Currently viewing the tag: "Anniversary"

20 Years

A bit early for Groundhog Day, but right on time for the 20th Anniversary of Savage Chickens! Twenty years ago today, I posted my first scruffy cartoon on the internet, and then my life got so much better! I’ll write more about this momentous occasion, but for now I’ll just say thank you all for being such wonderful readers. Woohoo! Chickens!

Update: I wrote a post about this! Savage Chickens: 20 Years in 20 Comics

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Tenth Anniversary!

Ten years ago today, I posted my first Savage Chickens cartoon. Ten years! Isn’t that crazy? As I look back on the last ten years of chickening, I feel extremely grateful for how Savage Chickens has changed my life. Ten years ago, I was a bit of a mess: a creative person with no creative outlet, stuck in a tedious job and plagued by migraines. Now I’m a cartoonist. My childhood dream has come true! Thank you all for reading my comics and for being supportive over the past ten years – I can’t wait to see what the next ten years brings!

Above is my annual class photo of all characters that appeared in more than one comic in the past year. See if you can spot your favorites. And now, the best from year #10…

Your Top Ten
These were the most-visited comics from the past year:

  1. Yesterday
  2. A Thousand Typewriters
  3. Dog Workflow
  4. A Suspicious Death
  5. The Pay is Good
  6. Guardians of Thanksgiving
  7. A Good Day to Die
  8. Ninja Weapons
  9. A Serious Talk
  10. The Fall

Doug’s Top Ten
And here are my top picks (alphabetically) from the rest of the past year’s comics:

Don’t see your favorite on either of these lists? Put it in the comments!

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Ninth Anniversary!

Wow it’s hard for me to believe it, but I’ve been drawing chickens for nine years as of today. So I’m officially entering my tenth year of chickening, which feels pretty amazing! I am always incredibly grateful for discovering this creative outlet and for all of you who stop by and read the crazy ideas that pop into my head late at night. Thank you all so much!

I like to celebrate my chickenniversary with an annual class photo, showing all of the characters that appeared in more than one cartoon in the past year. See how many characters you can recognize above!

I had a great year #9. Among the highlights for me were this and this and this and this. Can’t wait to see what year #10 brings!

Your Top Ten
These were the most-visited comics from the past year:

  1. Be an Artist
  2. Treasure Maps
  3. The City
  4. Therapy
  5. Cause for Celebration
  6. Stress Levels
  7. How To Train Your Cat 4
  8. Navigating the Maze
  9. A Dangerous Game
  10. What To Do When You See A Bear

Doug’s Top Ten
And here are my top picks (alphabetically) from the rest of the past year’s comics:

Did your favorite make one of the top ten lists this year? Post your faves in the comments and you could win a Cat Adventures book!

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Watson with Cat Adventures

Nine years ago today, I started Savage Chickens! To help celebrate, I’m giving away free stuff – namely, five signed copies of my little Cat Adventures book (seen here with Watson the Cat). I’ll throw in a set of Cat Adventure buttons for each winner too while I’m at it. To enter, just do one of the following:

  • Leave a comment telling me your favourite Savage Chickens comic from the past year, OR
  • Share your favourite Savage Chickens comic on Twitter, Google+, or Tumblr.

I’ll choose five random winners on Friday night!!

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Visit the store for mugs, t-shirts, and other fun stuff.