Savage Chickens - Fifth Anniversary!

Tomorrow is the fifth anniversary of Savage Chickens’ debut on the web! So here’s my annual cartoon showing all of the characters who appeared in more than one cartoon during the past year. See if you can identify all of them!

The past five years have been so much fun and I owe you all a huge thanks for your support. And this fifth year was a particularly exciting one for me, thanks in part to the book deal and the music video.

WIN a Coffee Mug!
To celebrate five years of chickens, I’m giving away 5 coffee mugs. To be eligible, just add a comment to this post (or email me) telling me which cartoon was your favourite one from the past year. On Sunday, I’ll randomly choose 5 winners, who will get their favourite cartoon on a coffee mug! Update: Winners announced!

Your Top Ten
Here are the most-visited cartoons from the past year:

  1. Meh
  2. Roses
  3. Ming Collector
  4. Volcanology
  5. Movie Poster
  6. Badass Names
  7. Warning!
  8. Calling In Sick
  9. Tigger (the first cartoon to make the Most-Visited list two years in a row!)
  10. Birthday Essentials

And the most-visited tags from the past year were: love, games, Star Wars, psychology, and work.

Doug’s Top Ten
Here are my top picks (alphabetically) from the rest of the past year’s cartoons:

Thanks again for a fantastic 5th year!

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230 Responses to Fifth Anniversary!

  1. felix says:

    congratulations Doug on still being the funniest guy on the block

  2. steve says:

    congratulations on five years of cartoons. it’s been an awesome ride Doug.

    My faves: (there are too many really)

    Ming Collector
    Trouble at Cyberdyne
    Something New

    but my alltime best has to be:


    Thanks doug. Here’s to the next five years.

    : )

    If you are ever in Yeadon and Rawdon, stop the Cafe2U van, they have a selection of Savage Chickens cartoons stuck to the inside of the van.

  3. steve says:

    lol, keep remembering more of them.

    brain everload in progress…

    feeling strange…

    UNH!! BRAINS!!

  4. Julien says:

    My favorite of past year: Work Safety

  5. anderz says:

    I have to say my faves are Birthday Essentials…it’s so true!! Chuck Norris roundhouse kick for Christmas is pretty classic too.

    Please keep it up and thanks for the laughs!

  6. Atrus says:

    My favorites of 2009:
    Teddy Bear
    Wander Woman
    Pirate Justice

  7. Andre says:

    Congratulations on your fifth year.

    My absolute favorite was ‘Screen Time’ followed closely by ‘Commuter Blues’.

  8. rhea says:

    I know it’s really new but I loved Copycat

    also Hate, Awake, & Screen Time


  9. Luca says:

    Happy “bloggiversary” Doug, too bad I knew your blog only a few months ago and not since the beginning of this adventure ๐Ÿ˜›

    I loved quite all of your posts, but I think “Screen Time” fits me so well I couldn’t leave it behind eheh.
    ( Zombies are a must-see too, actually )

    Congrats & go on! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Lee Hadley says:

    My favorite was Awake (March 16th). I often struggle with insomnia and worrying about it only makes it worse!

    Congratulations! I’m looking forward to the next 5 years!


  12. Andy says:

    Happy 5th anniversary.

    My favorite this year was Season’s Greetings. I so want to give out cards that say ‘wishing you a steaming pile of christmas.’

    Other favorites were Gravity, Halloween Safety, Wacky Word Fun, Roses, Teddy Bear, and Dream Employee.

  13. James says:

    5 years and still going strong! There were great ones this year, but the one I’d like on a mug is Screen Time since that’s me to a tee.

  14. Simon says:

    Keep it up! You rule!

  15. Lars says:

    My favorite is “Cookie!” as from 1st October.


  16. Saulo says:

    Definitely: “Birthday Essentials”

    Thank you and congratulations!

  17. Anna says:

    Happy birthday and congrats on the book deal!
    My favourite cartoon this year was Screen Time ( I have to confess it’s completely me ๐Ÿ˜‰

  18. Stefan says:

    great work and keep on goin!
    my favorites are:
    Awake and Screen Time

  19. Octavian says:

    Congrats for the fifth anniversary! Let SC be such awesome web comic for another five years!

    I like Ming Collector and Volcanology. Temptation cartoon is also one of favourites.

    But for mug I would choose the Volcanology.

  20. Mike says:

    tigger, yes…happy bear, hell yes!

  21. Alex says:

    It’s so hard to choose. Here are a few that made my day:

    Warmest Regards
    Pirate Justice
    Psychic Skunk
    Connect the Dots
    Badass Names

  22. Michel says:

    My favorite was Love and tolerance.

    Congratulations on your site! I’m addicted to these sticky notes. I visit every day.

  23. Chris M says:

    Kudos on the mid-decade anniversary! ๐Ÿ˜€

    One of my fav comics is ‘Tuesday’, I really relate to it ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. Antonio says:

    Hey Doug,

    thank you for your work! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d really love to have the Marshmellow scene from “July Flame” on a mug, but that’s probably asking too much.

