IT’S OFFICIAL: The book is here!

Thank you! Thank you all for reading the chickens. Six years ago, I put the first sticky note online, and I never imagined I would get so much encouragement and support, or that it would lead to a Savage Chickens book.

WIN a Signed Copy of the Book – TODAY
Just leave a comment below OR sign up for chickens by email. I’ll choose a random winner at 6PM Pacific time.

And Special Thanks To…
A special thanks goes out to: Danielle Svetcov, my agent at Levine Greenberg; my fantastic editor Maria Gagliano; book designer Nellys Li; publicists Kaitlyn Kennedy and Trish Bunnett; and the whole crew at Perigee Books and Penguin USA.

More Goodies Are to Come
To celebrate the launch of the book, I’ll be giving away Savage Chickens stuff all month, so please keep an eye on the site for more details. (A good way to do this is to sign up for chickens by email or follow me on Twitter.)

And again, many many thanks to all of you. Cheers! Doug

Update: Winner announced!

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616 Responses to The Book is Here: Enter to WIN!

  1. Winnie Leung says:

    The chickens are great! Congrats on the new book. 🙂

  2. Martine says:

    The Chickens help me through every working day, they rock!
    Congratulations on the book, that must feel unreal but you (and the Chickens) deserve it.

  3. w3c says:

    Hurray for the book!
    Congratulations 🙂

  4. Matej says:

    I usually decorate my cubicle with Lego creations. 🙂

  5. Melanie Pienaar says:

    Savage Chickens makes my day! Hope I’ll be able to get your book in South Africa.

  6. woohooitsdave says:

    Grats on the book! Love the chickens, its like a regular humour injection in my email every day.

  7. Randy B says:

    Make sure the printers lay in a good supply of yellow ink. They’ll need it when this book becomes a best-seller.

  8. Jen Coakley says:

    I’ve been following your chickens (and friends) for years now and am thrilled to check my email each morning for a guaranteed laugh.

    Congratulations, Doug!

  9. I love Savage Chickens! Really, from Brazil! I want that book!

  10. pera says:

    I just want the book for free.

  11. Sally says:

    I can’t wait to get the book – the chickens help me to get through the day.

  12. Chris S. says:

    I don’t work from a tiny cubicle, but I love your comics anyway!

  13. Nick says:

    Congrats Doug!

    Although I pre-ordered mine on about a month ago I’d be proud to have a signed copy 😉

  14. Congratulations! And I’d love a copy!

  15. steve says:

    Thanks for the many years of really great cartoons I have delivered to me each morning. I’m sure my day would be a lot more boring, if you hadn’t posted that first cartoon.

    Thank you so much Doug.

    : )

  16. Tim Ranft says:

    You are a funny guy.

  17. hollin says:

    yay, chickens! \o/

  18. And I thought nothing can top Saint Dogbert driving away the evil demons of cubicle stupidity 😀
    I adore and worship Savage Chickens and congratulate you! <3

  19. Danielle says:

    Congratulations! I love the chickens!

  20. Mike Han says:

    I want chickens on a book!

  21. neneindy says:


  22. Lior Zur says:

    2 Years ago I found Savage Chickens and have been hooked ever since. So I definitely want the book..! 🙂

  23. Dandroid says:

    Even if I win, I’ll still buy one for a gift.

  24. Alex Bilderling says:

    A chicken book ? Great, I hope there is some good recipes inside 😉

  25. Luis Teixeira says:

    Congrats on the book.
    Savage Chickens is great 🙂

  26. fuzz0r says:

    Woohoo! Congrats.

  27. Lulu says:

    Congrats Doug !
    Your chickens are the most awesome thing ever.
    Hope I can get your book in Malaysia.

  28. Arne says:

    A great day for you, with a great new book released 🙂

    A great day for us, since this is a good sign that we’ll be able to enjoy the chickens for a long time still \^_^/

  29. verde says:

    Great comics, I have been reading since not so long ago, but had to go through all the archives as these are great.

    Also, I would love a copy.

  30. James P says:

    Gotta love the chickens!

  31. polyorpheus says:

    Not since rubber chickens has poultry consistently delivered excellent comedic entertainment. Congrats on the book, Mr. Savage.

  32. Geoffrey Hidden says:

    Congrats on the book!!! Can’t wait to read it!

  33. Yves H. says:

    Congratulations !

  34. Veronica Godfrey says:

    Can’t wait to see the book. Congratulations!

  35. abracarioca says:

    Congrats! And free shipping is great 🙂

  36. Atrus says:

    Congratulations on the new book! 🙂

  37. Anathien says:

    Congrats! 🙂

  38. Radhika says:

    Long-time reader from India. Yay you! 🙂

  39. ap says:

    Congratulations on the book, the chickens are great!

  40. says:

    You make my morning coffee break even more pleasing.
    Congratulations, I hope your chickens keep going strong.

  41. Huhnbeauftragter says:


    Actually, I got my two copies yesterday…

    Great Book! Love it.


  42. catalin radu says:

    From Bucharest Romania much love for chickens, I hope they can fly over the ocean to Europe 😀

  43. Mark says:

    Congratulations on your first book, Doug!

  44. Jan says:

    Will you send it to germany? 🙂

  45. M. says:

    Congratulations on the book, Doug :)))

  46. azog says:

    I’m a relatively new reader, less than 3 months, but I quickly got hooked. Congrats on the book.

  47. Sophie says:

    J’aime les chickens! Congrats on the book!

  48. Kasia says:

    Conrats! Can’t wait to put my hands on the book 🙂

  49. congrats! chickens rock!

  50. Ella says:

    I love your comics – very excited about the book!

  51. Tudor says:

    Good job ! Looking forward to flicking through the chickenish comics.

  52. Edd says:


  53. Slugsie says:

    Ooooh, please let me win, love the chickens!!!

  54. I always start my morning out with chickens. Congratulations on six years. Wow!

  55. Dana Manolescu says:

    Yay! Go SavageChickens!

  56. Rachel Green says:

    Splendid! A bestseller for sure!

  57. eleni says:

    love the comics. congratulations on the book!

  58. Jithu Gopal says:

    It’s amazing how a bunch of poultry animals continue to bring a smile for many. Cheers!

  59. Max Stone says:

    Congratulations on the book. Your cartoons rock!

  60. Dam says:

    Great chicken cartoons ! Would love to get a paper version !
    best luck !

  61. Kaupo Artel says:


  62. Madli P. says:

    Hooray, a book! Congrats! now if only i had room on my shelves…

  63. Juanjo says:

    Chicken High five!

  64. Bruno says:

    Great stuff, one’s library must-have.

  65. Darren Rolfe says:

    Congratulations on the book! I’m sure the Savage Chickens will get bigger and bigger!

    Monster Savage Chickens…? Heh?

  66. rietske van raay says:

    Thanks for all the bright moments that lighten up this dull workspace day after day… I really connect with the chickens in the cubicles 😉
    Congratulations on the book!

  67. carvas says:


  68. M Willes says:

    By book do you mean a drawing of a chicken falling down a hill while I flip through the corners of all of your comics?
    Also, congratulations.

  69. Kate says:

    Congratulations! Your chickens got me through some tough times in my sad cubicle life. Not to mention insomnia…

  70. Oruga says:

    A fan like me needs that books in his bookshelves.

  71. Kim says:

    Congrats!! I have my copy pre-ordered, can’t wait to get it! 🙂

  72. Kerri says:

    Love your work – it puts everything back into perspective after a long work day. Thanks for sharing it with the world. Congratulations.

  73. ashley chu says:

    Omg…luv it!! would love to have a signed copy of ur new bookkkkk!
    congrats tooo.

