Spring Mascot

Dedicated to Cassie, who’s celebrating a milestone birthday on Sunday – hope you have a great birthday weekend, Cassie!

Here are more bunnies.

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6 Responses to Spring Mascot

  1. Branagh says:

    Thanks, Doug, but i am a bit concerned that the motorbike keys will be used in a manner not unlike the chicken who gets up at 2am to ride through quiet residential areas …

    whatever happened to that 427 part series?

  2. willwot says:

    Facial tissue a must for the mascot of spring.

  3. Wildbird says:

    And the szeezing soon begins with the first ragweed

  4. GCA says:

    He should be the mascot for all people under 25, because it seems they all wear shorts when it gets above 40°, no matter when.

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