    My favourite list

    1. The Daily Grind
    2. Hangover Remedies
    3. The Writing Process
    4. Expired (Hobby for the Lonely #117)
    5. Pillaging
    6. Halloween Safety
    7. Polonius
    8. The Passive-Aggressive Ninja
    9. Awake
    10. Teacher
    11. The Kraken
    12. The Art of Skateboarding
    12b. A Little Quiet Time
    14. Fever

    Hmmm… can’t really decide between 1. and 3., if I won a mug. Anyway, since I suspect that I won’t win one, I think no. 1 is more appropriate. ๐Ÿ™‚


  25. Rachel says:

    Happy anniversary! (And thanks for 5 years, you make me giggle all of the time). My favorite this year has been “The Art of Skateboarding.” Chickens, surrealism, who could ask for more?

  26. Dennis Negron says:

    Congratulations Doug.

    โ€œWander Womanโ€ is perhaps my favorite of them all, followed by โ€œKiss meโ€. That was an epic win.

    Keep โ€˜em coming.

  27. Lorelei says:

    Congratulations! My favorite cartoon is NSFW. ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. Renee says:

    My favourite is probably Love and Tolerance, as I am trying to win a coffee mug for my mum and that one sums up our relationship pretty well.

  29. Rui Archer says:

    I’ve only been reading and subscribed to your blog for a few months, but my favorites are the ninjas cartoons:

    My favs are, from this year:
    The Passive-Aggressive Ninja

    From 2008:
    Day of the Ninja 2008

    And i take the opportunity to leave here a request for more ninjas!!

  30. WAT says:

    5 years, well done. The chickens brighten my day at least 63.5% of the time.

    Coincidentally my favorite was 365 days ago – Confidence.

  31. Cindy in NC says:

    My favorite for the year was your recent “Working from home,” you just don’t know how true that is!

    Congrats on a terrific five years of making us laugh!

  32. Carey says:

    it is a tie between Glass Half Empty and Impulse Buy!

    I ? Savage Chickens

  33. kyle says:

    Season’s Greetings
    Christmas Happiness

    favorite three off the top of my head. congrats!

  34. Joe Cosper says:

    Congrats on 5 years Doug!

    My favorite is “PISS OFF!”. Our office is full of folks with CHEESY e-mail signatures, and several of us have adopted your wonderful, appropriate suggestion.

    Keep up the good work.

  35. Julie in OH says:

    Yappy Dog is what got me started on your site, so it’s a favorite. I also love Ming Collector and Author Photos. =) Screen Time gets an honorable mention.

  36. mapsgirl says:

    I really like Legal

    Make me think of a conversation my parents had with my brother! LOL!

  37. Jonna Harrington says:

    My vote is for Wander Woman. My Second favorite is Teddy Bear “filled with unspeakable rage” from Island of Misfit Toys

  38. rotts says:

    Congrats, Doug! Love all your “chicky” (that’s a chicken/sticky combo) notes, but “Birthday Essentials” is probably my fave.

    Here’s to another five, and another, and another!

  39. Georga says:

    I think Jan 30 should now and forever be known as Savage Chicken Day. Congrats on 5 wonderful years of chickens!

    I actually have five favorite comics from the last year –
    ~ Fever (yea, I feel that way every time I get sick)
    ~ Clue (I actually quote this one randomly every time one of my 7 kids hurts another one then tries to push the blame off on yet a third one)
    ~ Zombie Kleen (I showed this to a friend of mine and he said that it probably works well on gas station bathrooms too)
    ~ Seasons Greetings (You should have this made into Christmas cards and sell them. I so would have sent it out last year)
    ~ Warmest Regards (I wish I could get away with signing my emails like that)

  40. Charles says:

    Happy 5 years of witty psycho jokes and BRAINS!

  41. I’m really torn between The Sunglasses and Luke. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Happy 5th!

  42. ljcadv says:

    congrats on 5 years!
    My favorite one is the chuck Norris round house kick Christmas present!

  43. Laura says:

    Congratulations!!! Thanks for continuing to make me laugh every morning when I open my in box. My favorite from this year: Badass Names.
    Also recieving acclaim in the office and at home was the moustache sexiness timeline…
    Please keep up the great work!

  44. Ashley-Rose Harris says:

    Hi Doug! Congrats of 5 years of being hilarious!

    Obviously, my favorites include Happy Bear!

    If I had (like really HAD) to round them down… my favorite in 2009 would be “{Teddy Bear.” Though… “Happy Bear” is a very close # 2.

    Thanks again for making my day everyday with your cartoons!


  45. Deborah says:

    I’m afraid to go through them all again and end up with a list 50 comics long, so I’m sticking with either of these two:
    Think Fast

  46. Sarah says:

    So many favorites!!! And congrats on five hilarious years!!

    I have to say NSFW is one of my top comics, as well as Linguistics Lesson.

    Let’s keep ’em coming!

  47. Randy Griffin says:

    I just discovered Savage Chickens this year. So many good ones… I’ll have to go with “The Wrong Whip” from your list of favorites. I love the “it took a second” nature of it. (Apparently our senses of humor are similar!)

  48. Lisa Preece says:

    My favourite in the last year is:
    The 5 Styles of Parenting

    I’m not the evil cyborg though (don’t listen to what my boys tell you!)

  49. Kevin says:

    I Love love love the Savage Chickens and share them with everyone every chance I get. My Favorite of the past year was a more recent one

    – Transferable Skill

    This one showed up right after a friend got the boot from our office.

  50. Sean says:

    My favorite? Too many to name. I always love Useless Mutants. Poet-bot cracks me up. But if I have to pick one… howabout The Hook?

