Win this book!

Update: Winners announced!

To help celebrate Savage Chickens’ sixth anniversary, and to thank you for your support, I’m going to give away one of my personal copies of Savage Chickens: A Survival Kit for Life in the Coop, signed by me. And I’ll include a hand-drawn copy of your favourite 3″ x 3″ Savage Chickens cartoon, drawn on a sticky note and stuck inside the book.

There are two ways to win:
1. Sign up for my daily chicken email, or
2. Add a comment to this post or this post telling me which cartoon was your favourite one from the past year.

I’ll draw a random winner for the book on Sunday. And I’ll also draw three runner-up winners who will receive a Savage Chickens coffee mug of their choice.

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287 Responses to Win Savage Chickens book and art!

  1. dragos says:


  2. My favourite cartoon was that “adventures of the tree astronaut”. heheheh. I really enjoyed that..

  3. moi says:

    2 questions – are there ways to order a signed copy from your website? do you know if you’ll be wandering over to the Bay area in Cali? I have been waiting for this book since the day it was announced 😀

  4. steve says:

    Doug, this has to b the best one from this year : Indispensable – Got to love it that lassie pushed little chicken down the well.

    : )

  5. Andy Phelan says:

    My favourite was definitely Lassie pushing the chicken down the well (Indispensable). Genius!

  6. BigLee says:

    I’ve got to vote for Chewbacca. That was a work of geeky art.

  7. Doug says:

    @dragos: Ha! feel free to post more than one favourite, by all means!

    @moi: I haven’t quite figured out how/if I’m going to offer signed copies via the web site. I will be signing every copy I can get my hands on in the Vancouver area, but I don’t expect to make it down to the Bay area. But I’ll keep everybody posted about any upcoming signings etc. as soon as I know for sure!

  8. w3c says:

    Wow, it was a hard choice to make… So many funny comics!
    I’d settle on the “Curling Revisited” (, but close to it was Death Comes Knocking which I found really hilarious (
    Thanks for your comics, here’s to another year of laughing!

  9. Josephine says:

    Bad hair day- hard to pick it though….

  10. My favourite this past year is ‘Very Dangerous’ – “Rakes? Why did it have to be rakes?”
    I have quoted it on several occasions with much success. 🙂

  11. Liz Howson says:

    It is hard to choose!

    I loved the cat adventures series, in particular #5.

  12. Danny Goy says:

    my favourite cartoon is ‘the notebook’, when i first read it i almost died of laughter

  13. Sergio says:

    I liked “it is a mediocre life”

  14. Danny Goy says:

    oh damn, just read of the past year, then that would have to be shopping with macbeth

  15. Dana says:

    Doug I love your comics. It’s the first thing I look at every morning.

    My favorites from the last year:
    The Haunting (Paranormal Inactivity) – October 27

    Lassie to the Rescue (opening jar) – November 18

    Captcha (Piss off) – November 23 (So true to life!)

    Very Dangerous (Rakes) – November 24

    It Never Ends (last page missing) – November 26

  16. Daniel says:

    Karl Marx and his inspiration for the ideology. (

  17. Babel says:

    “It Never Ends” with the never ending story was AWESOME! 🙂

  18. weasel says:

    my favourite cartoon is definitely ‘a clean desk is the hallmark of an efficient worker…’ it’s a jewel of polished irony, sincerity and simplicity… oh yeah, and it also makes people laugh when they come into my office, look at my desk first and then at the cartoon *GGG* (yes, my boss knows about this cartoon and he liked it ;))

  19. m. says:

    happy anniversary! 😀
    “Ultimate Badass II” is my favorite.

  20. Ioannis Ramfos says:

    a. “The usual?”
    b. “Planning ahead”
    c. “Chaos”

    …and now I must stop….

    Keep up the very good work!

  21. Veronica Godfrey says:

    The cat adventures were my favourites by a long way, expecially the kitty litter one. They were so true to life and the cats’ expressions were priceless.

  22. Roger Soto says:

    “how to annoy runners” I love that one!
    PD: with a friend from work we did a poster by putting together the best cartoon’s, can send it if you want. Looks nice in my room!

  23. Edd says:

    “Instant Gratification” was awesome satire of today’s citizens. I have it hanging in my classroom as a not so subtle jab at my students.

  24. Antonio says:

    I loved “Cat Adventures 1” – I’m trying to do that every day! 🙂

    “1984” was also great!

    Ciao 🙂

  25. Sherri says:

    “Things to Fear”. Cracks me up. I could pick a lot more than one though.

  26. My favorite was actually the one that was posted yesterday, the “checklist” for noisy neighbors. (I thought the last item was one of the funniest, but wondered if “Afternoon Delight” would have been a more obnoxious choice than “Lost in Love”…)

  27. Silvia Moreira says:

    My favourite one was INCEPTION!

  28. aMichevole says:

    I follow your daily cartoon for almost two years from Italy and i think they are all superb! Congratulation for their 6th anniversary!

    Anyway, my favourite cartoon is Hallucinations! Awesome! 😀

  29. Maxim says:

    My favorite one is “A Serious Game” about ninjas playing poker. Can’t explain why, though)

  30. sarah says:

    “the history of communication” and “Paranoia is everywhere”, “kiss me”!

    🙂 love your chickens.

  31. my1fakename says:

    My favorites are all things Mr. T.

  32. Murilo says:

    Hello, Doug!

    My favourite one is “How not to answer the question ‘Where do babies come from?'”


    Totally hilarious!

