Halloween Contest 2013 winners!
Time to announce the winners of this year’s Halloween contest! Thanks to everybody who entered – there were a whole lot of great ideas and it was pretty tough to choose. Common themes were: dating profiles, rat/cat costumes, Miley Cyrus, Chuck E. Cheese, and genetic mutations. And the winners are…
The Grand Prize (a Cat Adventures t-shirt, button set, and signed book):
“1 down, 8 to go.” – by Ashley B.
The Runner-up Prizes (a signed copy of the cat book):
“Well, the presentation’s a bit off, but the portion size here is fantastic.” – by Matt D.
“Nice try, but if you really wanted to scare me you should have dressed up as a vacuum cleaner.” – by Justin J.
Bonus Prize: I’m sending an extra cat book to Jackson Guardini, as an award for his sheer determination. He entered the contest over 40 times!
Congratulations to the winners! I’ll be in touch to get your address information. And thanks to everybody who participated! Happy Halloween!
5 Responses to Halloween Contest 2013 winners!
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Current Top Ten
- 1. The Internet
- 2. Faux Pas
- 3. Direction
- 4. Preparation
- 5. Häagen-Bot
- 6. Bad First Date #65
- 7. Awake in the Dark
- 8. Easter Tradition
- 9. It's A Mystery
- 10. Cat and Mouse
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Congrats to the winners!
next year…
Wooooooooooowww!!!! 😀 😀 😀
\o/ \ô/ \o/
THANK YOU!!! *_*
Savage Chichens for the win!
Keep doing the awesome work, Doug!
You give us a little bit of happiness everyday!
Big hugs from Brazil!
Oh gosh!
I am so nervous/happy that I mispelled chickens!! Sorry!! 😀
But it is from the heart! ^_^
Yes, thank you for the win. I am the Ashley B that came first, and I have to say I feel very lucky indeed! I am eagerly awaiting my prize and in the meanwhile I went off and bought a kobo copy of another one of your books 🙂