Savage Chickens - Plenty of Fluids

Well I’ve still got a fever, but I think I’m finally starting to get better. Phew!

Here’s some more sickness.

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31 Responses to Plenty of Fluids

  1. Stefan says:

    When I’m sick, I usually chop up a few pieces of garlic into really small pieces, mix it into some orange juice and drink it all up. Raw garlic is supposedly good for you – and I dunno if it’s just the Placebo effect or not, but I usually DO start to feel better after taking my little potion. 🙂

    Get well soon!

  2. Diego says:

    Yes it is. (Trivia: When bought from a corner store, rum is cheaper than bottled water in the Philippines.)

  3. Aud says:

    HA~! Why does this remind me of (Captain) Jack Sparrow?

  4. Absolutely. Kill those germs! Kill them! No mercy!

  5. Hyman says:

    I have heard clear liquids work better…try vodka…it usually works for me.

  6. Roger R says:

    Missed a few days of Chickens, came to catch up today. Hope you’re recovering: lots of jokes here in the UK about swine flu, but I think many won’t translate. (“Called the NHS Helpline, but all I got was cracking…”) There’s a photoshop of Kermit dead – caught it from guess who.The most basic jokes are about the symptoms including wanting sex in the mud.
    Lying in bed drinking rum sounds like a good idea.

  7. Jeff says:

    “I’m not as think as you drunk I am”.

  8. Peter says:

    That’s a way of getting sick too!

    Luckily you’re on the mend.

  9. Cristina says:

    I think i need rum. I caught your bug too. *sniffle*

  10. VeggieOption says:

    Doug, I hope you are on the mend. Rum isn’t going to do it though – it’s got to be whiskey with lemon and honey! I thought every chicken knew that!

  11. lindylu says:

    NO NO NO Bad Chicken!!!

  12. ramonathepest says:

    LOL!! Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery, and I’m sure the rum helped.

  13. Jon says:

    an idea: “I must be feeling better…it’s going in one end and out the other.”

    another idea: It is the new H1N1 diet – don’t eat for a few days and lose ten pounds

  14. Chris says:

    Apparently the chicken is so sick, it thinks it’s a pirate.

  15. Gretchen says:

    HAHAHA! whatever doesn’t kill you, kills whatever is in you!!! Hope you start feeling better!

  16. Boston Al says:

    LOL! Of course rum is a fluid. Glad to hear you’re getting better!

  17. Mike T says:

    ha ha ha, those were drunk eyes ! I knew it, where did the trees go ? were they smiling with rage or all happy?, I guess we’ll never know.
    Hang in there Doug, you are almost there !!

  18. RACHEL says:

    no, no, no. I told you yesterday tea and WHISKEY!

  19. Dinana says:

    Doug, I’ve been so busy I haven’t even been reading my chickens! Sorry you’ve been sick. My daughter had a flu just before the “epidemic” started and she had a fever for a full 7 days. Rest well and know that even old chicken cartoons are a treat…don’t push yourself!

  20. Tomik says:

    Nice one. 😉

    And I join to wish you to get better asap!

  21. Seraphine says:

    sniffle-flavored rum
    is indeed a fluid.
    get well soon.

  22. Zork says:

    I’m not usually the empathetic type, but at Day 3, I’m feeling pretty sorry for you Doug. I do hope you’ll pull through, I would really miss the Chickens.
    My wife said “Doesn’t rum dehydrate you?” to which I replied, well, then why do they put alcohol in Ny-Quil?
    If it improves your mood, that’s half the battle! Drink til you forget you’re sick!

  23. nihil says:

    A nurse friend of mine always tells me when I’m sick, “Remember to drink plenty of fluids and don’t forget beer is a fluid.” 😉

  24. Sara Clauss says:

    what do sick chickens eat? chicken noodle soup would just be wrong. You can’t go wrong with rum.

  25. Trog says:

    OMG! It’s like we have the same life right now. My BF has been sick forEVER. LOL!!!!

  26. King Bob says:

    go big or go home, everclear or nothing, Hic*

  27. MiMi says:

    Why is the rum always gone?

    Feel better soon, Doug!

  28. Maybe it’s the hallucinations of Happy/Angry Trees, but your cartoons while sick are so constantly hilarious… If it weren’t for your discomfort, I’d demand that you remain ill.
    Feel better soon!

  29. P.S. My chickens Falcor, Rex/Hawkins, Danielle, Marfa, Princess Peach, “Bucky Jr.,” “Valerie,” and Bucky say Hi and also wish you well!
    Even chickens want you to get better!
    And Falcor genuinely just blew you a kiss!

  30. Shell says:

    I almost choked on my popcorn after reading this one. Great stuff! Thanks for sharing.

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