  33. Kim Marie Leach says:

    I’m very new to Savage Chicken, but I love to get mine in my email at work everyday! One of my top 3 is the new year’s resolution to work on more dramatic pauses….it’s on my desk at work 🙂 A Savage Chicken coffee mug would look great next to it 😉 The astronaut tree and ‘Me me me’ narcissistic strip were my other top 2 :)Your timing is uncanny most of the time! 🙂

  34. John says:

    Well amongst many favourites I loved “The book store” with its “self-hinder” books

  35. Rhea says:

    Ahhh I have four favourites! Couldn’t choose between them lol.. In alphabetical order:
    1. Abominable Snowman
    2. Indispensable
    3. Making a List
    4. Tree Astronaut

  36. Jenny Ellwood says:

    I really loved Chicken going off to play ping pong
    and the laughing pigs

    Well – I love them all really!

  37. Akeisha says:

    I think my favs this year have been the cat adventures series and “The Truth Is Out There”.

  38. Scott Smith says:

    Hard to pick – loved so many of them. Definitely the first email I read every weekday. I guess “rakes” and “tree astronaut” would be two of my favorites. Thanks for another great year!

  39. Pehter says:

    I’ll have to go with “Lassie to the Rescue”, but also Lassie throwing the kid down the well..
    And for this year it’s definitely the adventures of the tree astronaut .. unless there’s something like the attack of the living-dead trees, then I’m sure that would be the best one.

  40. Patrick says:

    ‘Friday Maze’. I printed a full size one out at school and everybody wanted to instantly solve it.

  41. rotts says:

    I, too, love “Very Dangerous” the very bestest!

  42. Mark says:

    A Dangerous Job
    Funny, and probably true somewhere!

  43. Melissa says:

    My favorite: Abstract Expressionist Pumpkin Carving

  44. Isabela says:

    It’s really hard to choose only one favorite from 2010, but… Browsing around the ones that I starred in my Google Reader, I have chosen “Bad People”, I think it was awesome!

    I live a little far, in Brazil (just a little bit, huh?), so I don’t know if I can actually enter this give away. Anyway, I decided to comment – as you can see, my english is terrible – mostly to say that I really appreciate your work. The chickens had made me smile silly countless times in the front of the computer these years!

  45. Andrea West says:

    The truth is out there is great. But, really, who can pick just one?!? Your cartoons give me a laugh at the start of every day and I love them. Thank you:)

  46. Don says:

    “Waiting Game” was published just as we were completing our annual corporate planning. It now resides proudly taped to the wall of my office! Gotta go play Ping Pong now.

  47. Jim B says:

    Rrruh Uh Ungh Guh (5/26/10). I remember laughing for hours after I read it.

  48. davido says:

    Secondhand… It happens to me so often!

  49. Aaron says:

    Making a List – dealing with OCD people is part of my life.. love it!

    My all time favorite is much older.. Click Yes to reboot your machine. Click No to initiate an automatic system restart. – CLASIC!

  50. yonatan says:

    i liked “Neighbor Noise”. realy!

  51. ramonathepest says:


  52. Andrew says:

    My favorite was “Hang in There”. Your comics are an inspiration!

  53. Michael C. says:

    8/2/10 “All Chewbacca’s Dialogue From Star Wars”

  54. Bailey says:

    I really liked True Love. “…I feel the same way even when you’re being an idiot.”

    Savage Chickens is why I pry my eyes open in the mornings! Thanks for making it worthwhile.

  55. Hyman Brown says:

    Doug, please enter me into this silly contest. I can’t decide which chicken drawing is a favorite, so if I win, you pick the drawing that is easiest for you to draw….that will be fine with me.
    Always your faithful and ardent stalker….I mean FAN!!

  56. Stephen says:

    Lots of good ones this year but my favorite was Rule #1. It’s the background on my desktop. It replaced my previous background, which was One Cloudy Day.

  57. Don says:

    It’s hard for me to pick just one…though I really liked “Hang in There”:

  58. Scott says:

    The snorting, laughing pigs!

  59. Tad says:

    I liked “Making a List” with the OCD Santa.

  60. asq says:

    i love secrets of bigfoot best 🙂

  61. Natakue says:

    My favorite was “Daylight Saving Time” since that’s exactly what I do =)

  62. Kari says:

    I LOVE the Abominable Snowman and Cat Adventures!

  63. Melissa says:

    Congratulations on six years and your book! Reading your cartoon each morning is a highlight of my day.

    I’m an owner of two cats myself so I think one of my favourites of this year has to be Cat Adventures – especially episodes 3 and 4. Those two definitely seem very familiar to me…

    Thanks for the laughs!

  64. Chuck says:

    They all great, but this year the Halloween contest was exceptional. Great fun. cvme

  65. Dave D from WV says:

    Doug: Thanks for being the “methadone” to my old Gary Larson habit! I have turned numerous other folks on to your shenanigans – and see far too much of my life in all of it. (Your “Cat Adventures” series was too realistic; I’m now in therapy.)

    Anyway, my last year favorite was absolutely the iMug ( I’m a coffee bigot and work with a Mac Addict (he loved the cartoon, too). I’m even a little surprised it wasn’t higher on the year’s list!

    Keep up the GREAT work!

  66. Kiwibird says:

    My absolute favorite is ‘Tree Astronaut’. The absurdity of it on many levels almost made me die laughing…

  67. Mircea says:

    Hard to pick one.
    I usually find the ones that have a Lassie reference in them hilarious 🙂

  68. Jessica says:

    One of my favorites for 2010 was Troopers.

