How To Train Your Cat 3
This one’s a triple dedication to three cat fans: Melissa, who’s celebrating her birthday today; André, whose birthday was on Dec. 31; and Karina from Buenos Aires, who had a birthday on Dec. 26. Happy Birthday to you all!
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awesome, gonna have to get myself a coat like that.
Strangely enough, the best way to make a cat come is to pretend like you are hiding from it. For whatever reason, if you appear to be afraid of said cat, it will come to you – presumably to dominate you further. If you are a school bully and reading this, feel free to test my theory with a puma or similar.
And one would think just tasting like chicken would be enough, but nooooo it has to be chicken of the sea.
My girlfriend’s cat goes to her when she calls him! I think this is strange, but it isn’t for her, she says he’s doing it always.
Or just run the can opener
doesnt even have to be cat food
That’s fabulous, great cartoon! Poignant too, my daughter works with a local cat rescue organization, and they are currently looking for a lost, skittish kitty that bolted from the owner’s apartment when the FD broke down the door after the man died. They’ve tried everything…except the tuna vest.
By the way, Rachel (my daughter) turns 40 on January 5th (along with her twin brother, Ryan, who also loves cats)! Amazing, how did my kids get to be so OLD, eh? We all love your art.
happy belated other Karina