The Perfect Gift

It’s time once again for my absolute favourite dedication of the year: Karina’s Birthday!! Happy birthday Karina!! Hope you have a great time today!

Eleven years ago, a few months after I started Savage Chickens, Karina asked me for a birthday dedication. We’ve been celebrating her b-day together every year since then. Here are all of the Karina’s Birthday comics of yesteryear: Happy BirthdayBirthdayBirthday PartyParty PooperBirthday EssentialsGetting WiserKing Kong โ€“ Dog DaysLooking GreatFinally โ€“ Best Cake Ever

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14 Responses to The Perfect Gift

  1. Ant says:

    Chickens aren’t people! ;P

  2. Karina says:

    Not gonna lie I wait up til past midnight just for this!!!

    Without knowing me… This is sooo me. I have too much stuff. Hahaha

  3. Karina says:

    Ps- that’s crazy you had just started out. First comic i read was about lemons. When life hands you lemons make lemonade.. What if life hands you rotten lemons?

  4. Josh says:

    Not to steal Karina’s thunder, but ME TOO! And today is a big one: the big four-oh. :O

  5. karina says:

    hypnobee too!! joyous annual solar revolution day!!

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