How To Drink Absinthe

Drawn on three 3″ x 5″ sticky notes. Here’s more drinking.

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18 Responses to How To Drink Absinthe

  1. steve says:

    lol, that’s great. that has to be the best way to drink absinthe


  2. foo says:

    love the sugar cube face. LOL

  3. Seth says:

    Aw… I’m not destined to drink absynthe properly. I can’t get the Look of Smug Satisfaction(TM) right

  4. Max Stone says:

    I too love the sugar cube’s face. Is he/she related to Timmy Tofu?

    This cartoon reminded me of Dr. Samuel Johnson’s view on how to eat a cucumber:

    “It has been a common saying of physicians in England, that a cucumber should be well sliced, and dressed with pepper and vinegar, and then thrown out, as good for nothing.”

  5. Georga says:

    It just seems like too much work. Just pass me the rum…please and thanks.

  6. willwot says:

    that chicken almost has a cap’n morgan look of smug satisfaction

  7. cleo says:

    Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder? (groan)

  8. mariusg says:

    :)) good one. i’ve also noticed that you can easily make a small barbeque along with the absinth drinks.

  9. Tom says:

    This is exactly why I prefer beer, there’s only two steps: 1) Open beer 2) Drink beer

  10. Nell says:

    While doing all of the above, continue to hold these post-its in your left hand, so that you can read the instructions….

  11. jaybird says:

    The poor sugar cube!

  12. Paul A. says:

    Aren’t steps 1 to 6 correct?

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