Savage Chickens - CSI: Denmark

More Shakespeare.

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11 Responses to CSI: Denmark

  1. Halfa says:

    Just love it :D, when i was on school i used to make fun of them on the same way, CSI + name of my town lawl 🙂

  2. Christian says:

    Woo! Denmark!

  3. steve says:


    You should do a run of these, spinning a yarn, with plot holes and spelling mistakes.

    : )

  4. Leak says:

    I always call it “CSI: Deswirdnix”, as “CSI” is pronounced almost the same as “Sieh es ei[n]” (German for “do realize”) and “des wird nix” is slang for “that’s not gonna work out”…

    But that’s probably just me… 😀

  5. Anders says:

    Yer woohoo to Denmark 😛
    like this one 😛

  6. phrawgg says:

    You got it wrong. There are no fibers in Denmark. Denmark is made of Legos!

  7. Seraphine says:

    ewww. jibes in chewing tobacco?
    it makes me want to spit.

  8. Rickula says:

    I’ve read Hamlet about eight times through my college career, and only now truly appreciate it through chicken visualization. Thank you.

  9. Zork says:

    Alas, poor Yorick, but…there’s a statute of limitations on what they did to you?
    This would have to be a CSI Miami episode–these days only David Caruso could seriously utter a line like “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” Then he’d take off or put on his sunglasses in a dramatic way, and all you college kids would have to drink.

  10. autolady3 says:

    This is such an awesome site! Keep it up!

  11. me says:

    what are jibes?

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