  51. Bubba J. Crow says:

    My absolute favorite is ChickenMall… Along the way I’ve also managed to pick up a fair amount of contempt for humanity. XD

    Congrats on 5 years and on putting out the funniest stuff I’ve seen since Gary Larson stopped doing The Far Side.

  52. Don says:

    I hate having to choose just one, but “Economic Crisis!” was great! Econocalypse!

  53. Ty says:

    Congratulations on 5 years!

    My five favorites from this past year are:
    Teddy Bear
    The Final Act
    Screen Time

    The Unicorn would make me smile the most if I had it on a coffee mug ๐Ÿ™‚

  54. Christa says:

    I have two favorites:
    The terrible job and
    Free monday off work coupon.
    I have them both printed and openly displayed in my office.
    I also find great joy in the “motivator” series.
    Doug, you make it easier to get out of bed during the week. Many thanks for that.

  55. Bruce Walker says:

    My fave was “Shape Shifter”

    Has it really been 5 years? Congrats on a job well done!! Now back to work! ๐Ÿ™‚

  56. I love Tigger and Birthday Essentials. All of them have been awesome this year though!


  57. John says:

    I can’t pick just one, but rather vote for the entire Prod3000 series. sad and funny all at once.

  58. Marie says:

    Congratulations! Thank you for something to look forward to each weekday.

    My favourite was Commuter Blues. Funny even though it is painfully, painfully the truth. I also very much enjoy Rocks (May 13th).

    Thanks again!

  59. Kana says:

    Roses and Screen Time are my two favorites, I think. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Keep up the good work!

  60. stikballgal says:

    My friends make fun of me because after a few cold ones, I turn into Wander Woman!! I have her taped to my computer monitor. Somehow, I always reappear when it’s time for shots.
    Keep up the great work.
    I (heart) Chickens!!!

  61. Brittany says:

    Congratulations, Doug! Wow, 5 years? How is that possible? I have followed you for the last 4 years, and I remember once spending like 2 hours going back and reading all the first year comics so I was all caught up on the savagery. ๐Ÿ™‚ My fav has to be “Movie Poster,” because… 1) You say the A-Team inspires you, and here’s proof!, 2) It reminded me of the hilarious new Chuck Norris fact book.

  62. JCF says:

    Your Shakespeare excursions are always among my favorites, but your Chicken Zombie Shakespeare really hit it out of the park. One of the best Savage Chickens ever.

  63. Stacy says:

    Happy Anniversary! and thank you for the daily morning laughs that I NEED to get through the work day. I keep the “Welcome to Hell” cartoon posted by my desk!

  64. sharon birch says:

    While I haven’t carefully compared all of last year’s comics (chances are there is something with a robot in the workplace that is really my favorite), I think I am going to have to go with Wander Woman. I get lost a lot.

  65. ramonathepest says:

    Happy Anniversary!! Gotta go with The Wrong Whip; great cartoon but some very funny comments, too!

  66. Rhonda says:

    I wish I could pick just one. I’ve linked to several over the last year. I particularly loved the zombie series along about Halloween. Those ROCKED.

    And I am an avid coffee drinker and would cherish a Savage Chickens coffee mug. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  67. Iulia says:

    I really like the one with the poet boot “Roses”.

  68. AndyT says:

    From this list? Commuter Blues for sure!
    So many faves though. Every day brings a laugh. You da man!

  69. Bob Jones, Esq says:

    Birthday Essentials from 08/28/09. I turned 30 this year, and I’m seeing the chart is very accurate!

  70. Logospilgrim says:

    Author Photos -my absolute favorite ๐Ÿ™‚

    Congratulations, and thank you for your witty art!

  71. Karen says:

    My favorite, by far, this year was the one with chicken trying to figure out how to sign his emails! Haha, I’m that chicken!

    A very close second is the one where chicken chops down the tree when the apple falls on his head! I’m that chicken too. =)

    Love this site, looking forward to five more years along with everyone else!

  72. Rich says:

    My fav is The Wrong Whip and the Calling in Sick with Amnesia..Congrats on a another great Year!

  73. Dave D from WV says:

    Wow! Thanks for the trip down memory lane (as I wipe the laughter-tears from my eyes). I’m in with you on “The Wrong Whip”; I have been thinking about this CONSTANTLY since you published it and have made multiple references to it since. (Plus I can’t stand Scientifically Unexplainable Whip.) “NSFW”, “Movie Poster”, “Roses”… Doug, you’ve still got it (though I hear they’re developing medications for it)! Cheers to The Next 5!

  74. Amanda says:

    Happy anniversary, Doug! My husband and I both check your blog daily for much-appreciated laughs. Thank you so much!

    I think for me it’s a toss-up between Coffee Is My Muse (June 3rd) and Pirate Chores (Sept 14th). =) =)

  75. Angela says:

    Yeah for another year of chickens! On a side note, do you get anything from Laura Veirs for making those wonderful videos that cause me to go buy her albums, cause you should!

    My fave this year has to be Oct 21st: The Kraken
    (followed by Dec 1st: Tuesday, Sept 9:Warning! and June 9: Volcanology)

  76. Joe says:

    My favorite was “Express your Feelings”. Twas emailed to my wife immediately.

  77. christy says:


    I have liked so very many. I have laughed so much and shared this with so many in the time I have been reading you (only about 9 months). My favorite I think is Happy Bear. I also really enjoyed Yappy dog. But there have been so many wonderful ones like the Gift of Pain. Keep at it and here is to 5 more wonderful years!