  74. Andreja says:

    Gotta love them Chickens!

  75. Karon says:

    Hooray! It’s finally here. Well, on pre-order anyway.

  76. Mr. Roar says:

    I want one book too.

  77. Bjorn Brull says:


  78. Scott McLean says:


  79. Henrique says:

    Congrats, man! Can’t wait to see the book!

  80. Carlos says:

    The book will become the new corporate bible!

  81. GW says:

    Love chickens and cat adventures and tree astronaut! Great stuff


  82. dave owens says:

    the chickens help me to start my day with a laugh. then it’s get back to work. good luck with the book

  83. Douglas Polhamius says:

    Love this stuff.

  84. Robert says:

    Savage Chickens are the highlight of my morning

  85. I love the savage chicken`s cartoon. They are great. Really enjoy my mornings

  86. Suzy Smith says:

    Congratulations! The chickens brighten my day.

  87. Don Hill says:

    Love the chickens. We run a 24,000 hen ranch in NC. We post some of the notes up at the barn, brings a laugh to the workers.

  88. John Geilen says:

    Savage Chickens is great! I find myself repeatedly forwarding to friends and posting links to it.

  89. Tanja says:

    This is great! 🙂 The chickens are my everyday pleasure, and my students love them as well 🙂 Thanks very much for sharing these great cartoons with us.

  90. Congratulations on the book! I hope it sells like hotcakes. And I hope I get a free copy…

  91. I would LOVE a copy – me me me!


  92. Yeah, very cool, btw. I will win 😀

  93. Alex says:

    Congrats Doug! For the book and for all this chicken adventure! My favorite webcomic.

    The book is already on my wishlist 😀

  94. Ajay Ohri says:

    congrats on the book, and getting it published. by the way, link is broken in your email it goes to

  95. Vania says:

    Chickens rules =))

  96. Herber says:

    Loves me some chicken! Finger lickin’ paper cuts!

  97. Laura-Leigh says:

    Love the chickens! Congratulations on your book!

  98. Erin says:

    Well isn’t that special! Your giving away books when I already pre-ordered mine! That’s ok, I am still excited to get it in the mail!! Yeah!

  99. Hannah says:

    The chickens are brilliant – trawling the archives got me through my finals when I thought I was going to go crazy!

  100. Robert says:

    It’s savage to be chicken!

  101. Melissa says:

    Would love to win!

  102. Jenni Jojo says:

    Hurray, hurray, hurray for the book!

  103. andy says:

    Congratulations on the book! I hope it is super successful, as it deserves to be.

  104. saurabh prasad says:

    welll!!!!! i hate savage chickens !! because after i discovered this i just couldn’t be a non veg anymore … i love them so much .. i never knew that creativity could PERSONIFY this bird in such a way that i feel like a CANNIBAL…. i am a great foodie and good food is another reason why i am alive today…. so giving up my NON VEG habits AAAhhhh ,,,, Maldita SAVAGE POLLOS… MUY BUENA TRABAJO….LONG LIVE THE COCK!!!!!!!!

  105. Angel Slavchev says:

    Weeee! I so love random 🙂

  106. Wow great news. I love your cartoons.

  107. Isabela says:


  108. Chris says:

    Congratulations, Doug! The chickens should be at the Louvre!

  109. Ruama Musse says:

    Hey, Congrats! Can’t wait to have my copy! Cheers!

  110. Rod says:

    Congrats man! It’s a very important achievement! One day I’ll have mine. Keep up the good chickens!

  111. Saul Galeno says:


    Please bring Chewbacca back! 🙂 They’re my favorite

  112. peter says:

    Thanks for all the cartoons!

  113. nobodyherebutuschickens says:


  114. Adrian Chu says:

    Hurrah! \o/

  115. Kim says:

    Savage chickens rock! Expecially the office/work cartoons 😀 I hung up 3 cartoons in my office in Amsterdam (NL) 😀

  116. Jenny Ellwood says:

    Well done Doug & the Chickens! We love you! And thank god for sticky notes!Who would have thought 6 years ago, this is what it would lead to!!

  117. Micuik Ventus says:


  118. ice4cow says:

    Great news! I hope to get that book as fast as possible! Though it won’t be easy to find in Latvia-amazon or ebay maybe…

  119. Tania says:

    yay! I <3 it

  120. Dave G says:


    For years I’ve been reading the funnies online and saving the best ones to my hard drive. It seems like half the ones I save anymore are Savage Chickens.

  121. Jacob Share says:

    Mazel tov on the book release. I’m sure only half of it is funny, with the other half being pure hilarity.

  122. Caz Williams says:

    Bok bok bok on your book book book!

  123. Gary Williams says:

    It’s nice to see something really clever and different succeed in this cookie-cutter world. Congratulations, Doug!

  124. I have loved your cartoons and have followed you religiously – short of idolization! Ha!

    At any rate, congratulations on the new book. If I can win a copy of the book, I’ll be sure to entice my coworkers — all domestic violence hotline advocates — who need some laughs from time to time.



  125. Jay says:

    Congrats! All hail the chickens!

  126. Only recently discovered this site in the last few months but I love the post-its. Well done on getting the book out

  127. Jonathan says:

    Congratulations on the new book!

  128. Congrats!!! I love chickens, they are fun and witty!


  129. Liam B. says:

    Congratulations Doug! I’ve been a fan, the last 5 or so years. I love the chickens and ur quirky brand of humor. Makes my weekdays, shame about the whole no weekend posts. Lol. So glad to hear the book is finally out. Can’t wait to get my hands on it. I look forward to it. Cheers, Liam. Again, congratulations Doug.

  130. Daniel says:

    Chickeeeeeens 😀

  131. HeidiRenee says:

    Have adored said chickens for years – so glad this has happened, you have more than earned it! Congratulations!

  132. Sam Juan says:

    Congratulations on the book. Can’t wait to receive my pre-ordered copy. (Though if I happen to get another copy for a friend, that will be awesome! 😀 )

  133. Sam Juan says:

    Congratulations on the book. Can’t wait to receive my pre-ordered copy!

  134. Patrick says:

    Congratulations on the book! Your wit and chicken humor has livened up my inbox for several years now.

  135. Michelle says:

    Dear Mr. Savage,

    Your cartoons are proof that chickens are not just for eating anymore.

    I urge you in the strongest fashion to continue your daily output of your delightfully humorous cartoon.

    Sincerely, Tame Fox

  136. Ana Costa says:

    Chickens are spreading in the world!!


  137. Cristiano Gusmao says:

    I want it!!! \o/

  138. Balint says:

    Savage Chickens rule! I need this book! 🙂

  139. Pick me! Randomly pick me!

  140. Paul Day says:

    My three chickens have their own facebook page and they love your cartoons……… do their fans!!

  141. Andrew says:

    Yay to the book! I’d love to win it just so that I can have your autograph 🙂

  142. Mike says:

    Nicely done.

    Way to go with all of the success, and great job on getting a book squeezed in there as well.

    Keep it up.

  143. Dnl_Mirrorboy says:

    Hello from Russia, Doug!)Savage Chickens is probably the biggest folder with comics on my PC. Would be great to get a free book, cause I think there’ll be no real chance to buy it here in Russia)
    Anyways, keep doing this awesome stuff and take care!


  144. Rich W says:

    Great job! Looking forward to giving a few as gifts. Wouldn’t mind getting mine as a gift too!

  145. christy says:

    Congrats on the book! I love the chickens.

  146. Joshua says:

    Congrats on the book, Doug. Feel like a celebrity?
    Looks like I’ll be buying it online or winning this contest. The Borders here just went out of business. Think it will ever be at Books-A-Million?