    The first thing I do when I get to work is check to see what the chickes are up to. It starts my day off right!! Thanks Doug for sharing your genius, it’s much appreciated.

  69. Nancy says:

    Hard choice – but all the Cat Adventures – you must know my kitty!

  70. Jessica says:


  71. calagara says:

    Choosing just one is a tough job. I loved where chicken called for Lassie to open the jar and where chicken was seeking compensation for falling out of his office chair! Side note, ever since you posted chicken deciding on Piss Off to sign his emails, it is now the sign off of choice for my sister and me not only on emails but texts! You are an absolute hoot and I look forward to reading for years to come!

  72. Guadalupe acosta says:

    the cartoon i love is cat adventures ^^ i’m still laughing…

  73. Sarah says:

    Being Seen! I sympathize with ninja nightmares. Though the cat adventures were also pretty fantastic.

    Congrats on the anniversary! It’s been a fun time!

  74. Felicity says:

    My favorite cartoon of the year was “Name Calling” (

  75. Vickie says:

    Especially loved all of the zombie ones, but my fav was definitely The Very Hungry Zombie.

  76. Josh Busch says:

    Pick just one favorite? Impossible! My favorites are the ones at desks in cubes.

  77. James Reddin says:

    there are several great ones, and perhaps it’s a recency effect kinda thing, but I LOVED “Secondhand” from a couple of days ago – happens to me and my wife all the time.

  78. Jack Leblond says:

    Too many great one to pick from this year, I narrowed it down to my top 4:

    Craig’s List – Because it seems some people (including my wife) can sell anything on there.

    Stressful Day – Because there are a lot of days when I get home and really don’t know what I did all day.

    True Love – well, because she still loves me.

    Beyond the Web – it’ll be a great invention if it ever comes true.

  79. Emanoel Melo says:

    My top favorite must be The ‘Abominable Snowman’!!

  80. Annie says:

    My favorite is ‘Flowers?’ ( with ‘Obi-Wan’s Jedi Quiz’ (That’s no moon.) a close second.

    <3 Thanks Doug.

  81. Jennifer says:

    Jeez, pick just one? I liked the whole cat adventure series the best, but as far as one that stands on its own… I think lassie pushing the chicken the well.

  82. Chickerdoodle13 says:

    My FAVORITE cartoon from this year was “Identification” with the spider. That one had me laughing for a while. I even sent it to all my friends!

  83. Ashley says:

    Captcha. I think of it every time I have to use it XD

  84. ann p. says:

    emily dickenson cheating death made the lit. geek in me giggle uncontrollably!

  85. Roxanne Biller says:

    I love the Neighbor’s Checklist from a couple of days ago. Boy that could really be put to good use. And add a few of mine own.
    Keep up the good work with the cartoons. My son got me looking at Savage Chickens everyday. It brightens my day.

  86. Sheri Tardio says:

    I love Bad Cop/Guilt Cop
    Reminds me of growing up in a Jewish household!

  87. Linda says:

    My favorite from this past year is Abacus (June 24). But my all-time favorites are from 2007: Librarian Hell and the two Woolverine episodes of Useless Mutants. Other cubicle decorations come and go, but those three are always up.

  88. Leigh says:

    So many fantastic ones this year – saved as background images on the work computer to make us smile!

    I loved “Hang in there baby” – true laugh out loud genius cartoon.

  89. Simon says:

    I loved Hallucinations (, just because it was funny! There’s loads more I could choose though… keep up the great work!

  90. Lúcia says:


  91. Kasey says:

    Working Weekends was my favorite… simply because that explains my day to day demeanor. 🙂

  92. Savage Tony says:

    Love the chickens Doug. Thanks for all the years of laughs. Keep ’em coming!

    My favorite of last year: Jedi Quiz

  93. Amy says:

    Hard to pick just one favorite cartoon, but the recent On the Bus was great!

  94. mariusg says:

    Congratulations for your activity 😀
    My favourite on 2010 must be “Books”.

  95. Josh says:

    I’d have to go with Abacus! Although Rakes was funny, (very hard to choose).

  96. diana b. (artemis11) says:

    Hi Doug:
    Congrats on 6 yrs. of fowl fun!
    My kid niece & I enjoy your cartoons immensely.
    She picks Return of the Spider & I pick Halluciations.
    We would LOVE a copy of the book.
    Thanks for the giggles. 8O)

  97. Odalie says:

    Has to be the cat adventure episodes and can’t pick just one! Every time I see them I think of a dear friend of mine who has a cat named “Mr. Kitty”. He is quite the King of the palace…! I love them all. Love the Chickens, love all their friends!

  98. Cheryl says:

    A Job for Engineering

    Crafting and science fiction combined. There aren’t many people that could make a connection like that.

  99. Rob says:

    My favorite was the sigmund freud cartoon “Feelings” – I’m a counseling student and we had just discussed this kind “linear responding” so I sent it to my prof and he forwarded it to the class. We all thought it was a riot! I also loved the “Narcissism” one!

  100. Sammy says:

    Doug! I love the chickens! They are the first thing I check at work in the morning 🙂 My favorite from the past year was “Work Intelligence Test” from April 22. Thanks for brightening my days and happy 6 years!! 😀

  101. Tim says:

    Demonstration Sports. It was fun imagining all the different possibilities including my recommendation of Skeet Jumping.

