Cat Plumber

Dedicated to Stacey R. who celebrated a birthday yesterday. Happy belated birthday, Stacey!

And this is also dedicated to my two new buddies. And here are more cat cartoons!

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17 Responses to Cat Plumber

  1. steve says:

    lol, perhaps there should be another cell which advises discussions with the owner, or is that tomorrow’s cartoon?


  2. I wonder how much does he charge for his services…

  3. Diana says:

    That’s hilarious!! Congrats on Crumble and Watson; they are adorable! 🙂

  4. Wildbird says:

    Nobody has changed the litter box in a month

  5. Momar says:

    Now I undertand better my cat.

  6. tony bond says:

    How special….

    Doug, have you been watching Meatwad’s “Rocket Horse and Jet Chicken” ventures again?

  7. Karen says:

    Love the cartoon 😀
    And Crumble and Watson are indeed adorable! (Please tell me Crumble is named indirectly after Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays Sherlock in the updated BBC series. My friends refer to him fondly as “Bartleby Crumblepatch”)

    • Doug says:

      Ha! I’m really enjoying the BBC Sherlock show, but my cats’ names are actually a tribute to my first cats, who were named Rhubarb and Sherlock.

  8. willwot says:

    if that were a real cat plumber there would have been plumber crack all over the place and a hefty bill for pointing out the obvious

  9. cheryl meyers says:

    I laughed for at least 5 minutes and woke up my sleeping hubby. Brilliant!

  10. Faycat says:

    Love your buddies! It’s that saying again: Cats are like potato chips, you can’t have just one.

  11. kristina says:

    Late to the party, but… Love it!

  12. […] To celebrate Stacey’s birthday, I’ve brought back the character I created for her birthday two years ago, Cat Plumber! […]

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