  147. Ant says:

    Chickens FTW! 🙂

  148. Finally!
    Way to go, Doug!
    Can’t wait to get a copy.
    Good look an all the best from Brazil

  149. Eric3 says:

    So, is this some sort of a chicken cookbook?

  150. Rhea says:

    Congrats, Doug! I’d love to win the book! Been an ardent Indian fan for a really long time now 🙂

  151. Amanda says:

    Hooray! So glad the book is finally here – congrats Doug! =)

    My husband and I are huge fans of the chickens, we can’t wait to get a hold of your book!

  152. Chompa says:

    Kudos! I love starting my day with Savage Chickens.

  153. Crazy Simo says:

    Congrats Doug!

    Crazy Simo

  154. photine says:

    I’m so excited about the book!

  155. Phil. says:

    awesome!!! Congratulations on this next big step!! Keep it up!

  156. Rodrigo Ortiz Vinholo says:

    Congratulations, man 😀 Been a fan for about 2 years now, hope to continue for many to come 🙂

  157. Lisa says:

    Woohoo! Been waiting ages for this to come out. Savage Chickens are so brilliant!

    Thank you Doug

  158. Brianna says:

    Yay book!!! I have introduced many a college student to this comic.

  159. Stelina says:

    Congratulations!!! now in perfect english let me just say

  160. Dan W says:

    Congrats on the book! Can’t wait to get one!

  161. Doug Dossett says:

    Yeah Chickens! Congrats on the book!

  162. xCurt says:

    Congratulations on the publishing 🙂
    Win or buy; I am going to get this!

  163. Dana says:

    Congratulations on your book. The first thing I do every morning (after coffee) is read ‘Savage Chickens’.

  164. Jordan Simons says:

    I need to decorate my cublicle…

  165. Daniele says:

    Thanks for 6 years of chickens, our office has a lot of yellow wall paper 😉

  166. Dhee says:

    Savage Chickens is invaluable, you frequently bring a smile to my face, if not a laugh out loud. Really pleased you’ve got the book finally, now I can share you with my non-electronically inclined friends!

  167. Andrew says:


    You are awesome.

    That is all.

  168. JSempere says:

    fuck yeah chickens!

  169. Andrea West says:

    Congratulations! 🙂

  170. Juliashka says:

    Thank you for all the fun)

  171. Fred Trask says:

    Woohoo! Congrats on the book.

  172. Katka says:

    Congrats! The chickens are great! What more can I say..

  173. Alex says:

    Congratulations ! I’m a reader for a few weeks only but I have big fun reading your sticky notes !

  174. Larry says:

    Congrats on the book. Can’t wait to check it out. Been following these chickens for years. So funny!!

  175. Joshywah says:

    Congrats on the book. And thanks for the chickens, such a great way to start the day.

  176. Thomas_U says:


    I hope you find a channel to get copies of the book to Germany.

  177. Zero says:

    It’d be funnier if the working chicken had a robot as manager.

  178. Joshua says:

    Great news. Congratulations!

  179. branden says:

    Congratulations on the book release. I look forward to giving it as a Christmas gift

  180. Isa says:

    Wow! I Want this book so much!

  181. rotts says:

    The chickens have come home to roost! Congrats, Doug!

  182. Leslie says:


  183. Jude says:

    Realistically, since I’m vastly underemployed, I can’t purchase the book until I get a better job, so I suppose I’d like to win a copy. I’m a Savage Chickens pusher/sharer. Congratulations on the book.

  184. julzcat says:

    The waiting is long gone!!long live the chickens!! 😀

  185. Leen says:

    I LOVEEEE those crazy funny chikens, read them every day and share them with my friends when the post resembles them LOL
    Here in Costa Rica Savage Chickens ROCKS!!

  186. Dawn says:

    Perfect SC today.
    i just moved into my new half cube

  187. Jenn Proulx says:

    Congrats on the book!!! The chickens brighten up my day 🙂

  188. mln84 says:

    Congrats on the book! And thanks for the contest.

  189. Norman Andree says:

    Reading the Savage Chickens for a long time in Belgium. Most of the cartoons are equally funny to Europeans! I wish u much succes and inspiration for the next years!

  190. robby says:

    I’ve been enjoying Chickens for a looonngg time.I don’t work in a cubicle,but my daughter does.I got her into Chickens as well and I see this book as a great birthday present for her!

  191. Mary Ann says:

    I look forward to your chickens every morning! How great to have them in a book!

  192. Emmi says:

    Wonderful news! Yay chickens!

  193. Karen Downs says:

    A chicken a day keeps the insanity away!!! Many congratulations and PLEASE don’t ever leave us!!

  194. Anna says:

    congrats, great news!

  195. Inspectegator says:

    This book will definitely be on the ‘super secret gift ideas’ list for future purchasing 🙂 Can’t wait!

  196. MattG says:

    Hooray for chickens on post-its! 😀

  197. Chuck V says:

    Congrats on the book! Since I found savage chickens on the web a few years ago, it’s the first thing I check out each day when I fire up my browser.

  198. Ben Messer says:

    Hooray for the Chickens book! Congratulations Doug!

  199. Paul says:

    Congrats on the new book!

  200. Colin says:

    Congratulations on your success! I have had a hard time finding a sticky note that I haven’t enjoyed!

    Now get back to work!

  201. Tad says:

    Go Chickens in Books!

  202. Sheepster says:

    Even the sheep love Savage Chickens! Especially ones caged in cubicles!!

    aka The Mad Sheepster

  203. Dave says:

    The chickens are great
    A book is beautiful
    Chicken book … heroic!

  204. Loren says:

    Oo! Pick Me! Pick Me!

    Congrats on the Book, Doug! I cant wait!!

  205. Cathio says:

    This one totally sums up my life at work! I’m clipping it and hanging it up in my cubicle as we speak. Congrats on the new book, and I hope it does well! Go chickens!

  206. Patrick says:

    Love the chickens, great literary references. Dilbert with a higher IQ!

  207. Alison Sigrist says:

    Savage Chickens make me smile each morning…even before coffee! Congratulations on the new book!

  208. shadowwalker says:

    Can’t wait to read it!

    Congratulations on getting the book published, i hope it becomes a best seller!

    Even a chicken would cross the road to buy this book!

  209. Francisco says:

    Congrats on your book! I must say that SC is part of my morning ritual before work and you always make me laugh.

  210. Tim S. says:

    Congrats! I have a link to the RSS feed on my work portal page. Nothing like seeing a fresh cartoon every morning when I log in!

  211. Gabrasca says:

    Chickens Chickens Chickens

  212. Aaron says:

    Nice! I’ll be asking for one for my Birthday 🙂 Congrats!

  213. alu says:

    Yay for chickens.

  214. Stacey Schwingle says:

    Love the chickens!

  215. DanielleBN says:

    Congratulations! =]

  216. Jonna says:

    I want to win one!!!! Loved SC for so long you feel like family. I’m always sharing your funnies on Facebook. With that said….MORE HAPPY BEAR PLEASE! (he’s my muse)

  217. ben says:


  218. Bart says:

    I think chickens can beat lolcats any time of the night.

  219. Tom says:

    Congratulations on the book! I love reading the comic!

  220. Bruce Walker says:

    Congratulations, Doug. Chickens totally rawk! 🙂

  221. Natakue says:

    Congrats on the book! I hope my favorites are in there =)

  222. Igor Garcia says:

    I’ve been following SC for a couple of years, now via RSS. Thank you for making me start my work day smiling or laughing out loud! Congrats for the book, and best regards from BRAZIL!

