From Another Reality

Here are more parallel universes.

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8 Responses to From Another Reality

  1. willwot says:

    Facial Profiling it ought to be the crime

  2. Ant says:

    All chickens are evil! 😛

  3. Branagh says:

    are those the roosters from the goatee universe or do all the chickens have facial hair? and do they eggs have goatees too? (why i am thinking so much about this!?)

  4. panzi says:

    Everybody knows that the sideburns dimension is the evil dimension, not the goatee dimension!

  5. Eric R says:

    Just because they are from a different universe doesn’t mean they are evil, what a racist chicken, please just admire their exquisite facial hair taste.

  6. DXTN says:

    LOL facism chikenz

  7. Peter Wolff says:

    “That we’re NOT evil can be clearly seen by the fact that we have goatees. Only evil ones don’t have them.”

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