  78. Michele says:

    My favorite(s) were Transferable Skills and Gift of Pain. Anything with Chuck Norris is a “must see”. Thanks for the laughs.

  79. Luisa says:

    Can’t start the day without you. So, weekends suck. ๐Ÿ™‚

    As a writer-type person, I love “meh” and “warning”, but “insomnia” is so timely and perfect for a coffee mug!

    Thanks for all the weird looks from my co-workers. Must learn to suppress the exuberance at work.

  80. Graham says:

    Congrats on 5 years!

    My favorite from 2009 was the Zombie Neurologist.

    mmm… Brains

  81. Sarah McGuirk says:

    Movie Posters was my favorite. I always look for things featuring Chuck Norris for my little sister. She is oddly obsessed with him.

  82. Karen says:

    Congratulations on 5 great years! My favorite is Wander Woman — I have that up at work and it gets laughs all the time. I hope I win the mug!

  83. Elaina says:

    My all time favourite was YAPPY DOG….. this cartoon made me actually laugh out load to myself… in an empty house.


  84. my favorite has to be the “Warning” poetry bot… it seems like it’s my year for Dylan Thomas. i’ve seen a movie, a play and read a book about him, then up popped the SC interpretation!

  85. Adam says:

    My favorite, and it was hard to choose, is “Badass Names“.

  86. Brett says:

    Congrats Doug!!!
    I’m a long time fan!!
    I try to talk all my co-workers into visiting!!!
    Great Stuff!!

    All time favorite has to be “Down With Conformity”!
    But to pick one from the last year, I’d have to say “Wander Woman” (Cuz I love Peggy’s Cove!!)

    Thx Doug!
    Keep up the great work!!


  87. Mantelli says:

    I love CSI:Denmark. I’ve always wanted to know where those jibes were!

  88. Stacey says:

    Congrats on the 5 years of success!

    My favorite is Cookie! from Oct 1st ’09.

    I grew up with cookie monster and somehow seemed to have married one!

    This cartoon makes me laugh!

  89. Ming. Yeah. Though it was a tough call (in particular regarding NSFW).

  90. Laura says:

    First of all, Congrats on Five Years! I’ve been there the whole time, and there are too many that I love to name them all.
    My favorite this year though, is the Ming Collector. It still makes me giggle when I think about it ๐Ÿ™‚
    Congrats, and I look forward to your continuing work!

  91. Bradley says:

    My favorite is the December 9th one, “Wishing You a Steaming Pile of Christmas”.

    I SO want that as a card for next year!

  92. Madli says:

    Happy anniversary!

    My faves are Ming Collector and The Art of Skateboarding:)

  93. Claire says:

    Congratulations! I’ve been following (subscribed) your art for quite a while now, thanks so much. A good lift to the day. So many favorites. I send a lot of the work ones to my adult twins, who both work (thankfully) in cube farms…(not so thankfully).
    I love your pirate ones, wish there were more cat ones, or migraine ones. Here’s a good one, called Inner Chicken; if I win, I’ll give it to my neighbor, whom I call Father Goose, he has pet chickens:

  94. Maggie Collins says:

    Happy 5th!
    Keep up the good work!

  95. Amanda Styles says:

    My favorite this year was definitely “Nice Try”

  96. Another Doug says:

    Favorite strip: “Coffee is My Muse”. Wait, was that ever an actual strip, or did you draw it directly on the Cafepress mug?

    Cheers & congrats

  97. Jake says:

    Congrats! I must say that “The Wrong Whip” was my absolute favourite comic. It’s the one that brought me to your site and no matter how many times I see it I can’t help but chuckle.

  98. Seth Taplin says:

    There were some really good ones this year… my first year reading the strip. NSFW really made me laugh, so it gets my vote.

  99. Ana Viana says:

    Hey! Congratulations! Your cartoons are always a fun way to start the day!

    My favorite cartoon is absolutely

    Mondays ALWAYS suck!

  100. Jamie Fox says:

    Hey there, wow, 5 years now, well heres my favorite:

    Origami Project

    definatly got me laughing!

  101. Lynn says:

    Congratulations Doug! I absolutely love your work and look forward to it each morning.

    I’m not particularly a Star Trek fan but NSFW was awesome!

  102. belphebe says:

    Doug, you had so many good cartoons this year; it’s so hard to choose.

    I really liked Easter Prank, but I would have to say that my favorite is “Screen Time”. The sad part is that it’s so true!

    Congratulations on 5 years of comics, and the book deal and videos! I’m eagerly awaiting the book release!

  103. Natasha says:

    My favorite was Spider! (August 26, 2009) I love that one so much because it is so funny and I always think that a spider will be on me or crawl in my ear when I’m sleeping.

    And Happy 5th Anniversary!! Congrats on the music videos and the book! I also love the first music video that you did, that would be my favorite video ever.

  104. Julie says:

    Should I not be abloe to see the ninja in today’s comic?

    My favorite from this past year is The Passive-Aggressive Ninja.

    Thanks for the daily laughs!

  105. Sarah K. says:

    My love of poetry and my love of sophomoric anatomical humor found perfect coexistence in “How to Get Children Interested in Writing Poetry” ( Getting that on a coffee mug would be double-plus awesome

  106. CoffeeCupContrails says:

    Nobody ever makes movies about nice demonic possessions.

    There’s a whole list I’ve starred in Google Reader.