  223. Micah says:

    Congratulations Doug and thanks for all the laughs. I can’t wait to pick up a copy!

  224. Lor says:

    Yay for Savage Chickens! I love your cartoons. 🙂 Congrats.

  225. Will all this upcoming fame go to the chickens’ heads? Or will just go to the thighs? Interested readers wish to know.


  226. Susan L Mulwani says:

    I am so excited to see this book! Congrats on an edgy, funny, totally cool concept. It’s simplicity makes it the best comic ever. Lots of hugs for many more books to come!

  227. Marshmallow says:

    Well done Doug! Keep the chickens coming! And please pick me to win the book! 😀

  228. Twila Davis Reed says:

    Congrats on the book! A friend turned me on to your comic about 4 years ago and I’ve been hooked ever since!

  229. Ignacio says:

    Even If I dont win this is an excellent opportunity to send my most sincere congrats to Doug.

    Its a pleasure to read SavageChickens before starting the work at the office every 5/7 mornings.

    Again: Congratulations!

  230. S. says:

    On my worst days- I can always depend on at least one smile…. thanks for being so dependable… and yes… I’ll call your mother… or wife… or girlfriend and tell them you are dependable!

  231. Moxie says:

    Yay for the new book!! 🙂

  232. Ula Jonkis says:

    I love chickens ever since;)! I need this book realy!! I’m addicted :).
    Greetings form Poland!

  233. Chuck says:

    Congrats! Every day, one of the first things I do at work is load up the new cartoon.

  234. Frank Baird says:

    Thanks, Doug. Savage Chickens has been a great inspiration (and deinspiration) to me for several years now. I read your comic every morning. I mean, it’s work related, right?
    Anyway, keep up the good work!

  235. Zach says:


  236. Daniel says:

    Sweet! Nice work on the book!

  237. Tracy Ritter says:

    Congratulations for all of your success and the book! Like so many others have already said, you are awesome!

  238. sammy says:

    aaaaah I want that book!!

  239. Kman says:

    I only started reading a few weeks ago and I’m level one million hooked. So excited about this book as a way to see some of the best of the back catalogue. Yay Chickens!

  240. Amy says:

    Congratulations! I’d love to win a copy of your book.

  241. Yining says:

    bring me the chicks, please 😉

  242. Akeisha says:


  243. John says:

    My favorite cartoon of all time. Tofu is tasteless. I’m a huge fan of your work, keep it up.

  244. vinny says:

    buk buk buk – Grrr. I love Savage Chickens!

  245. James Kubecki says:


  246. Sara Sarkey says:

    Congrats! It always brightens up my morning when I see the daily chicken in my inbox.

  247. UnhØLy says:

    South america? please? :O

  248. If I got a signed copy I could give my copy (being delivered today) to my friend who turned me on to you.

  249. Edith says:

    Yeah! Your book is here! My son’s birthday is coming up, so I need to get 2 copies. One to send to college & one for me 🙂

  250. Michael says:

    Greetings from Germany! Ich liebe die Savage Chickens 😀

  251. Dehrk says:

    Congratulations. The book looks awesome!

  252. Arturo says:

    Congratulations for you book, you’re amazing.
    You make a smile in my face everyday with your cartoons :).

  253. Anuj Asher says:

    I’ve been waiting for it.
    when is it coming to India???/(can’t buy online 🙁 )
    Hope i win one 😀

  254. Tim says:

    Can’t wait to see the book whether I win a copy or buy one! Congratulations on publication!

  255. melissa smith says:

    others have coffee to start their day, i have chickens on sticky notes!!! thank you for the genius that savage chickens and congrats on the new book. i cant wait to read it 🙂

  256. Christina says:

    Your chickens make my morning better every day. I always lookd forward to the newest comic and I rofl a lot because of them.

    Cheers 🙂

  257. Kathy Applebaum says:

    Yay Chickens book!

  258. Matt Lifschultz says:

    I love waking up with your cartoons. There is no better way to start my day. I hope this book sells out!9

  259. Cliff Jones says:

    Congratulations on the new book. These are great, I can’t live without my savage chickens… 🙂

  260. Alice says:

    i love my daily chickens. i have several chicken cartoons printed out and hung in my cubicle (even before today’s helpful cube decoration one) 🙂

  261. Dinana says:

    Congrats Doug! You deserve it!

  262. Marcos says:

    I want a book!!! YAY CHICKENS!!!

  263. Beatriz says:

    I love your chickens!!

  264. Chrissy says:

    I live by the Chickens! No morning is complete without them.

  265. Omega says:

    I read Chickens every morning and they make the workday that much better! Keep up the great work, and congratulations of getting a book together – no small task!

  266. Greg says:

    Congratulations! May there be many chickens in your future.

  267. Sam says:

    Glad to see the book – hopefully it will expose you to a wider audience – you deserve it!

  268. Diane K. says:

    Perfect to decorate my cubicle!

  269. Jenny says:

    Love the chickens! Congratulations on the book!

  270. Congratulations and Huzzah!! Three Cheers for creative self employment! … and thank you for the daily smiles and laughs. 🙂

  271. Jen says:

    I so need the chicken book! Love them!

  272. Sheji Ho says:


  273. Kathy says:

    This is so exciting! I LOVE the chickens – it’s a great way to start my day!

  274. Sam DeVore says:

    Win it or buy it I will have it 😉 keep up the good work you make my day

  275. Donna B says:

    Chickens make me smile. Zombie chickens make me giggle. Thanks for making my morning. CHICKENS RULE!

  276. Crow says:

    Very cool Doug. When we meet at some comic convention in the future we should do a book exchange. One Attack Crocs! for you, one Savage Chickens for me. Even the titles seem appropriate!

  277. ramonathepest says:


  278. Aiza says:

    Win or lose, can’t wait to get your book! Definatley an office survival MUST! I hang the PROD3000 cartoons in my cube just to annoy my manager! Thnx!

  279. Sherar says:

    woah!! that’s nice! Congratulations for your book and for your chickens! they’ve given us great times or at least a smile in the horrendous life at work xD

  280. Erik Kabo says:

    I love Savage Chickens, and I collect signed first editions… I can’t think of a better combination. In case I don’t win, you should offer signed books for sale…

  281. Ann S. says:

    Congratulations Doug! I can’t wait to read the book! (and sign me up for the drawing…. free chickens would rock!)

  282. sarah Ransford says:

    So glad you have a book! Would Love to have a copy!

  283. Kris says:

    Congrats on the book!

  284. Roberta says:

    All those chickens between 2 covers? Heaven!
    And thank you for sharing your gift on little yellow sticky notes:)

  285. Chris Kindle says:

    Love your comics. They touch me in places I can’t mention here.

  286. Andrew says:

    Winner winner chicken dinner? 😀

  287. Peter Yagmin says:

    ME, ME! PICK ME!! 🙂

  288. hylian says:

    congrats on the book (^_^)

  289. Brian says:

    Chickens FTW! Love the comic.

  290. YAY! If I don’t win, I’ll be pinching pennies to get this.

  291. Barbro says:

    Best chickens in the world!
    Would love to have a book 🙂
    Regards from Norway

  292. Itamar says:

    Congratulations !

  293. Iris says:

    woo hoo I want! I want!
    awesome news! congratulations

  294. Matt says:


  295. Angela says:

    Congratulations on all the hard work and laughter over the years that lead up to this book. We appreciate you! My husband, a teacher, loves to find excuses to use your comics in class! Looking forward to hearing about the sequel!

  296. Julio says:

    Good luck, although you’re so great that you won’t need it.

  297. Heidi says:

    Can’t wait to see the book!
    Doug You really are gifted, hope we get another six years of Chickens.

