Savage Chickens - Lullaby

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9 Responses to Lullaby

  1. Radioactive Jam says:

    And subsequently eaten, because “not C3PO.”

  2. Anonymous says:

    heh heh ….. ewoks

  3. Jen says:

    Don’t be fooled. Those ewoks will use slingshots and real rocks to rockabye the baby. 😛

  4. JGallihue says:

    I discovered Savage Chickens this weekend. I laughed very hard and ended up passing a kidney stone. Thanks, I guess.


  5. Ms Hairy says:

    If the baby is rescued by ewoks, you must acquit.

  6. tswny says:

    Sometimes a mother must be quick on her feet and able to improvise a story’s ending so that her baby chicks aren’t traumatized!

  7. Snowdrops says:

    Love the “Jubjub” speech bubble!

    Reminds me of an old co-worker who’s very fond of saying “lovely jubbly” all the time 🙂 Actually the bear’s expression kinda looks like hers too!

  8. Gerald Ford says:

    As I have a little girl myself, I think she would appreciate the Star Wars ending. Now if she only knew what an Ewok was.

  9. flame says:

    heh..i dont know what to say….ewoks heheh…chickens heheh………….nice story

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