Economic Crisis!
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Econocalypse! Awesome!
Econocalypse. Wow, that’s a mouthful. e-co-NOC-a-lypse. Great word, though! So, how do we get it in Webster’s?
It looks like someone was paying attention when Environment Canada coined “Snowmageddon” a few weeks ago.
I love the marketing chickens and their Rick Astley sunglasses.
DOUG! Shhhhhhhh! ZOMG You’re not supposed to say the word “Depression” it’s too scary!
calypso economy?
when everything goes wrong,
dancing makes you feel better.
How about “The Great Depression 2.0″…
‘econocalypse’ is just great!
and next, the Econoclapse!
Not that anyone asked me but I think
“Econo-Pocalyse” is easier to say.
Every time I try to say “Econocalypse”
it comes out “Econopalys”
I agree
or for those old enough to remember a great Vietnam movie
“Econo-PocaLypse Now”
cos it certainly seems Liberal Progressives everywhere want Obama to be Colonel Kurtz…
I think “Econopalypse” might fit better with the current trend for neologisms involving portmanteaus — dem kids would be all over it, and what you really need in a depression is to get the recent grads on board! Or something.
Im sure if Obama’s wife wouldn’t be spending so much money on new clothes everyday we wouldn’t have to worry about a ‘Great Depression 2’ or whatever, but I know she isn’t the only reason why the economy has gone bad…
..Econocalypse??? uhmMmMmM..sOund sO intErestinG bUt hOw cAn wE finD itS mEaninG on a dictiO??? mOst espEcially fOr thOse pEopLe thAt r nOt gOod in vOcabulary,likE mE..anD thAt wOrd is a littlE bit twiSty whEn u trY to rEad it..harhar..bUt thAt nEw wOrd of yOurs can bE inclUded in thE webSter or in any dictionary..hahahahahahaha..fOr yOu tO shAre sUm nEw wOrdS tO thE other pEopLe whOse vEry deSperate in finding nEw anD uniqUe wOrds..hahahaha
“economic crisis” and “recession” should replace YOU-KNOW-WHO