  298. Patrick Walters says:

    Congratulations o great one of sticky and pen! Something to be proud of.

  299. Courtney van Roijen says:

    Woohoo Chickens Book!! Congratulations!! 😀

  300. Morbo says:

    Did someone say free? I’m in 🙂
    Those chickens are alright in my book! Or even your book 😉

  301. Mark Patrick says:

    I will cease my plans for world domination in exchange for your chicken book.

  302. elisa says:

    a savage chickenless existence is a sad existence! congrats from yet another addict your comic has created, hehe.

  303. MrBawn says:

    My wife is not a fan of webcomics, but she likes it whenever I send her a Savage Chickens comic. Having it in print form made it that much more accessible to her. Maybe I can get her to sign up for Chickens email.

    The comics that you did just for the book are great. I especially liked the lessons on how to look busy.

  304. Carmen says:

    Me encanta! Congratulations from Spain!!!

  305. Stephanie says:

    I have to get my daily chicken fix. Pick me. Pick me. Pick me.

  306. Jennifer Haney says:

    Congrats! Love me some chickens.

  307. Aphelia says:

    Congratulations, Doug! 🙂

  308. Mayumi says:

    Simple and awesome, congratz!

  309. CraigM says:

    I just finished going through the Chickens archives the other day. Great stuff!

  310. Des says:

    Love it!!!

  311. Odalie says:

    I am thinking the book will make great Birthday and Christmas presents! Or, “a just because” surprise for a very special someone!
    Happy for you and all us chicken’s! : )

  312. Jørgen A. Sundell says:

    AUGH! The book is here! Congratulations – hopes I’ll get the chance to read it before the rest of your fans;-)

  313. Jimena says:

    LOVE the cluck!

  314. Sarah R. says:

    Cool! Congratulations! At my previous job I often referred back to one of your marketing cartoons: “Your razzmatazz needs more shizzle.” 🙂

  315. Pam says:

    I start my day with the chickens and many more in the office – they hate it when I am not here to pass it along! If I don’t win the book – I will buy it!! Love Tommy Tofu!!

  316. Joe Gordon says:


  317. Rosemary Naftalis says:

    Congrats! Can’t wait to get it…. 🙂

  318. Asha says:

    Congrats on the book! Love your cartoons! Would love to get a signed copy 🙂

  319. Thiago ph says:

    hey, if your sending the book to that other brazilian guy send me one copy too, chances are we live in the same jungle.

    Hail Savage´s chickens!


  320. Bett says:

    I have been on the chicken band wagon from the beginning, finally a book!

  321. Katie Beth says:

    Congratulations, Doug! The book looks awesome.

  322. Love it! Can’t go a day w/o the chickens!

  323. Melissa Moore says:

    excited about this book! I love your comics.

  324. Yay! The book is here!

  325. mafe says:

    I love the chickens! I’ve been following them for a long time now… can I have A book… pretty please????

  326. schleifnet says:

    my cube at my office was recently replaced and my new walls are bare and in need of decoration outside of the dilbert realm

  327. Congrats on the new book!

  328. Shiree in Salt Lake says:

    Congratulations on your book! Your chickens bring a smile to my daily grind, and for that…much thanks!

  329. Chewbacca says:

    [Translation: I, Chewie, love the Savage Chicken cartoons, especially ones starring me, and would love to get a signed copy]

  330. Jessica says:

    Yea for the book!! Over four years ago, a former co-worker told me about these chicken cartoons drawn on sticky notes. I looked them up and saw why she was so in love with them. Thanks for all the laughs! 🙂

  331. brian says:

    LOVE Savage Chickens! I consider it one of the best commentaries on all affairs foreign and domestic 😉 congrats on the book!

  332. Claire says:

    I absolutely adore Savage Chickens, I subscribed to the feed ages ago and look forward to it everyday. I forward lots and lots of them to friends and my adult children too.

  333. Ronnie says:

    Congratulations! your cartoons always makes my day.
    Happy it’s out before my B-day (end of march) so I can put it on my wishlist! 🙂

  334. Randall says:

    Yay Book! Yay free book? Pwease?

  335. Salvatore says:

    Congrats on the book.

  336. Anne Henmi says:

    Congrats on the book! You’re awesome. I look forward to my daily poultry 🙂

  337. Satrina says:

    The Chickens are a very important part of my day!

    Congrats on the book!

  338. Rahp says:

    That’s just great!
    I hope there are more (books) to come!

  339. Jason says:

    Love the comic. Congrats on the book, hope I win it!

  340. wunami says:


  341. Ray Herb says:

    A savage chicken sticky a day keeps the blues at bay. Congratulations!!!

  342. DooLoc says:

    Love it.

  343. Christine Cude says:

    Congratulations!! I love your cartoons! They start my day with a smile. 🙂

  344. Alejandro Núñez says:

    I love eating Chicken

  345. Doug Maynard says:

    Congratulations! Probably going to buy the book – winning one would give me a gift for the sadly uninitiated. 🙂

  346. EdFrank says:

    Savage Chickens – A new concept of Reality Humor Tendencies. Kudos for the Cat Adventures. Such useless animals…

  347. Rafael.Coimbra says:

    Hoorray for the chickens!
    Keep on rocking Savage!

  348. ke^kx says:

    Woooowww yeah! That´s awesome! Really looking forward to getting it, either by winning or by buying 😉

  349. JSchm says:

    Does your new book come with a job application, cuz I’ll get nothing done for the whole next day after I get it.

  350. JasonandSarah says:

    Yay for Doug and the Chickens! Congratulations!

  351. Rafael.Coimbra says:

    Great job on these chickens Savage!

    Keep’em rocking!

  352. Patrick says:

    Love the comic! Would love the book even more!

  353. Daisy says:

    Yay! D:

  354. Kevin says:

    Totally wicked awesome work, Doug. And now March first of every year here on out will be known as DAY OF THE CHICKENS – SAVAGE CHICKENS, THAT IS.

  355. Don C says:

    I just discovered Savage Chickens on Google Reader and it brings great joy to my mundane office routine.

    Thanks for helping me keep my sanity intact.

  356. Stacey says:

    These chickens always start my day off right. Can’t wait to read the book.

  357. Deb Adriance says:

    Yay you, getting the book out! I have loved Savage Chickens from the beginning, as I was actually raised with chickens. You get them just right! 🙂

  358. Christy says:

    Congrats! Been reading since the beginning and can’t wait to get the new book!

  359. Julie D. says:

    A day without your Post-It Chickens is like a day without sunshine. Congratulations on your book. I hope it sells a ton and thank you for all the enjoyment your cartoons have brought to me over the years. 🙂

  360. Tim says:

    Congratulations!! May it be the bestseller of the year!

  361. Nathan says:

    Thanks for telling me where to buy the books from indonesia…

    and thanks for sharing the laugh all day…

    nathan (indonesia)

  362. Andre says:

    Hurray! Congratulations!

  363. Big Rob says:

    I want one! To bad the only time I ever get chosen randomly in in a police lineup. 🙁

  364. Joe Cool says:


    I love $&%*ing chickens on $&%*ing sticky notes!

  365. Beth says:


    Am already a subscriber to e-mail but didn’t know if that would count toward the drawing– so, I’m also leaving a comment to ensure a possibility of winning your book…

  366. LuAnn Morgan says:

    I’ve been getting your cartoons in my email box for quite some time, so you can imagine how anxious I’ve been for this book to publish!

  367. Hannah says:

    Well, now I know what part of my tax return is going to.

  368. John says:

    Congrats on the book! The Chickens so deserve a place on the bookshelf.

