Another Day

More work cartoons.

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13 Responses to Another Day

  1. steve says:

    lol, sounds right


  2. Falsos says:

    There’s a lot of people doing horrible jobs just for the sake of their family and themselves, I wish we had a better future.

  3. Kehos says:

    I know that feel, bro!

  4. Luu says:

    I love the exhausted look of the chicken!

  5. AB says:

    Poor chicken!!

  6. Capt. Obvious says:

    *GASP* Prod said “PLEASE!”
    It must be a dream, right?

  7. willwot says:

    Tally Ho!

  8. Ant says:

    Wow, my chicken friend does that? [grin]

  9. scott says:

    Stop doing what, writing on the cubicle, or surviving?

  10. Tom says:

    It’s work, not prison! The giveaway is the food. In prison it’s free.

  11. LeAnna says:

    I know how the chicken feels. So, so many days behind me. So…. so many more to come.

  12. fatimajo says:

    I feel like that some days. Most days it’s “wait…it’s what day already?”

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