in my time – and can attest it’s true about the drinking …

    Thanks for a wonderful cartoon!

  10. willwot says:

    In theory I may have a relative who studies relativity drinking theories. Well its not theory proven beyond hypothesis and that is another of his “problems” high (on) pot he is, probably why he can’t prove anything, but that maybe the paranoia out to get him.

  11. Bart says:

    Actually, that’s the physicist’s second glass, the philosopher is still sipping his first glass.

  12. Nell says:

    Doug, this one is inspired. WONDERFUL.

  13. Lady says:

    I love how the philosopher has drunk a little more wine.

  14. Chris K says:

    Great observation, Lady. I just notice that too.

  15. Wildbird says:

    What about the theory of theory?

  16. Alina says:

    Alas, another physics cartoon! If you ever meet a physicist, ask him if he is theoretical or experimental. If he says he is theoretical, feel free to walk away feeling exactly as the cartoon suggests.

  17. Shariony says:

    It s great!! Really, clever joke.

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