Savage Chickens - The Zombie Test

Here are more zombies. And you can still enter this year’s Halloween contest!

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9 Responses to The Zombie Test

  1. steve says:

    yes, i am a zombie, do I win a t-shirt? perhaps with some brains on it?

    : )

  2. Kimmy says:

    UNH!! BRAINS!!

  3. Jeff says:

    Zombies WERE people too…

  4. Tony Bond says:

    Ugh Brains!?
    Hab a habbah harrahaan


  5. Seraphine says:

    i like vegetable brains. does that count?

  6. Mike T says:

    What did the zombie eat after its teeth were pulled out?
    The dentist.

  7. Mrs.Raj says:

    yum yum grr pbddrr hmmm.. I ate all brains.. I am hungry

  8. mand says:

    Luvvit. Tweeting this (@mmSeason) and your Hallowe’en contest. What larks!

  9. JULIANA says:


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