  102. Stephanie says:

    CHOOSE??? …I think I’d have to go with “Parrots?” –

    But I also adore “Trouble at the Moisture Farm” –

  103. Aly says:

    I know it’s only from a week ago, but The Very Hungry Zombie made me extremely happy and giggly.

  104. Kurtis says:

    “Curling Revisited” is definitely my favourite. Very hard to choose though. Keep up the great work!

  105. Ken says:

    “Making a List” is a classic. I’m waiting for someone to turn it into a animated special.

  106. Blue says:

    As one of the biggest Star Wars uberfans in the world; I vote for Chewie’s dialogue!

  107. Micah says:

    Juggling was my favorite
    The ferret juggling was a great addition!
    Thank you so much for that one!

  108. Giu Alonso says:

    I just love funny cat things. Cat Adventures 3 is a personal favorite! (my cat does exactly that.)

  109. Ishtar says:

    It’s really hard to tell, since I have my “list-of-favourites-Savage Chiken-cartoons.”

    But for this case I would say “Things to fear.”

    Greetings from Chile!

  110. Pnoy says:

    Trouble at the Moisture Farm of course. Even though it doesn’t feature chickens 😮

  111. Bauglir says:

    So many options [runs to the archive]
    I’d probably go with “the bookstore” the one about the self hinder books
    (gotta love self-hinder books!)

  112. Marphod says:

    Jigsaw. So totally Jigsaw.

  113. Mantelli says:

    My favorite was “Hamlet’s Plan”!

  114. Big Rob says:

    Very hard decision. But I guess the winner is Hang in there. A co-worker used to have that poster up in her office, and everytime I see this cartoon, the alligators just come to life. Thanks Doug.

  115. Brandi says:

    Savage Chickens is the cutest and most relatable comic series I’ve ever read. I love it! 😀

    As for my favorite this year it would definitely be:

    Followed by:

  116. Steph says:

    I love NSFW (and any other Trek-related ones). I also thought It Never Ends was brilliant! I sent the link to all my friends 🙂

  117. Mickey Hennigan says:

    My favorite was the one with the chicken in it!!!

  118. jay says:

    I definitely liked “Stressful Day” – I posted that on my cube wall when I moved into a new group where, indeed, I didn’t know what I was doing for a few weeks!

    Congrats on 6 years!

  119. Marshmallow says:

    Wooohoo fingers crossed!! “Hang in there baby” is by far my favorite

  120. dkw1975 says:

    Not Fair – October 5, 2010

    It is the argument I’ll use if they try to boot me from here. Love your stuff, Doug! (If I win this one on a mug, I’ll carry it at my office with pride!!)

  121. Steve says:

    Being a Sys Admin I could really relate to “Death working from home”

  122. shlane says:

    i loved the one done for thanksgiving day called: “name Calling”, i always mess a friend that likes it too with it

  123. Santiago says:

    Well, all of them!! I guess that Hallucinations, Indispensable or It Never Ends are my favourites..

  124. Moose says:

    January 27th’s Neighbor Noise was my favorite and most useful of the comics this year.

    I’ve already completed and posted 7 in my university hall. I can safely say that this has been the most practical use from a comic I’ve ever had the pleasure to come across.

  125. LuAnn Morgan says:

    My fav is definitely “Paranoia,” from April 29. I receive the daily email and save my favorites into a folder. If I need a quick pick-me-up, I can always count on the Savage Chickens!

  126. Francie says:

    I have it down to my top three:
    1. True Love (May 5) “I feel the same way even when you’re being an idiot” (I’d love to be able to give that to my boyfriend as a gentle reminder)

    2. Trail of Destruction (Oct 20)

    3. Curling Revisited (Feb 26)

    On a side note, do you watch the Big Bang Theory? You should redo “Trail of Destruction” with Rock, Paper, Scissor, Lizard, Spock 😀

  127. michelle says:

    Cat adventures, parts 1 through 5. Apparently you know my cat. And what she gets up to between snoozes.

    Does this mean that your book is Now Available in Stores? Ah, not ’till March 1. Can’t wait

  128. Jodi says:

    Loved the Cat Adventures series! You must have been the previous owner of my rescue cat; you caught his life in sticky note so perfectly!!

  129. Ann S says:

    Oh man… the best one?

    I have 3:
    Tigger (I *adore* that cartoon)
    Return of the Spider (totally creeps me out)
    Waiting Game (can’t beat Prod3000… or maybe you can)

  130. Heinrich says:
    i work a desk job… the comics satirizing some of the things that could and have happened in this environment are amusing.

  131. Silva says:

    I loveth any of the Romeo and Juliet ones.

  132. Brent says:

    CAT ADVENTURES!!! So funny!

    And my favorite of all time is Explosion, from way back in 2006.

  133. Michael says:

    The one where the computer was saying, “If it’s any consolation, I’m tired of looking at you all day too.” Classic – I hung it in my cubicle!

  134. Jo says:

    I LOVE Savage Chickens and have been getting it RSS’d to my Reader for a long time now. Problem is … I tend to read it at work….. and I work on a public desk (so I’m constantly muffling my laughing). Favorite recent one was “From the Fiery Depths” (12/7/10). Ha!!

  135. Kevin says:

    Mermaid from September 13th. What’s funnier than a naked man being eaten by a shark? Anyone..? Anyone..? I thought so!

  136. Matt says:

    Doug, the cartoons make my morning everyday. Easily my favorite has to be All of Chewbacca’s Dialogue. It has been printed and taped to the front door of my office. It gets a lot of laughs. Kudos on the book!