    You’re AWesOME!

  107. Mike T says:

    Kudos Doug !! Thx a lot for making all my weeks possible, and for having so much going on, in that brain of yours, ha ha.

    My favorite was:
    Express your feelings.

    Timmy tofu Rocks, but a Timmy-Kung-Tofu would seriously rock, ho ho ho. Happy anniversary!!

  108. Philip Bembridge says:

    w00t! Happy Birthday!
    Your emails always made me smile, I never thought chickens on post-it notes would, but despite all my expectations you often make me giggle incessantly. Keep up the good work! =D

    p.s. is my favourite, simply because this IS me in the post ^_^

  109. Piraro says:

    My two faves of the last year are Wander Woman and Wrong Whip. Both were “wish I’d thought of that”s.

    Many congrats on 5 years! In the blink of an eye it will be 25. Trust me.

  110. Pablo says:

    I love “Poet Voice” ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’ve been showing it to my friends all the time since I first read it. Most days thinking about it’s a way to get ready to start a good day!

    Thanks for these five years!

  111. Mark Phelan says:

    From the last year I loved “Warmest regards“, as I never know how to sign emails and would love to be able to finish on an obscenity.

    “The Refrigerator” from 2007 still makes me laugh after all this time.

  112. Matt says:

    My favorite of 2009 was definitely “Shroomba.” Fetch me my jello musket!

  113. plauale says:

    Too many to choose from, but the ninja series made me anticipate the next day. Plus I have a soft spot for zombies and mimes (and chickens).

    So “Pirinjambie” it is.

  114. alisa says:

    As an English teacher, I’m pretty crazy about all of the poet-bots, but as fave of the year I think I might go with “Goodbye Earth.”

    Congratulations on the anniversary, and most of all, *thank you*!

  115. LuAnn Morgan says:

    You would not believe how hard it is to pick a favorite! I have enjoyed every one. I’m going to have to say, though, I probably giggle the most when I see “Wander Woman.” So, I’ll pick that one!

  116. JB says:

    Birthday essentials – Life is too short for bad wine … glad I have a bottle chilling – snow will be falling here in less than 10 hours …

  117. mickey hennigan says:

    Loved them all If had to choose guess I’d put Volcanology as I live in the islands. I hope for many more years as I look forward to it everyday!

  118. How does a person choose?

    My favorites off the top of my head are:

    Wander Woman
    Warmest Regards

  119. Richard says:

    Happy anniversary! I’m with a lot of the above people — there are too many excellent ones!

    But if I had to pick my favorite from last year, it would be “Future Poets,” followed by “NSFW.”

    Thanks for all the lols!

  120. ooh ooh – wait!!

    I forgot – Season’s Greetings!!!!

    Thank you for making me laugh every day! Keep up the good work!

  121. Jerry Davison says:

    I look forward to EVERY cartoon … but if I had to pick 2 favorites they would be “The Narcissist Test” and “Tuesday: The Only Productive Day of the Week”!

  122. Birthday Essentials is my favorite! Even if it’s not completely true for me, part of me wishes it was . . . does that even make sense?

  123. Erica says:

    Favorite is definitely a toss up — LOVE Leia chicken but as a resident also love the Zombie neurologist!!

  124. Randall says:

    Everybody Hates Me!
    September 8, 2009

    This is definitely one of my favorites of the past year, and would LOVE to get this on a mug


    Hope you continue to do this for another 5 years (at least)!

  125. EpicFail says:

    Wowww, 5 years? That’s impressive. Every morning I get to check out my chickens, totally makes my day, Congrats Doug. =)
    Here are my top three favorites:

    Love And Tolerance

    Thanks =) Good luck with the next year!!

  126. Stefanie says:

    I LOVE the ‘Life is an Adventure’ cartoon. The chicken totally looks like my husband, and I bought him the shirt with the cartoon on it because it makes me laugh every time he wears it! I actually fell in love with him when he was my boss and he sat in front of the computer all day.

    Thanks for all the giggles!

  127. Jona says:

    Congratulations! My Favorites are:
    Teddy Bear
    Pirate Justice
    Trouble at Cyberdyne

  128. Jedi says:

    Many happy returns, Doug.

    Your cartoons always bring a smirk to my day. (And, I want a mug.)

    These brought a bigger smirk than others:


    A Certain Point of View

  129. I would have said “Tigger,” but that was from last year, right? So I’m going to go with all of the “Useless Mutant” series “Wander Woman” made me laugh out loud!

  130. Krystle Kirchner says:

    Schizophrenia, although I love all the psychology and neurology posts lol. Thanks for everything doug!

  131. Igor Garcia says:

    I loved the “Stimulus-Response” and “Nice Try” but my vote for my favourite goes to “Tuesday” – the only productive day of the week!

    Looking forward to winning my mug…
    And best regards from Brazil!

  132. Andy C says:

    Good job, Doug! Keep ’em coming.

    My favourite cartoon from your fifth year has to be NSFW. I’m a huge Star Trek fan, especially TNG, and Worf just cracks me up. You captured him well. I could practically hear Michael Dorn’s voice saying, “this cartoon has no honour”.

    More Star Trek in year six, please!

  133. Adriana says:

    Congratulations, I haven’t been a fan for long but I’m already in love with your chickens!!
    My favorite will have to be the “Birthday Essentials” because that’s how I found about Savage Chickens. I was looking for a birthday joke and I found it!

