Savage Chickens - Clue

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16 Responses to Clue

  1. Big Egg says:

    Seriously, how can you kill someone with a candlestick?

  2. ria says:

    haha, i love cluedo! yeah, doesn’t make sense =P use a knife instead plum!

  3. ria says:

    @Big Egg: well i was able to kill a cockroach with a candlestick before… does that count?

  4. Aud says:

    HEHEhe…never played that game but I think just about anyone knows the concept. I’d have guessed the sharpened spoon or herring…X-)

  5. bredbite says:

    A logic game with an irrational plot 🙂

  6. diego says:

    ah, that was a nice laugh. thanks, doug. can’t wait to see you again!

  7. Dani says:

    Classic! I agree with the candlestick. A knife would make just too much of a mess.The knife is for later…you know to carve the bird.

  8. ZacBentz says:

    “Yes. Yes, I did it. I killed Yvette. I hated her, so much… it-it- the f – it -flam – flames. Flames, on the side of my face…”

  9. Scott Parker says:

    @ Zac LOL Love the movie reference!!!!!! Now was it 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1

  10. Seraphine says:

    Sera whispers “they were the footsteps of a gigantic hound…”

  11. Duck says:

    Great work Doug!!!
    I love your chickens so much, i’m copying some into my own post it’s. Do you use a tiny tiny pencil???

  12. Lisa says:

    You kill someone with a candlestick by using it as a bludgeon, of course, like the pipe or wrench. We’re talking a long, heavy piece of brass or silver here.

  13. Capt. Obvious says:

    Thanks for stepping in, Citizen Lisa, but you should leave obviousness to Capt. Obvious! I’m specially trained to shrug off the cognitive dissonance!

  14. Trog says:

    Thanks Captain Obvious!

  15. You could always use the candlestick as a flaming sai.

  16. Doug says:

    @Lisa: You could also use plastic candlesticks for bludgeoning. It’ll just take a little longer.

    But I really like shanadian’s flaming sai idea. Makes me think they should remake Clue as an action movie!

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