  137. Keith says:

    Def one of my favorites of the year was the “The Red Pill” I’ve showed it a million times to friends at work.

  138. DoubleJay says:

    Thanks for giving us another great year of chicken-centric humor. Your work often brightens my day and always puts a smile on my face.

    My recent favorite is “Indispensable”.

  139. Tami Hall says:

    I luv, luv, luv Savage Chickens! How could I ever pick a favorite? The one that sticks in my mind is the pirates “I hate trackin’ me billable hours”–I work for attorneys, so that one just got me! Thanks for making me smile (and sometimes bust a gut) every day.

  140. Mike says:

    My favorite is actually yesterday’s “Neighbor Noise”. Cheers!!!

  141. Huhnbeauftragter says:


    Love it!


  142. Gina says:

    My favorite was “What?! I’ve never been fired for not working before!” Love this website–thanks for the fun!

  143. lulu says:

    my favorite is abacus 😀

  144. WhiteRaven says:

    Difficult to choose from, but my favourite must be – – because a combination of Scooby-Doo and Hamlet is just WIN!

  145. Ragnar says:

    The Abominable Snowman is one of my favorites.

  146. Patrick says:

    It is hard to pick just one comic, it is even harder because the one I liked was a series. So I hope it is OK, if I don’t break up the band and just pick the “Cat Adventure Series”.

  147. Darlene says:

    Love them all – so hard to choose. I’d have to say Love Poem or Bad Hair Day.

  148. Mike says:

    I think my faviourite is… was… is going to have been the time travel:

  149. kristina says:

    Choices, choices… while I always laugh at each and everyone of your cartoons (and many of the comments!), and I am amazed at your profound understanding of chicken / human / zombie / Chewbacca / Lassie / robot psyches, I must go with the Cat Adventures series, despite the fact they are “chickenless”.

    Please come over to Victoria and sign as many copies as you can here (you like the ferry, don’t you?)!

  150. Brian says:

    I work in IT, so my favorite is “Abacus”:

    Gotta agree with everyone, very hard to pick a favorite. Savage Chickens is awesome. Congrats on 6 years.

  151. Jack says:

    My favorite was the Tree Astronaut. Your cartoons are comic gold, and an inspiration to the rest of us aspiring cartoonists.

  152. Sarah L. says:

    My favorite is Cat Adventures, particularly episode 3, because I have three cats!

  153. Margaret D says:

    I have several favorites, but I will pick “Abacus” as my favorite from this year, as it seems similar to my helping friends with their computer.

  154. Kevin says:

    Waiting Game is my new favorite since I am going through that same thing at my job right now.

  155. Amanda says:

    It would *feel* so so awesome to win pages that you have graced with your pen!

    Your cartoons bring laughter and smiles to my fiance and our best friend. We often find ourselves racing to see who can send a link first on mornings where the cartoon eerily matches our sentiments of the day!

    keep ’em coming!

  156. Sarah says:

    Cat Adventures, no question!!!

  157. Dee says:

    Definetely “A Dangerous Job” (January 25, 2011). 🙂

  158. Jessica says:

    Had to sign up for the e-mails even though I’ll still come here everyday! It will take me a while to pick a favorite. I have a whole folder full of them… Pi is the loneliest number, The story of Christmas, Abstract Expresionist Pumpkin carving…. oh the delema!

  159. Jessica says:

    And can’t forget The Very Hungry Zombie!!

  160. Craig Curtis says:

    I really enjoy your comics!! It is hard to choose. “Abacus” from June 24th is my favourite! I had to show this one to everyone in my pharmacy department… especially those less tech savy!
    “Rakes” is a very close second!

  161. A Ring says:

    Where do babies come from? Naturally,”From the Firey Depths”!

  162. rifframone says:

    It’s so hard to pick a favorite, so I’m going to go with the final ‘Cat Adventures’ because it came to mind first.
    Hope for many more years of ‘Savage Chickens’! It’s my favorite online stop of the day!

  163. Michelle C. says:

    Chuck Norris VS Mr. T, Who will be the ultimate badass??
    It took awhile but I have to say THAT is my favorite. Chuck Norris jokes amuse me so much. I wonder if he even knows what people have made him into on the internet..?

  164. Tony S says:

    Pigs!!! Definitely Pigs!!!!!! You’re my hero, Doug. Congrats on 6 years!

  165. Fatima B. says:

    Your comics are just amazing. They always brighten my day. It’s hard to choose just one. I absolutely love Never Gonna (

  166. Mike says:

    Mr. T Explains

  167. Odalie says:

    I forgot about the Chuck Norris one’s…man…too many good ones….just too many!

  168. Farah says:

    My favorite was all the cat adventures! They are so true.

  169. Becky says:

    The Beard with Timmy Tofu ( It still makes me laugh. I love Timmy Tofu so much.

  170. Jenn Zuko says:

    Just one? Impossible.

    For me, it’s between Ninja Nightmares and the Indiana Jones “rakes…” one.

  171. Teresa N says:

    My favorite is “island fortress” ( Evil villains are so awesomely cliche.

  172. Tyler Hartford says:

    Paranoia! It’s Everywhere.

    Since I’m a minister and I don’t buy into most of the hype people push in religious circles, this is a REALLY great conversation starter. It’d be the same for the political circles.

  173. S. says:

    “Prodqualiciency!!!” Finally! Someone who can communicate in a way I understand!