  134. bruleeblog says:

    My favourite has to be Zombies of Shakespeare. Although The Map of the Brain was a very close second.

  135. Ian says:

    Gotta say NSFW, I could totally hear Michael Dorn in my head when I read that one.

  136. Piran Treen says:

    I love all the comics, since I found the website 2 years ago I’ve tried to never miss a day. Highlight of my week is knowing I have 5 days of comic (literally) genius to wake up to.

  137. Christian says:

    This is one of the funniest ones I’ve read because I grew up watching the old Winnie the Pooh cartoon and to imagine Tigger slaughtering all other Tiggers put a really weird slant on an old childhood memory. I’ve written you a bunch of times regarding your comic genius, and the breadth of posts above me, and those to follow, show what a loyal following you have…as well as a desire by all of us to get a FREE mug! You should offer 1 mug every day; can you imagine the publicity?

  138. Rachel says:

    Love your chickens, Doug! My favorite from this past year was Connect the Dots; I enjoy your philosophical cartoons :-). I can’t wait to buy your book and I wish you all the best for next year and several years to come.

  139. Amy says:

    My favorite is “Plenty of Fluids.” I quoted it every time somebody I knew was sick!

  140. Jude says:

    My two favorites are

    The Passive-Aggressive Ninja and Making Conversation.

    To pick just one, it would be Making Conversation.

  141. John in Little Rock says:

    I love Timmy Tofu like many others and my favorite of the year was the 2/11/09 post, Express Your Feelings. Keep up the great work. I’ve been enjoying it for all 5 years.

  142. I loved Tigger!

    Congratulations and really I loved all of them and look forward to getting the new one in my email each morning.

  143. Teal Cuttlefish says:

    My most recent favorite is “Transferable Skills.” I sent that one to several people.

  144. Karly says:

    Screen Time is definitely my favorite!!! It so perfectly explains my life. Congrats on the anniversary!

  145. Sean says:

    I’m really like the loneliness topics. My fave is ‘Expired’ on Oct 14, 2009

  146. Cass says:

    ‘The Gift of Pain’ was my favorite cartoon of 2009. I still walk around the house and shout out “What did you get me for Christmas Chuck Norris?” hoping for a response . . .

    And after I turned my sister onto Savage Chickens via email every morning, we laugh together regularly when we log in every day.

    You have added a new entry to the craziness of our lives – we now sign off everything with a loving ‘Piss off!’

    Keep ’em coming, Doug, your cartoons are a BRIGHT spot every morning.

    Piss off

  147. ephiny says:

    Wander woman makes me giggle something rotten ๐Ÿ˜€

    (although NSFW was a very close second)

  148. lisa says:

    Congratulations Doug! That Post-It looks pretty crowded–another couple of years and you probably wouldn’t be able fit all the characters on it, and then you’d have to do a huge poster (kind of like the one that shows all the characters from The Simpsons).

    I still love “Death works from home” and forward it to friends; it always gets a chuckle.

  149. Andi says:

    It’s impossible to pick just one favorite! I am extremely fond of the Tigger cartoon, though. Every time I revisit it I get a chuckle.

  150. William says:

    I’ll have to vote for “Tigger”.

    I always wondered about that…

  151. Ian C says:

    Awesome Job Doug! Congratulations on the well deserved success!

  152. Mike says:

    Congrats Doug, I can’t believe it’s been 5 years already! (and I’ve been following sc since pretty much day 23 or so)

  153. WnFeliz says:

    Uf… there are just too many! But, my favorites are the ninjas, the pirates, the zombies (wow, like the pirinjabie, in Something New) and star wars chickens! XD

    So, my list:
    Screen Time (Very typical xD)
    Roses (It’s the most romantic thing that I’ve ever read XD)
    Nice Try (I wanna use the amnesia as excuse xD)
    The Passive-Agressive Ninja (Is like Gandhi… But in black! Besides, the eyes of the ninja makes me laugh)
    Bon-appetit (WE MUST DANCE THE MAMUSHKA! Hahaha…)
    Zombie Neurologist (Always has the reason!)
    Clue (Logical!)
    Teddy Bear (Hell yeah!)
    Too Close (And too real…)
    Coffe is My Muse (Mine too)
    Easter Prank (a reckless one)
    Love Stats (stadistically romantic)
    Hugh Jackman (don’t hurt his feelings ๐Ÿ™ )
    Confidence (I’m the greatest too! XD)

    And my three first places: XD! The mime being stabbed always entertain me! Someway, it’s always makes me laugh… Even I choose this cartoon for my recomendation for this site ๐Ÿ˜€ KIDNEYS!!!

  154. DoubleJay says:

    My fav is “Easter Prank”, followed closely by “NSFW”.

    Thanks for 5 years of comedic excellence. I don’t know how I would survive the work week without my daily dose of chicken.

  155. Lucas says:

    Grats doug, wow five years…nice ๐Ÿ™‚

  156. Luwano says:

    Really hard to pick a favourite, but The Hook is special to me as it brings together three great things: Star Wars, pirates and Savage Chickens. Plus I simply love your Darth Vader.

    Congratulations on 5 fantastic years and thank you for the laughs!

  157. TayFinch says:

    Thank you so much for the past 3 1/2 years! I’ve been a loyal follower every day since I found you. I love the chickens!