  369. Enrico F says:


  370. cymruangel says:

    Alas the chickens are out of stock on Amazon UK – no avian wisdom for us for a while, and I shall be giving my pal an IOU for her birthday…

  371. Karen says:

    So happy about the book! Fingers crossed to win one 😉

  372. Tony Bond says:

    Mr. Savage(Chicken :~),

    Please, oh please!
    Pick me for your free book!

    I’m your #1 fan…

    I tell everyone about your Chickens;

    I tell my co-workers;
    I tell my friends;
    I tell my ham radio buddies;
    I tell my tattoo artist;
    I tell my therapist;
    I tell my psychiatrist;
    I even tell my bartender;

    Thanks Doug!

  373. Erik Lundy says:

    Congrats on the book. Looks awesome.

  374. Deede F. says:

    Congrats Doug! Thanks for our daily chuckle.

  375. muj0 says:

    I love Chickens! Well, Savage Chickens that is…

  376. Nancy says:

    I would love a copy of the book – reading the daily cartoon is always fun!

  377. Rachel says:

    I can’t believe I didn’t know about you sooner! I went through the entire archives in about a week! Congratulations on your book!

  378. Francie says:

    This is a perfect example of why books will never die. People say all the time that books are all being made digital, while forgetting that digital material is being made into books!
    Rock on Chickens, rock on.

  379. Stefan says:

    Me and my girlfriend love the chickens. Congrats on the book!

  380. rhea says:

    yay chickens and reading!

  381. Robert Johnson says:

    Congratulations on the book! Nice work.

  382. Jody Regan says:

    Congrats to you; and lucky us!

  383. Congrats. I can’t wait to get the book, either by winning it or by purchasing it.

  384. Lynn says:

    I’m happy to buy the book but I’d love a signed copy. I’ve been a big fan for years….(first thing every morning I send my husband the day’s SC)

  385. jeffrey says:

    Can’t wait to get the book! It’s cheap!

  386. Shary says:

    Hi, nice work 🙂

  387. Colin says:

    Random comment.

  388. Mike Stewart says:

    Praise be to the good book!

  389. Luiz Cavalcanti says:

    Your wish is an order, sir:
    Let’s just wait for HR’s call 😛

  390. Cynthia Coffman says:

    You are my hero. I love that you were able to turn a fun lil sticky note thing into a little piece of awesome for everyone who reads it. Yay!

  391. Julita Isalska says:

    yaaaaay! 🙂

  392. renan casagrande says:

    Internet power.
    Love from Brazil.

  393. Travis says:

    Congrats! I’ll have to buy the book if I don’t win it!

  394. Stiv says:

    Congratulations! Chicken rules the world!

  395. Lisa says:

    You make every day at the ‘coop’ bear-able!!

  396. Jen says:


  397. Denise says:

    I’ve been reading since the start!! BRAVO and keep the chickens coming!

  398. Justin says:

    Cool! I pre-ordered it for a friend as a gift. Now would love to win one for myself 🙂

  399. Derek W. says:

    Awesome! Congrats on the new book! Savage Chickens FTW!

  400. Chris Holmes says:

    Bwaaark! Gggrrr! Bwaaark!


  401. Heinrich says:

    i can has free book? oh and now i need to decorate my cubicle…

  402. krrrrrrr says:


    If I would enter a lottery every time I leave a comment somewhere, I’d be a quite frequent winner.

  403. Eisen says:

    Random winner, random comment.

  404. Kelly O'Sullivan says:

    Oh my goodness, the book is here! Congratulations!

  405. Mimi says:

    Chickens rock!

  406. Nancy says:

    Now I know what to get for my friend’s birthday!

  407. Pablo says:

    Yay! Congratulations on he book, Doug
    greetings from Costa Rica 😀

  408. Elena says:

    Great! Following you 2 years now, is there any possibility of buying the book in EU?

  409. alaric187 says:

    it will be a pleasure to add a book to the collection of savage chickens in my office. hooray for getting through the workday!

  410. dcp says:

    Congrats on the book. Been following for years!

  411. Kevin B says:

    Congrats on the book! I love sharing your cartoons with family, friends, co-workers, bosses, baristas, my kids class for show and tell, my priest, that guy in my building who’s name I can never remember, my shadow, and Steve. In short, your cartoons are great and I’m glad that I’ll have a collection of them in book form on my coffee table.

  412. Jay B Bargeron says:

    Long time follower of Savage Chickens. In my book, you’re up there with Gary Larson. Kudos on the book deal.


  413. Rosa says:

    Congrats on the book. I just ordered it from my local book store. Thanks.

  414. Walt Smith says:

    thanks for all the chickens – and if I don’t win, I’m going to buy the book … oh crud – I just “incentivised” you to not pick me …

  415. Kim Paola (a.k.a. Mrs. PayPay) says:

    Breakin’ the rules has never been so entertaining!!! Thank you for giving me a reason to sidestep “the man” with his blocked domains and share prolific chickenry with my students…mwahaha.

  416. Wooo! Chance for a free book!

  417. eduardomps says:

    YAY and HOORAY for the chickens!

    * robot enters the room *
    * everybody goes BACK TO WORK! *

  418. Sarah O says:

    The chickens make my morning every day at the office. Don’t know what I’d do without them. Congrats on the book!

  419. andyinsdca says:

    How is comment formed?

  420. terry says:

    wooo!!! chicken book!

  421. Cricket54 says:

    Congratulations on the book! Many thanks for all the giggles you’ve provided me since the day I stumbled across your website for the first time!

  422. Nathan Glenn says:

    Awesome! I’m Amazoning this right away. Thanks for the chickens! I look forward to checking my email every day.

  423. WhiteRaven says:

    Thank you for all the great chickens ! 😛

  424. John says:

    Congrats! you’re an inspiration!

  425. marcia says:

    congrats! would love to win this as a surprise for my brother who introduced me to your blog. 🙂

  426. Tim says:


  427. dave says:

    great work!! chickens rule

  428. Carrie says:

    Congrats on the book!

    A couple years ago I did a search for “chickens on the moon” [don’t ask] and that is how I discovered Savage Chickens. I’ve visited the site at the start of every workday ever since. Thanks for all the smiles and the many more to come!

  429. Your chickens are the best! Congratulations on your book.

  430. Michele Portale says:

    Congratulations on 6 years! I can’t start my day without a good savage chicken post-it!

  431. Lina says:

    Great comic! Can’t wait to see more 🙂

  432. says:

    I <3 Timmy Tofu and his love of porn

  433. Charles Hickens says:

    The chickens are easily my favorite webcomic. 🙂

  434. dante says:

    Doug, I hope the book is a savage success so you can keep providing ME with free cartoons each morning. Please don’t let your soon-to-be riches cannibalize your drive to make ME laugh. I’ve contemplated the gun and it’s the Chickens that get ME through Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. You’ve touched ME and now I’m filing suit for sexual harassment. You’re not letting ME get away with this! Muhhahahahahahah!

    I <3 it Savage style.

  435. dante says:

    Doug, it’s ME again.


  436. Kit says:

    Great I love em I get em in my email everyday they are just the best cartoons I’ve ever read

  437. Melina says:


  438. Dude says:

    The book of the year 😀 yaaaay!! It’s been a long wait 🙂

  439. Kraken says:

    Yay, finally its here! Already put it on my birthday wishlist. I hope people from overseas are also eligible for winning the signed book 🙂

    Keep it up, savage chickens is one of my favourite web comics!

  440. lisa says:

    Congratulations Doug! I still have the chicken Post-It you drew for me when I graduated from university (the one stuck on the inside of the card). Never throwing it away. 🙂

  441. Alfredo says:

    You sir are a star. Congrats on the book!