  174. lindylu says:

    My favorite cartoon this year (there have been so many the last 6 years!) is Return of the Spider. Love it! Thanks for the years of laughing – what a way to start the day!

  175. Derek O says:

    Cat Adventures for the win! 🙂

  176. Ian says:

    My fav by far is Chewbacca, can’t go wrong with Star Wars (classic Star Wars that is).

  177. Angela says:

    LOVED The Very Hungry Zombie and Quantities (oodles, scads, droves, etc). I’m a teacher and I put these up in my classroom 🙂
    I also liked lassie pushing billy in the well and anything with PROD3000. Actually, I pretty much like them all.

  178. sarah says:

    i love the cat adventures! All episodes. Chickens is the highlight of my morning…. oh what a sad life it is in my coop….

  179. Capt. Obvious says:

    I couldn’t pick just one, Doug:
    1. Chewbacca (even though it is non-chicken)
    2. Very Hungry Zombie
    3. Lassie or Ninja Nightmares, I can’t decide

  180. Tom says:

    I stumbled across your cartoon early in your 6 years and have enjoyed the ride, you just keep doing what you’re doing and that is a big prize for me, over the years I have passed along many Savage Chickens through email and have hung some in my place of work and still have a job. Along the line one of the folk I passed along a cartoon to is now sending them to me, one that sticks in my mind from a few years ago is “Separated at Birth”

  181. Jillian says:

    First – I love all your art, so cool you are publishing a book! So with that in mind, it is really a hard decision to choose just one. I have all your Prod3000 at my desk and most recent favorite is the “The Very Hungry Zombie”.

    But over all – the number one is the “Its not rocket science/ brain surgery”.

  182. Juan says:

    My favourite is “Work Intelligence Test” from April 22, 2010. I could choose A, C or C depending on the day!

  183. ErickaJo says:

    Hm, torn between NSFW and Hang in There. I flipped a coin, it’s heads, so I pick that one.

    Ok, NSFW.

  184. willwot says:

    Gotta go with Yesterday’s the Neighbor Noise Checklist ONLY because the humor that you engage in has never failed to tickle the underbelly and bring about guffaws and teehees and just plan LOL on a daily basis. Thank you for making the last six years well worth the daily wait to see what is up in the coop besides a chicken in the rafters getting ready to launch an egg on Napolean’s Head. Keep Rousing the Rabble.

  185. Jonathan says:

    Ninjas Playing Poker!

    Every Ninja and Pirate cartoon are my favorites.

    Can’t wait for the book.

  186. willwot says:

    But if you want an absolute all time favorite for the year: two days of Zombie Business Plans got homemade pasted together into a 3×10 for the students at school to always remember to bring their BRRRRRRAAAAAAIIIIIIINNNNNNNNSSSSSS

  187. Steph says:

    Name calling definately! <3

  188. Steph says:

    Ohhhhh but Bad People was a good one too! Either one! : D

  189. kaveman says:

    ALL OF THEM!!!! If brown-nosing doesn’t work on you, then I’d be forced to say your Very Hungry Zombie was a masterful merging of my love for Zombie flicks and my children (to whom I thoroughly enjoy reading Eric Carle books)!

  190. Asha says:

    Congratulations on the 6th anniversary!
    My favorites are “Abacus”

    and “From the Fiery Depths”

  191. djsmac says:

    timing is everything; we were conducting interviews and you posted ‘honest question’. i laugh out loud every time i hear about people in job interviews. absolutely great

  192. Emilia says:

    My favorite of the year was the Hoping for humanity one, I just loved the way the chicken talked.

  193. susan says:

    my favorite is “return of the Spider”. it reminds me of two different “night gallery” episodes that scared the bejeezus out of me when i was a kid.


  194. Greg Daly says:

    Trouble At The Moisture Farm from 9 September:

    I’ve forwarded this to too many people over the last few months. Thanks for this, and the rest.

  195. virginia arouh says:

    i had a very hard time picking one. i finally just gave up and chose your cartoon from august 10, 2010 – chewbacca playing scrabble with r2d2 & c3po.

    i’ve been an avid fan since 2007. here’s hoping!

  196. “ninja nightmares” was HI-larious!

    though “the spider” gave me a laugh AND the heebie-geebies!

  197. Jeffrey says:


    Thanks for a great year, Doug. SC is a great way to start off the morning. Keep up the great work.

  198. Enmanuel87 says:

    Congrats for the 6th anniversary Doug!

    This is my favorite one:

    I hope I can get the book!

  199. Rammy M says:

    There are so many, many absolutely brilliant ones that had me really laughing out loud, even reading them again now.

    but here are 2 especially good ones

  200. Rammy M says:

    oh, and happy birthday 🙂

  201. Ashley says:

    I actually love the comic Replacement, poet bot is my favorite character. Cat adventures was a close second.

  202. Michael says:

    Cat adventures for sure.

  203. Ashley says:

    I loved Replacement, poet bot is my favorite character.

  204. susan says:

    I love them all, but the unlucky charms really hits the spot !!!

  205. Chris says:

    The turkey and chicken from around thanksgiving.
    “What did you say?”

  206. jeannette says:

    I’ve signed up for the daily chicken email. my favourite comic is “stressful day” – oct 14, 2010. I love chickens in the workplace – mostly are what I experience in the office!

    happy 6th anniversary! your comics always make my days!

  207. 2clfrwrds says:

    The whole chickenlassie series was great, but chickenlassie4 was my favorite.

  208. jenny says:

    I loved Zombie Chickens Time For Action and I hope your book will be available in the Philippines.