    My favorite this year was “Calling in Sick” (but ANY of the hobbies for the lonely are incredible). The zombies also have a spot in my heart : )

    You’re doing something great, Doug. Thanks again for all this time, and all our chickens!

  158. Mary says:

    Congratulations Doug! My favorite is #6 – Badass Names

    Thank you for the laughs, please keep them coming!

  159. Laurie Ann says:

    I think “Warning” is my favorite. Can I get mug?

  160. Aviatrix says:

    My favourites from 2009:

    jan 19 – reality is stifling my creativity
    jan 29 – graph of confidence vs. intelligence
    feb 6 – tomorrow = first day of the rest of life
    april 22 – Earth: enjoy it while it lasts
    june 17 – the gazebra
    july 1st – poutine ookpik
    july 30th – Dinosaurs live in the moment
    nov 18th – risk-stability flow chart

    “Marjoram is the spice of death” made me laugh the hardest, but it’s not a coffee mug moment. Maybe an apron.

    I choose “Dinosaurs live in the moment” for a mug, should I be so lucky as to win.

  161. Noel says:

    my all time favorite is still Creepy Freud, but any Chuck Norris one still gets me laughing.
    Congrats Doug on 5 years! Please keep it up.

  162. Kristin Wood says:

    NOT SAFE FOR WORF, hands down. In fact, if you don’t choose me, make it on cafe press and I’ll buy one. But you should really choose me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  163. Josh says:

    Hard to choose!

    I linked “Roses” from my blog, so I guess that’s my fave. Close second is “NSFW”. But there are probably more I’m forgetting.

  164. Sara says:

    I work in our Communications department, so the cartoon that will forever remain bookmarked in my blog feed is… you guessed it, “The History of Communication.”

    Congrats on five years; looking forward to one day putting your book on my coffee table!

  165. Christy says:

    We’re huge Star Wars fans at our house, so pretty much any of the Darth Vader ones! Then you combine Vader and pirates – classic!

    Also “yipyipyipyipyipyip…stupid dog…..yipyipyipyip…shut up…..yes, I feed on your hate” – that’s printed out and on my fridge!

    Thanks! Keep it up!

  166. Cheryl says:

    My day is not complete without checking out savage chicken. Thank you Doug!

    As a mother of a teenage texting addict…my favorite is Letter to Santa.

  167. Amy says:

    express your feelings!

  168. Joe says:

    Apparently one of your favorites too.

  169. other alias says:

    Congratulations on 5 years!

    One of my favorites:

  170. Carla says:

    Happy anniversary!
    I’d like to vote for the Teddy Bear cartoon!

  171. willwot says:

    Mustachio Brackets

  172. Glenn says:

    My favorite was ChickenWander, from the Useless Mutants series, closely followed by ChickenClouds2 and ChickenBears.

  173. Laurie says:

    Congrats on 5 years of awesome! My favourite of this year was NSFW, but Tigger is my all-time favourite.

    Here’s to 5 more years!

  174. cheng says:

    thanks Doug! My boss got me hooked on it b/c she sometimes sends it to us! My favorite is: Badass Names

  175. LittleMonster says:

    My favorite for 2009 = Christmas Happiness.

  176. Noa says:

    WootWoot!Congratulations!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    So hard to choose, but my five favorites are:

    5. No Web Connection
    4. Screen Time
    3. Angry Land
    2. Tuesday
    and No.1, is:
    Birthday Essentials

    Thank You for making me laugh every day!

  177. Cesar says:

    Its not so easy to choose the best one…

    but i think “Survival” was my favourite from 2009!
    for you guys(so you donยดt need to search):

    Congratulations from Brazil!

  178. HeidiRenee says:

    Wander Woman made me laugh out load. I always dreamed of being Wonder Woman as a kid – turned out I’m more like the UM than I’d like to admit sometimes…

  179. Mary Ann says:

    Love the Savage Chickens! Keep them coming!
    Its always hard to pick a favorite and I’ve enjoyed rereading them all to narrow the choices. I like Gloog, but if I had to not decide on a fave it would be Decisions.

  180. Holly says:

    If that is Mantracker on the right-hand side, then THIS comic will be my favourite!

  181. anNa says:

    A very difficult choice, but the best on a mug is for sure Badass names!

  182. Patty says:

    I’d be lost without my daily serving of Savage Chicken! Thank you for keeping me chuckling and snorting in the morning. Quite often your cartoon is right on with what I’m thinking about. Maybe that test I took high school that determined I should be a poultry farmer (weird, huh?) was right ๐Ÿ™‚

    How can I possibilty pick a favorite? I love the Mr. T and Chuch Norris ones. Timmy tofu … wander woman … anything that refers to mustaches! The Prod cartoons are particularly funny but I’m a little partial to 11/4. Not only was it my birthday but I had that exact conversation with someone that week ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy 5th!! Keep up the good work.

  183. momow says:

    hey dude ! congrat’s !
    my favorite is “Awake”
    thank for being one of my favorite not-working-at-office material deliverer

  184. Micah says:

    Thanks for agreat year of really funny cartoons Doug.
    My favorite was Kraken.

  185. Dana says:

    I love your cartoons.

    “Wander Woman” is my favorite.

  186. Kamen says:

    I love Savage Chickens!
    One of my all time favourites is:
    “Money vs Science”
    it’s funny because it’s true…

    I also Love “The Plan”
    Now that’s science!

  187. Jordan says:

    Nice one!!
    Favourite cartoon has to be Ming Collector-brilliant!

