Currently viewing the category: "Top Ten Lists"

Best of 2020

Here’s my annual picture of everybody who appeared in more than one Savage Chickens comic this year. And what a strange year it has been! Because of the chaos of this year, my comics have veered between confronting the stress and avoiding it entirely through escapist weirdness. In the weirdness category, I really enjoyed drawing some unexpected theme weeks this year, including Melancholy Blob, Zep Broondar, and Moon Bear. Expect more weirdness from me in the new year, but let’s hope we have less real-life weirdness in 2021! For now, here’s…

Your Top Ten
Here are the most-visited comics from 2020. And these comics also serve as a handy summary of 2020 itself, because most of these jokes were influenced by pandemic- and election-related stress:

  1. One Idiot at a Time
  2. An Improvement
  3. Video Conferencing Etiquette
  4. End of the Rainbow
  5. Replaced
  6. Sourdough
  7. Some Time
  8. What Life Hands You
  9. Snake Treasure
  10. Tragedy or Comedy

Doug’s Top Ten
And here are my top picks (alphabetically) from the rest of the past year’s comics:

Don’t see your favorite on either of these lists? Share it in the comments!

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Here’s my annual picture of everybody who appeared in more than one Savage Chickens comic this year – including me and my mom (the chickens playing cards here). I had a very busy 2019! I went on the road a lot! I visited my family (and drew a week of comics about them), I was a guest at Rose City Comic Con and at Hal-Con, and I did a tour of elementary schools around British Columbia. And somewhere in there, Andrews McMeel published my third Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy book, Time Trout!

Your Top Ten
Here’s the list of the most-visited comics from 2019!

  1. Life Goal
  2. Good Boys
  3. Filing System
  4. Learning
  5. The Catch
  6. Great Things
  7. Express My Feelings
  8. Plants
  9. Cat Valentine
  10. Long-Term Goal

Doug’s Top Ten
And here are my top picks (alphabetically) from the rest of the past year’s comics:

Thanks and see you in 2020!
So that’s 15 years of drawing Savage Chickens. Wow. I think I’ll keep drawing more… it looks like I’m going to crack 4000 comics in 2020! How crazy is that? And who knows what else 2020 will bring? Let’s find out together!

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Best of 2018

Here’s my annual picture of everybody who appeared in more than one Savage Chickens comics this year – including myself for the first time (the chicken in the plaid shirt). I had a great 2018, working on the next Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy book (I’m almost done!), doing a ton more public speaking gigs (including my first tour of elementary schools), and working on other new projects that will hopefully come together in 2019. Busy times!

Your Top Ten
Here the list of the most-visited comics from 2018!

  1. Meals of the Day
  2. The Friend Test
  3. Teambuilding Tip 6
  4. First Snowfall
  5. Go Away
  6. Drastic Measures
  7. Extremely Organized
  8. Can’t Buy It
  9. How To Feign Interest
  10. Appreciate

Doug’s Top Ten
And here are my top picks (alphabetically) from the rest of the past year’s comics:

Thanks and see you in 2019!
As always, thanks to all you readers for stopping by and reading my chicken jokes. 2019 will be my 15th year of drawing them! And I’m very excited for you all to see what I’ve been working on, moose-wise, when my new book comes out in the fall. Happy New Year everybody and see you in 2019!

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Best of 2017

Wow! Goodbye 2017! What a crazy year! Crazy around the world, of course, but also crazy for me personally since I spent most of the year busily putting together the Laser Moose sequel, Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy: Disco Fever.

Win a copy of my new book!
To celebrate the year, I’m giving away three copies of Disco Fever. I’ll choose winners randomly from anybody who leaves a comment here about their favorite Savage Chickens comic of 2017. Or you can tweet about it, or post it on Facebook. Whatever you like best. I’ll announce the winners when I come back with new chickens on January 8. Not sure which comic was your favorite? Here are the top comics of 2017, according to you and according to me…

Your Top Ten
Here are the most-visited comics from the past year!

  1. Time to Relax
  2. Morning Person
  3. How To Confuse A Cerberus
  4. Worry
  5. Robot Jobs
  6. True Calling
  7. New Worlds
  8. Relax
  9. An Element of Surprise
  10. I’m an Artist

Doug’s Top Ten
And here are my top picks (alphabetically) from the rest of the past year’s comics:

Thanks and see you in 2018!
Thanks for another great year everybody. After 13 years, I’m still having so much fun drawing the chickens, mostly because of you and your encouragement. And it’s been really fun to expand my work into new territory with what is now a series of graphic novels. Next up for me, book 3 of Laser Moose and Rabbit Boy! Here’s hoping for a great 2018!

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