  209. Haylie says:

    I love the “Identification”. That’s totally me. I got grossed out looking at bug/spider pictures on google!

  210. Kate says:

    Hmm… I would have to say that my favorite on most days was Cat Adventures 3, but some days switched to the Inconvenience Store. 🙂
    Congrats on 6 years!!

  211. Nicolino says:

    Fantastic idea! This is my favorite web comic and I can’t wait for the book.

    My favorite would have to be… Curling Revisited.

  212. Joe Gordon says:

    “Sleep” is my favorite.

  213. Martin says:

    The Dread is still my favourite… I hate those mondays.
    Any plans releasing the book outside the US? Writing from Latvia here (we lost snowdodgeball game in “Demonstration Sports” cartoon).

  214. Kathleen says:

    It is impossible to pick one! All of the zombie ones are great. A few others I really enjoy are Re: wolf, iMug, and Death comes knocking. I look forward to weekdays only because that means I get a new Savage Chicken to read!

  215. Lulu says:

    I love a lot of ur comic. not just one.
    Well I saved those comic up in a special folder on my destop but don’t worry, I did not use it on the internet, just for my pleasure of view whenever I feel like seeing ur chickens !

    I like :

    1. All Cat Adventures
    2. Chicken book store
    3. Chicken poisoning
    4. Chicken tigger
    5. chicken work harder
    6. Chicken Yawnomatopoeia

    love it all !

  216. Anett says:

    Congratulations Doug and thanks for your great cartoons!

    It’s hard to choose but I loved especially the cat adventure series and all the Lassie cartoons.

  217. Rosemarie says:

    My favourite is “all of Chewbacca’s dialogue from “Star Wars’.
    That’s the geek inside me speaking!

  218. Faycat says:

    Doug, thanks for all those hilarious years so far. And let there be many more! … Paranormal Inactivity is my favourite this year. I printed it out to carry it around and show to all my students. :o)

  219. Erica says:

    Without question – Zombie Neurologist!! (A close second would be Zombie Neurologist trains the interns of course!) Just started my residency and I can’t tell you on how many levels I find these amusing! Love it!!

  220. Andrew says:

    Too many choices, Doug.
    Just way too many good choices.

    I guess I’ll have to say Cat Adventures 3.

    Keep up the good work!

  221. Thomas says:

    I dislike being made to choose only one! But, I’m going to go with the Cat Adventures, because I got my sister started on Savage Chickens by sharing those with her! ^..^

  222. marko says:

    If I have to pick one, this will be my winner:
    Abacus (June 24, 2010)

    It’s my day job!!!

  223. Balint Uveges says:

    just to participate in the game: My favorite comic from SC is: Cat Adventures Episode 4!

  224. Kev says:

    Animal Mall was my favourite. That day I was feeling very cynical about our economy and political situation. 🙂 -K

  225. Nozomi says:

    You are most definitely an inspiration for my comics! I have lots of favourites, but I really do love the big Chewbacca piece from Aug. 2. 😀

  226. Nancy says:

    Hard to pick just one. I’ll go with but I bet I won’t win since that would be a tough one to draw again!

  227. Rachel says:

    Thanks for the contest!!

    My favorite is “At the Bank”

    Congratulations on the publication of your book and making it to 6 years.

  228. Ane says:

    “Paranoia!” – it says it all! (
    Only discovered your website in the last few months… within the first week I simply HAD to read ALL your cartoons! Really brilliant! Thanks for a good laugh!

  229. Adriana says:

    I laughed to tears with the Timeless Classic ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’

  230. Alan Verdugo says:

    The abominable snowman was my favourite!!

  231. I am the executive officer with over 20 employees. The looking for compensation after falling out of the chair while asleep at the computer really hit home for me.

  232. Andi says:

    It’s impossible to pick only one favorite!!!! A recent fave, though, was Suspect on Jan 5.

  233. Kathleen says:

    My favourite cartoon would have to be Tigger…it starts out all sweet and nice and quickly turns to “oh, no he didn’t?!” Love it!!!

    Love your comics, keep them coming!!

  234. Aliea says:

    I really like “Love its like a thousand tiny ninjas attacking you brain”. Partly because I am a graphic design dork and I love the layout and how you beautifully written the word love. 😛

  235. Kehos says:

    I enjoyed a lot that one with the competition of the ultimate badass, between a ninja and a mime! I liked it a lot! 😀

  236. Aphelia says:

    Happy 6th Anniversary!!!

    I, like many commenters, am a subscriber to the e-mail list, and getting a new Savage Chickens in my inbox every day brightens my morn- er, late afternoons.

    There are so many comics from the past year that I could pick, but the one that really stands out to me in the one you did on Remembrance Day in memory of your Grandfather. It was very touching, and I couldn’t help but wonder about what my Grandpa doesn’t talk about now. That comic made me realize that I should ask more questions and be more open to listening to stories about his past in case he wants to share something, and before it is too late to talk about it. So thank you 🙂

    I love the you’ve done a lot of experimenting with the content and format this year. As far as picking a regular comic, The Truth is Out There has my vote, as it tugs at my little Missing Mulder and Scully Something Ridiculous heartstrings 😉

    Keep drawing, and you have my best wishes for 2011 to be a great year for the Chickens! And congratulations on the upcoming book release 🙂

  237. Zoe says:

    i like Tragedy Averted, im a geek, and i love your Shakespeare parody’s!