  188. Jenni says:

    My favourite must be Yappy Dog from October 19! “Yes… That’s it… …I feed on your hate”

    If I was an irritatingly loud and squely small dog, I’d do just that!

  189. Kelsey says:

    My favorite was definitely badass names.
    I am never calling a bread scorcher a toaster again.
    congratulations ๐Ÿ™‚

  190. Krytalynn Jones says:

    You have so many funny cartoons! I have to say my 2 absolute favourites are…
    Spider! -
    Snowflakes –

  191. Keith Hinze says:

    I have so many favorites from this year (and the last five.) One of my tops though is ‘Goodbye Earth’:

    Any cartoon with Aliens and PuctuationMan has to be great. And it is especially poignant since I am married to a punctuation mutant hero myself.

    Thanks for the last few years of laughs. Looking forward to lots more.

  192. RogerR says:

    Happy Chickenmas!
    Thank you for all the laughs and much else. Favourites? anything with pirates, zombies, or scientists.

  193. Marco Mo says:

    haha… I love all the useless mutants cartoons… and wander woman was one of the best ones

  194. joe says:

    love a daily piece of savage chicken in my inbox

    great way to start the day

  195. Victor says:

    I think the best, and the biggest cartoon of 2009 was the Halloween Contest.
    I loved reading it.


  196. My favorite cartoons are any cartoons with Satan Chicken in them. Always spot-on.

  197. Tracy says:

    My favorite this year was “hate” because it describes quite well the relationship between me and my sister (well, we don’t hate each other, but you get the idea) –

    Thank you for the funny. You have a knack for putting what I am thinking into chickens.

  198. Jay says:

    Torture well done. Glad you’re on twitter – great work!

  199. Shae says:

    My favorite was Patrick’s Day Salute, mostly because yesterday I was watching TV and Colm Meaney just happened to be in a movie and then a show I was watching.

  200. John Lepine says:

    Congrats, Doug! Keep it up.
    Goldilocks was great, but I think Making Conversation was my favorite.

  201. Deb says:

    It has to be “Awake.” It’s keeping me up nights.

  202. Nancy T. says:

    It’s really impossible to choose, but I enjoyed this one:

  203. Jonathan says:

    Wow too many good ones… but one that comes to mind right now was this one:

    Love it!

  204. James says:

    I must admit that I loved the Art Critic. As a parent of three I wouldn’t have the nerve to do this but the temptation is sometimes great.

  205. Dandroid says:

    Thanks for the daily chuckle! Your dedication to your site brings joy to many.

    1 Ninja VS Mime
    2 Wrong Whip
    3 Easter Prank
    4 The Sunglasses
    5 Nice Try

  206. Marissa says:

    My absolute favorite: Passive-Aggressive Ninja (

    Gets a laugh from me every time I view it.

  207. Corbin Evans says:

    I love all the Savage Cartoons, but one of my all-time favorites from the past year would be The Kraken. I have a motto about people – “never trust someone who doesn’t snicker at a good butt/fart joke”. A credo to live by…no, but it makes life a little bit funnier than it already is! Thanks

  208. Mara says:

    Happy Anniversary! Your comics always brighten my day.

    I’d say my favorite is probably Ninja vs Mime. Or Happiness.

  209. Ill Bill says:

    My favorite from the past year is definately “calling in sick”. I still laugh out loud whenever I see it.

    Love all of your work. Keep it going.

  210. Elizabeth says:

    yay!! well my favorite is ”Express Your Feelings”, when i saw it just thought about send it to some people *crazy* HAHAHAHAHA
    i love savage chickens so much!! and mande some friends love it too! congrats! :DDDD

  211. Toby says:

    Gotta say mine was, “Know Your Turkeys.”
    I was cleaning up spewed tea after that one.
    Lesson learned.

  212. Dinana says:

    i love ’em all…so pick me, and pick one and i’ll be happy! Happy Anniversary! Chickens Rule!!!

  213. Michelle says:

    It’s impossible to decide my favourite – they’re all so wonderful!

    but one that made me bark out loud with laughter last week while trawling thru was Goldilocks.


    Happy 5th Anniversary – can’t wait to be in the draw for a coffee mug for Year 10!

    Love your work.

  214. Ashwin Bhat says:

    Every savage chicken joke is a rib tickler. But my favourite is Copycat. LoL. HiHiHi

  215. Big Egg says:

    Where are Mr Stinky and the Burgertron 3000?

  216. Randy B says:

    First choice:
    “Not Suitable for Worf”
    Also highly enjoyable:
    “The Wrong Whip”
    “The Zombie Test”

  217. katrina lareza says:

    my ultimate favorite is ANGRY LAND!! i love your cartoon! i want a mug of ANGRY LAND!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ congratulations on the anniversary!

  218. wunami says:

    I also liked the Sleep Disorder called Boredome one.

  219. Martina says:

    Congrats! Your savage chickens make my day – every day ๐Ÿ™‚

    My favourite is “Tuesday” from December 1, 2009 – shows my typical week, ๐Ÿ˜‰

  220. Peta says:

    Thanks for another great year Doug,

    My faves for ’09:

    Nice Try

    Pirate Marketing

    The Hook

    and Movie Poster

  221. Tim Canny says:

    I’m gonna have to choose the Most With Least cartoon. You really can’t go wrong with Timmy Tofu and PROD 3000 all in the same cartoon.

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