  442. Kraken says:

    Yay, its finally here! Already put it on my birthday wishlist. I hope people from overseas are also eligible for winning the signed cpoy 🙂

    Keep it up, you make one of my favourite web comics!

  443. Geoff says:

    Did you know that Vegan Ice Shacks is an anagram for Savage Chickens?

  444. TheChrisD says:

    Am so tempted to buy this 😛

  445. Patrick says:

    Congratulations! Got some birthdays coming up, and this looks like the perfect gift, so excellent timing!

  446. Jennifer says:


  447. Andy says:

    Congrats on the book! Can’t wait to see it.

  448. Consuelo says:


  449. Andre says:

    Congratulations, i almost buy instantly, but i know that i will win the signed copy. right?
    PS: prety cheap isnt it?

  450. Tisa says:

    Chicken booty! Booty as in treasure.

  451. Jade says:

    Yay! It’s finally here! Congrats! Keep up the awesomeness!

  452. Matt says:

    Amazing, can’t wait to see it!

  453. Jeff says:

    I’m only entering a comment for a chance to win a book. The book does look great, by the way. 🙂

  454. kalafudra says:

    How awesome! Congrats to the book!

  455. Christi K says:

    I used to decorate my cubicle with drawings of chickens and robots that I’d draw, always based on my co-workers. I even wanted to go home early one day and my supervisor was unsure if he’d let me, so I drew him a comic and won him over.

    Looking forward to seeing the book! Congrats!

  456. Matt says:

    Congratulations on the book, and sign me up for the contest! I look forward to every day with the chickens.

  457. Boston Al says:

    Love it! I already pre-ordered a copy, but wouldn’t mind a signed copy and spread the love of Savage Chickens. Congrats on the book! You’re awesome and bring smiles to me every grueling weekday 🙂

  458. Brian says:


  459. jlp says:

    Chickens, Lassie, and Spiders, OH MY!!!

  460. Derrick says:

    My coffee Table is a barren wasteland, begging for the refreshing oasis that is a Savage Chickens book.

  461. Jennifer says:

    so proud! Congrats! Keep it up, I enjoy reading them. 🙂

  462. Jordy B says:

    Good news – I’ll be getting me a copy ASAP!!

    Well done!!

  463. Susan Shyluk says:

    The new book is here! The new book is here! That’s fantastic.

  464. Karly says:

    Yay! Exciting!

  465. Uvarigh Alvarado says:

    I was realy looking foward to this!!! I hope I can get it in mexico!

  466. Rob says:


    Congrats on your new book. Keep the comics coming!

  467. Gina says:

    Aha, so the chickens have FINALLY come home to roost!!! Congrats on the new book, I can hardly wait to see & read it!! Thanks for a laugh a day! ;o)

  468. kerem says:

    savage chickens is my favorite comic online.
    timmy the tofu in my hero since 2005!

  469. Jason Sakal says:

    Congrats on the book! I love beginning my morning with savage chickens!

  470. AJ Aquino says:

    Awesome! When will you be in the L.A. area to do a signing?

  471. Love those chickens!! Congratulations on your first book.

  472. Erin says:

    I’m a relatively new follower of the comics, but I’m constantly sharing them on Facebook and Twitter. I would love to win a copy of the book.

  473. Kimmy says:

    Love the chickens!

  474. Marjorie says:

    Congrats on the book!

  475. Antonio says:

    Yay! The book is here!

  476. Marcinha says:

    I love the chickens, congratulations from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! I have a folder in my computer where I save my favorites.



  477. Mircea says:

    chickens by email :))

  478. Michelle F says:

    Congrats on the book! Can’t wait to see it!

  479. Sheri Tardio says:

    I want the Chickens!!!

  480. Wendy says:

    Congrats!! I’ve been a fan for a while and I definitely need this book!!

  481. Mary says:

    I hope you make a bazillion dollars. But not so much that you stop drawing the chickens. 🙂

  482. Bryan Green says:

    I would like an autographed book please!

  483. Jason Frazer says:

    Great work Doug, nothing like holding one of your own books in your hands. Congratulations.

  484. Stace says:

    Congratulations Doug!! Would love a copy of your book.

  485. Barbara says:

    I look forward to my daily dose of chickens every morning! I don’t eat them; I just read them. 😉 Congrats on your new book.

  486. First, Savage Chickens in my Twitter feed.
    Then, Savage Chickens in my email.
    Soon, Savage Chickens in my hand (the book)!

  487. Louis says:

    I used to start my mornings with Chickens, but now I have to wait till after work.
    They’re still just as funny.

  488. Lesley says:

    Your chickens are like family. I’m so happy for you on this monumental achievement. Congrats Doug.

  489. Carlos Novillo says:

    Wow chickens!!!! congrats!! I enjoy the blog a lot

  490. Sophia says:

    Congratulations! I’m so excited to get my hands on your book! 🙂

  491. Nebulous says:

    Don’t you hate it when your computer puts an old, dead email address in a comment form?
    Chickens are still funny.

  492. Daniel Sroka says:

    Congrats on the book!

  493. Maria E. says:

    Awesome! =D It’s about time! *crosses fingers to win*

  494. Niri Tacen says:

    Alas, I fear that the far flung shores of New Zealand are too distant to win this book. I shall take great pleasure in purchasing it when it is published here. Please tell me it’s being published here!

    I also hope we still have a store to buy it from.

  495. Mary, Sandy Hook, CT says:

    For me…a chicken a day keeps the doctor away! Thank you for the laughs and congrats on the new book!

  496. Kate B says:

    I look forward to a new Savage Chicken every day, it is the first email that I open!

  497. Grokman says:

    Big congrats! I’ve been a big fan for years – my all-time favorite cartoon is hanging on my cube wall here, and it’s inspired me to give more thoughts to how I end my correspondance.

    Piss off

  498. Jessica Roberts says:

    LOVE Savage Chickens … all the way from Alaska!!!

  499. adora says:

    Love the chickens!

  500. JCarleton says:

    I have this site bookmarked just to make the work day bearable! Having a signed copy of that book on the edge of the desk would be that much cooler!

  501. Bruce says:

    Congrats on the book! Awesome job!

  502. Andy says:

    Awesomeness! Congrats on the book!

  503. Teg says:

    It has been a long wait but well worth it! Keep up the fantastic work on the Chickens, Doug! You make me smile every week day!

  504. Jenn Zuko says:

    Oo! I’d love to win a copy! If not, I’ll certainly buy one! ~Jenn

  505. NicJ says:

    Thanks for all the wicked cartoons- used to use them all the time with my students in New Zealand.

  506. Drew Berry Crunch says:

    Wow man, I’d like a copy of that book

  507. El Cocoa says:



    I so want to win just because I’m commenting from my own cubicle!

  508. Girby says:

    That’ll go fantastic with my brand new “Life is an adventure!” T-Shirt. If shipping to europe was only a little less expensive.

  509. dermon says:

    congrats on the book! pick me, pick me! ;;)

  510. Tom McMahon says:

    Love dem birds, Doug! Keep up the great work!

  511. Pnoy says:

    gief book plox!

  512. Davida says:

    I got the book in the mail today as a birthday present from my daughter!!! LOVE IT!!! The Chickens are my hero’s!

  513. Congratulations for the new book! This is a must have for me!
    Best regards, your biggest german fan who is starting the lab day with chickens on sticky notes!


  514. Stephanie says:

    YAY! Chicken book! 😀

  515. yonatan says:

    Cool! I love your Comics!

  516. Fraz Ismat says:

    Congratulations on the book! It will be great to have all of this work available in one place that is not the Internet.