  238. Katy says:

    Love, love, love all your work! Was posting them on my bulletin board at work for years… hmm… wonder if that had anything to do with why company closed and I am unemployed? Nah, couldn’t be.
    Big fan of your Shakespeare and zombie art, but going to pick the one that made me laugh most recently: Secondhand. It was so appropos because a few days before I had been telling a friend about the noxiously inane conversation I had heard from the table next to me and how I wish I could have been in the non-inane section. Ha ha!

  239. Laura E says:

    I think my favorite was ‘Inappropriate Sharing Bear’. He reminds me of my friend Bryan 🙂

  240. kekx says:

    Really enjoyed this one.

    In general the Shakespeare ones are pretty amazing!

  241. I loved “Pigs” from back in April!

    I also really enjoy the new sizes of sticky notes used. It’s a fun way to spice things up 🙂

    Thanks for the wonderful sticky chickens that are in my email every day. I love checking to see what they are up to each day.

  242. Michele the kittehs homan says:

    Cat Adventures Ep 3 – all of them are awsome. Love your work, keep it up. I’ll be buying the book.

  243. Kaily Ewing says:

    Almost impossible to decide, but….
    Trouble at the moisture farm. anything that spoofs CSI:Miami cracks me up.

  244. Elaine says:

    Sooo many – too hard to choose. But I do enjoy my daily dose of S.C. Here’s to many more. Cheers.

  245. Greg says:

    Chewbacca. That was the first Savage Chickens I saw, so it’s got a special place in my heart. (Even more so, now that I know it originates in the 604!)

  246. Dandroid says:

    I like Television! So cool.

  247. Eurekon says:

    Brick House – obscure zoning regulations are a great source of humour.

  248. Katrina says:

    Congratulations, and thanks for making me laugh so often! It’s hard to narrow it down, but my favorites from 2010 include:
    “Slow Motion” (
    “Troopers” (
    “Scavenger Hunt” (
    “From the Fiery Depths” (
    …and especially “The Art of Dog-Blaming” (

    Best wishes for another great year.

  249. Fair says:

    You are the best! I love Savage Chickens, but I especially hearted Zombie Valentine <3!

  250. David says:

    The best cartoon of all time has to be “From the Fiery Depths!”

  251. Chris says:

    Hey, Doug
    There were a lot of great ones throughout the past year, but some of my favorites were the Cat Adventures, all 5 episodes. Thanks for the great cartoons, keep ’em coming.

  252. Daniel says:

    The neighbor complaint form from a few days back!

  253. Adam says:

    Hypothalamus – neurologist parties!! 🙂
    (there should be a “linguist parties” edition!)

  254. Michael says:

    My favorite comic of the year is Craigslist:

  255. sheala says:

    a favorite!? yikes?!

    I have enjoyed the zombie love this year. Also that Chewbacca biggie was great, but my personal favorite has to be Cat Adventures. I loved seeing them on the cheezburger blog too.

  256. Randy Hayes says:

    I’m Canadian and Curling Revisited hits a special place in my heart. There are many people I would love to share this with.

  257. Libby says:

    Definitely the “love poem” one about the angry badger. Loved it.

  258. Cynthia Coffman says:

    I loved “NSFW”. Awesome. And “Cat Adventures.” You should combine the two themes and do a Spot the Cat strip.

  259. Grace says:

    Hard to pick one…but Librarian Hell –
    That would indeed be my living hell!

  260. Lee Layton says:

    It is hard to choose my favorite cartoon. But if I have to make a choice I pick “Identifications” from November 3, 2010.

  261. fuzz0r says:

    hard to choose one…

  262. Peter says:

    I have to many favorites but if I had to pick one I would say: “Mutual”

  263. Wiktor (Victor) :) says:

    uh-uh – there is no way to choose only one Chicken! 🙂
    here’s my top 10:
    . Television
    . Friday Maze
    . Breakfasts of Non-Champions
    . Indispensable
    . Book Store
    . The Abominable Snowman
    . Destroy All Monsters
    . Chewbacca
    . One More Story
    . Scrabble Wars


  264. Rick says:

    “From the Fiery Depths,” easily.

  265. Matt says:

    Not sure if its from the past year, but i absolutely loved the one with timmy growing a beard!

  266. Paul G says:

    Lassie pushing chicken down well gets my vote

  267. BarefootMedia says:

    after reviewing the comics i’ve printed to keep me sane at work, i have to agree with the majority, the cat adventures still make me giggle. but i’m pretty sure it’s because the remind me of my adventurous cats.

  268. Ohemgee says:

    Ahhhhh!!! So hard to choose one…but I did love Chewie’s move in “Scrabble Wars”. VERY well-played. Can’t wait to get my hands on the book! Congrats!

  269. Noah says:

    Well Abominable Snowman was my fav.

  270. pera says:

    chicken birthday card. the one that you print and fold and it says: “sure getting older sucks, but think of the alternative.” funny wise and then funny again.

  271. Alistair says:

    Aiee ..just one!!

    Many made me do a real LOL but the one that tickled my fancy the most (Librarian bias) and hangs on my office wall is…

    (poor trees)

  272. Shel says:

    By far the best one that tickled me was the tech support one from December 12, 2006…maybe because at the time I was working on tech support and had just muted someone to have a break haha excellent stuff 😀

  273. sourmilk says:

    Everytime I read Savage Chickens it reminds me of The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga. Cause the book uses chickens cramped in a coop as an analogy to the way the society in India is structured.

    Love Savage Chickens!

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