From Loki
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Hahah, who would have thought… ;o)
I was going to make a big deal about the target of the link, but in retrospect I decided that keeping it loki would be better.
I had to click on it… lol! =D
Just got Rick Rolled
Doug got me. 🙁
A lookie from Loki
To save trouble, here is the link for cutting and pasting; ’cause I’m never gonna give you up:
Huh. While testing the link above, Youtube tells me that the video is unavailable. ??
Link “Farked” already? You’re famous, Doug!
Not Farked. The part after ?v= is case-sensitive, and you didn’t transcribe it right.
It had been long enough that I’d forgotten to be wary.
Second only to the time I got Rick Rolled by the Muppets via a mysterious link on the Zappos site.
Honestly, it never gets old.
Whats lokis web page?
Even before I clicked, I was pretty sure I knew where that link would take me. Glad to see that I was right. At least, I think I’m glad. 🙂
is it lame that i knew what it would be, typed up the linked, sat through the advertisement, and heard the whole song.. twice. oh well.
Advertisement? No ad blocker?
I was pretty sure I knew what it was going to be but clicked through anyway to see if I was right. Sadly, I was. Got me!
I’d like to see the return of Flashback! (And I mean that in the PUNNIEST WAY POSSIBLE.)
Why did I know what song it was just by seeing the musical note and Thor’s expression????
The best Rickroll ever!
Just when you thought it was safe…
It’s April 1 here in the Philippines. I’m definitely sharing this one today. 😀