Magic Beans

Cartoonists are required by law to make a fart joke at least once every 200 days.

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17 Responses to Magic Beans

  1. Dave says:

    Who needs magic beans for that… Oh, is it just me that farts like the dickens

  2. George says:

    If that law is really on the books, it shows exactly what’s on the average legislator’s mind most of the time.

  3. Patty says:

    As a child, he would have had to prove to me that The Dickens actually farts before I bought the beans.

  4. Ant says:

    No wonder my chicken likes to eat beans and fart from them all the time. Ugh!

  5. Mary says:

    Farts ARE funny!

  6. blisschick says:

    LOL Like the Dickens, or like Dickens? Great Expellations?

  7. willwot says:

    flatulence hehe

  8. But your last joke says:

    about farts was 212 days ago… :/
    and 210 days before that… 🙁
    67 days before that 😀
    31 days before that :DD
    223 days before that X(
    70 days before that 😐
    95 days before that 🙂
    634 days before that! o.O
    153 days before that -_-
    47 days before that ^-^
    272 days before that ?_?
    52 days before that =)
    404(joke not found) days before that (-_-;)
    76 days before that :]
    and 124 days before that :}.

    I must congratulate you on the improvement in your drawing skills but you broke the law 6 times and i must arrest you.

  9. Wildbird says:


  10. tony bond says:

    I didn’t see that one coming.

  11. Ben says:

    Fart Like The Dickens was the name of my high school grunge band. 🙂

    We stunk.

  12. Kehos says:

    Sincerity over all!

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