Currently viewing the tag: "Zoom"

Lurching From Home

And so begins my traditional week of spooky Halloween comics! Watch for my annual contest tomorrow!

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Virtual Birthday Greetings

Happy Birthday Karina!!!! Hope you have great birthday weekend!

This is my 16th birthday comic for Karina, and this year was extra-special because, after 15 years of birthday dedications, we actually got together on a Zoom call and met each other face-to-face for the first time! Crazy! And we had a blast chatting together, naturally. Thanks Karina for letting me be a part of your birthday celebrations over the years! 🙂

Here are all of Karina’s comics from previous birthdays: Happy BirthdayBirthdayBirthday PartyParty PooperBirthday EssentialsGetting WiserKing Kong – Dog DaysLooking GreatFinally – Best Cake Ever – The Perfect GiftTrulyCause for CelebrationBetter With Age

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