  517. amy says:

    Dear Doug,

    Congratulations! You’re an inspiration for me, as a (what seems like) life-long cubicle drone. Thanks for taking the time to e-mail me a few years ago, your kindness has not been forgotten 🙂

    Much much love,


  518. Demonite8 says:

    I love these comics!

  519. lishun says:

    loved your comics from the very start! i think i’ve turned a couple of friends into fans too. hehe. great job with the book! hope they get sent worldwide. =)

  520. Emmy says:

    Who would have thought a flock of talking chickens could bring such joy to life?

  521. SavageChickensFanSince06 says:

    Congrats on the Book; I can’t wait to pick it up!

  522. Schyguy says:

    Just finished reading every post it from the beginning! Can’t wait to get the book.

  523. Luu says:

    Doug, thank YOU for posting new chicken-strip every day!

  524. Chris Knowles says:

    Been looking forward to the book for what seems like ages!

  525. Did you know that “chook” is Australian for “chicken”? My chooks, Boris, Piskie, Dicken and Tinkerbelle are all big fans of yours.

  526. Danny Goy says:

    on it says the book is temporarily unavailable to order

  527. Mike Rupert says:

    This is one that I will have to buy, in the event that I don’t win. Keep up the great work, Doug. You give me something to look forward to every dreary work day.

  528. I love the Chickens! I would very much like to win the book, but I won’t hold it against you if I don’t. Much. 🙂

  529. Mikel says:

    Congratulations Doug! The book must be great. You’ve come a long way with your chickens. I’m happy for you.

  530. Dave says:

    Long Live Prod3000! So we all know there’s a worse boss than whatever was your worst boss (mine was the Rachel750 )

  531. Heather says:

    Congrats on the new book! I love Savage Chickens, especially the work-related ones.

  532. Aaron says:

    That book is gonna look really nice on my bookshelf 🙂

  533. Tsvetomir says:

    Love the chickens 🙂

  534. Laurie Mair says:

    Congrats on the book coming out! I’ve enjoyed your chickens since the first. I look forwards to reading the book!

  535. John says:

    Is this the seven habits of robot bosses?

  536. Mick Lathrop says:

    YAY! Go Go Savage Chickens!

  537. Kudos! Thank you for having the dedication and discipline to post one sticky note every day! I know how much effort it takes! Greetings from Medellín, Colombia. May the chicken force be with you!

  538. Karen says:

    Your chickens are fantastic! Just what I need as a pick me up when I am blogging on my chicken themed site! 😉

  539. Rhiannon says:

    I cannot tell you how many times Savage Chickens has made my day. Thankyou for so many laughs 🙂

  540. Amy Welch says:

    Love, love, love the chickens!! Keep up the good work!

  541. Crash Solo says:

    I love Savage Chickens – my favorite way to start the morning!

  542. D.L. says:

    Congrats. Like how the person in the picture flipping through the Savage Chicken book is also wearing a Savage Chicken t-shirt.

    Talk about product placement.

  543. Ill Bill says:

    Can’t wait to get my copy. I look forward every morning for my daily dose of Chickens. Keep up the great work Doug!

  544. Congratulations for the book! I’d love to win a copy!!

  545. nemediano says:

    Congratulations! just hopping that other books or volumens) will come in the future.

  546. BKA says:

    Kudos from Brazil!

  547. Locutus says:

    I would leave a witty comment, but we all know I’m just here for the comics and the giveaway. 😛

  548. uriah says:


  549. Meli says:

    Can’t wait to get my book! Thanks for the many laughs

  550. arr says:

    I ordered the book as a gift for a friend and Amazon delivered it today: “Thank you! I LOVE it! It has Chickens. and Funny. and Hate-My-Tech-Job.”

  551. Chris says:

    I am anxiously awaiting for my copy of the book, since Feb. 1st. I ordered it then not realizing it wouldn’t be released until Mar. 1st.

  552. Kehos says:

    I love your chickens, specially the ninja ones! 😀

  553. JzP says:

    The chicken is in the book.

  554. moy says:

    Love the chickens !!!

  555. Thomas says:

    The book won’t be a featherweight!

  556. MarkR says:

    Congrats on the book! I enjoy the RSS feed…

  557. marianne says:

    Love ya! Mean it!


  558. JON says:

    Congrats and many more!

  559. maria says:

    congratulations to you and the chickens on your first book! xoxo

  560. Fernanda says:

    congratulations on the book! =)

  561. Guillermo says:

    congratulations to the chickens on their brand new book!

  562. Fukuda says:

    Congrats from Japan!

  563. Rich0116 says:

    Congratulations on the book. I do love me some chicken humor.

  564. Meadow says:



  565. steve says:


    Can’t wait to read it.

  566. June says:

    Good Job!!

  567. Travis Allen says:

    Congratulations and Great Job!

  568. Byrel says:

    Your chickens are so much fun to read!


  569. Grace says:

    Congrats on your very first (of many 🙂 book!

  570. willwot says:

    keep up the good work! Gizzard eatin’, stuck in the craw, mind if I have a breast, just wingin’ it fun. Thanks Doug.

  571. KK Khoo says:

    Chicken Savage FTW!

  572. Pat says:

    All your bookz are belong to us.

  573. Daniel says:

    Now I can read happiness without wifi!

  574. I want the book. I need the book. I am often comically deprive and Twitter and the website aren’t enough.

  575. LibrarianJessica says:

    Thanks for the tweet reminding me to enter the contest. And thanks for all the laughs thus far. Hoping I win the book, but planning to get it regardless of how.

  576. Fiona says:

    My Chooks, Mabel and Ruby, thoroughly approve and give it the Bok Boks up. They even shook their tail feathers.

  577. Sandi Wiggins says:

    Buck buck buck!

  578. ESP says:

    Congrats on the publication – love your stuff!

  579. Patty says:

    Love the Chickens, Doug. Cool beans.

  580. Kamil says:

    Savage Chickens FTW!
    One of the best things that happened to the internet! 🙂

  581. Aignes says:

    Parabéns pelo livro 🙂

  582. I would have answered earlier but the evil boss wouldn’t let me. Chickens are awesome! (please let me win!!)

  583. pcstokell says:

    Congratulations!! Now, where’s my damn flying car??

  584. Angela says:

    When does Savage Chicken Cologne come out? Count me in.

  585. Valentin says:

    Wondering why it took so long for a publisher to notice you…
    Keep up the awesome work!

  586. Doug says:

    Thank you all for the wonderful comments today!

    And the winner is….!

  587. Lolita says:

    I want a book too!

  588. Lois says:

    We love the Chickens! Finger lickin’ good…

  589. Fox Cole says:

    Congratulations on the book! Savage Chickens in some ways is like The Far Side—there’s something for everyone. It never ceases to amaze me how much you manage to pack into a sticky note. Superior work! Thanks for the laughs.

    • Doug says:

      Thanks Fox! Being compared to The Far Side is the best compliment possible! And yeah sometimes it’s tricky, cramming everything onto a little sticky note, but that’s part of the fun!

  590. UnhØLy says:

    *jealous* :C

  591. cynthia borbon says:

    love this book

  592. josh asnel says:

    the chickens rock

  593. Diego says:

    I’m buying one today from an independent book shop in Surrey, BC, and giving it away as a prize at an event I’m hosting tonight. More chickenloving!

  594. Kimberly says:

    I just got my book yesterday!! Read it all at once 🙂 LOVED IT!! Congrats!

  595. Martin says:

    Love the chickens! Congratulations for the book! A big hug from Buenos Aires!

  596. silvanus slaughter says:

    I’m so glad you create and create these. You give me so much laughter. Thank you!

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